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"According to recent news, Jungwon from rookie idol group, "sign", died in the encounter by police. He is reporteded to be the one, who murdered Mrs. Sim from Simyin industry and kidnapped his son, after causing his accident.

The police department have confirmed that he was suffering from ASPD, and have killed many people, while hiding his true personality with the world".

Harua was watching the news in his phone, along with his fellow members beside him. All of them, were unable to utter any word. Stuck between in their throat.

"Is it over, for us", niki breaks the ice. Jo looked at his side, with a disappointed face. "What?, I was just curious", niki defend himself.

"Of course, it's over", shotaro dive his face in his arms,above his knees.

"Excuse me", a voice interrupts them, opening the door of their practice room.


"So, is jake really jungwon step brother", niki ask Mrs. Park, while both of them were leaving the practice room. She picked niki from there, to have some words with him.

They both reach outside the CEO'S office, and open the door.

Jake was in the chair, he swinged forward, with a strange look in his face.

"Nishimura Riki", he address the blond boy, and told him to take a seat, gesturing to the chair across the glass table. Niki walks arrogantly, and sits in the chair with same ego. His manner of sitting did manage to bother jake, but he brushed that feeling off, concentrating back to his face.

"Look, I know, it's sudden but", he hesitates, massaging his temple, trying to utter the words.

Niki easily understood the uneasiness of jake, and took the initiate.

"We'll disband", he guess. Jake stays silence, agreeing his statements.

"It's fine, dude. I'm really not concerned about this crappy band or those fools out there", he try to convince himselfmore than jake.

"I was just here, to spy on the company and specifically jungwon", he say.

"And aside from this, everything was just", he pause noticing his voice turning low and soft.

"It was just... nothing", he finally look at Jake's eyes with a timid smile.

"I'm glad", Jake break their eye contact with same smile, "I don't think, I can manage to run this company. It's really not a thoughtful charity, I would like to do for my 'good for nothing father'", he piles the file with one another and stand up from his chair.

"I am planning to move back to Australia, and leave this country for good", he initiates his hands for the final goodbye.

Niki smile at himself and stand up to shake his hands, "It was good to meet you, officer Jake", he winks and give a little salute with his two fingers.


Sunghoon walks, walks and walks, until he reach in his brother's grave. His eyes emits a light, reflecting sun rays, his lips form a small smile. He puts the guitar, from his back to the ground, leaning it to the grave.

The guitar, had Jay's and sunghoon name engraved. It was the last memory, sunghoon had of his brother. He held it with him for too long, and he was finally ready to let go of it.

"As promised, You have it along your grave"

His phone ring and he checks it, "sunoo", he was already smiling so much.

"Yes, honey", he picks the call up, "I'm on my way", he walks away from the grave, away from his past.


"Honey, I'm home", sunghoon enter the apartment. He puts the snacks in his hands down in the sofa and walks up to sunoo's bedroom. Opening the door, he finds the little guy sleeping, curled up in his white blanket. He tip toe up to his side and simply stare at him, not believing that they're finally together. Without any misunderstanding, any threat or any distance. Distance which was killing him slowly from inside out.

"Are you secretly enjoying this", sunoo ask with his eyes still close.

"Yeah, totally", sunghoon join him in the bed, taking sunoo head in his shoulder, "you look really innocent, while sleeping", sunghoon say.

"You mean, I don't look innocent, while awake", sunoo raise his eyebrow.

"No, you look dangerously hot, while awake", sunghoon looks at sunoo, and slowly move closer to his face.

Sunoo initiates and kiss sunghoon's forehead, "and you look stupid, for trying this old trick", he slam his lips, in sunghoon's lips. His body hover the big man, under him and the kiss become rough with every minute.


Next, I'll upload few epilogue about past and pov of individual character's life in future.

This story, is finally over. And I had to rush the ending to avoid any futher complex issues. I really appreciate, who supported me throughtout my whole journey. I'm still, learning the art of writing and will continue to show my progress.

Thank you very much

To 'not' be continued.

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