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"Recent news, are related to Simyin entertainment. After the CEO's death, his son is also reportedly missing. Yesterday, at 9 PM, Mr. Sim Jaehyoon car was spotted crashed, near the Sector XXX."

jake opens his eyes, feeling extreme pain in his back, like someone constantly beated him there. He winced in pain, trying to keep himself conscience. He raised his head up to focused on the tv in front of him. He clenched his fist, tied behind the chair, he was placed. His feets were also tied with a thick rope, same used in his hands.

He looked around, to find himself locked within four wall, with one having a closed door. The room was looking, really fancy for this kind of treatment. It looked like a normal seoul rented house, with so many things stuffed in a tiny space. He could see, a mini fridge, a study table, mirror and of cource a tv. But there was no bed to sleep on.

"As the largest stakeholder, Idol Kim Sunoo is expected to volunteer for the position of current CEO. But, there is no official word, cause of his long hiatus..."


The silence continued to remain in the room, as well as in Jake's mind. He took a deep breadth and turned toward, the study table again, looking straight at a familiar face in the photoframe.

"Ok, so...", he sighs again, "it was you"


"Sunghoon", sunoo knocked at the door, "are you okay?".

When he heard no one answering, he briefly closed his eyes, catching a deep breath, and opened the door.

The room was enveloped into darkness, still with so much tension. Sunoo estimated the switch and opened the lights, just to find an empty space. Sunoo banged the wall behind him, with anger and ran outside to find sunghoon.

Sunoo took a hat and mask in his one hand and the keys of his car in another. He was constantly trying to reach out for sunghoon, calling him back to back, but failed. He rushed toward sunghoon's mansion with his car, and heard his phone ringing.

"It's not the right time, jungwon", he said in the line.

"Hyung, sunghoon hyung is in company", sunoo's car hits the break.

"What?... why?", he took a u turn.

"Well, that was the reason I called. He is trying to enter the CEO nim's office, but he can't... the security"

"Look, jungwon calm down", Sunoo assured, "I'll be there in a minute"

"Just hold him for a bit"


Sunoo rushed toward the office and finds it's door open. He enters inside, and sunghoon...

"Oh, jesus", sunghoon walks up to him and hugs him tight in his arms, you don't know how much scared I was, sunoo whispers in his ears.

Sunghoon pulls apart from the hug, still cherishing sunoo cheeks with his hands. His eyes had a pain that he never wanted to share, wanted to keep hidden from every.

"I know, it's all my fault", sunoo wrapped his hands around sunghoon's wrist, "I swear, I'll fix this". Sunoo was extremely inpain, feeling guilty for being so weak. He was blaming himself for everything. His eyes were still as dry as an arid land, but not enough to hide his misery.

Sunghoon slowly nods his head, trying to assure sunoo. He help him, to take a seat, "just wait a minute, I'll get you some water".

He leave the office and stands at the door for a minute. Taking every breath around him inside his veins. He turns his neck, to take a last look at sunoo through the glass and locks the door from outside.

Jungwon informs everyone to leave early from the company, including staff and idols.

"Hyung, are you sure we are doing the right thing", jungwon ask with worry all over his face.

"We need to do this. whether it is right or not, just doesn't matter anymore"

"I'll drive", niki interrupts them and snatch the keys from sunghoon's eyes.


"Okay, almost there", jake reaches to the photo frame, looking straight into the picture inside it. Two guys, probably dating. One of them was kissing another's cheeck.

"And Kim sunoo... what are you doing there", jake threw his body to the table. The frame falls down in his lap, making him smirk.

"Okay, it's time to run"

"Not yet", he hear someone behind him.

"Not this easily", jake felt a strong force crashing his head. Blood drips down his sof hair, making him unconscious again.

"You can't go outside after discovering everything here"

The guy, wearing the mask held the frame in his hands, taking a good look at the photo and places it back in the table.


To be continued
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