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"Sunoo, we have 5 minutes left", heeseung inform, in response sunoo nods.

Meanwhile sunghoon was just taking a nap in a chair behind sunoo. Heeseung kicks the chair hard to wake him up.

"Are you sure, you work as a bodyguard?", hee taunts, which makes sunghoon smirk.

"Nope", he stands up and walks beside sunoo, "I just work here to protect him".

Sunoo takes his seat and leans his neck back, closing his eyes to process everything he learnt recently. Everything was becoming more complicated for him.

Suddenly his mind wind back up to the present, with the loud noises, surrounding him. He sit back straight, and change his mood quickly.

A girl sits in front of him with a fox plushie. She was wearing glasses and had long hair up to her waist. Sunoo, who was stressed out just a second ago, felt a very positive energy after seeing the excited face of that girl.

First, she introduced herself as sooha. She was in college, studying law.

"Actually, sunoo-ssi", she stuttered with a sad expression.

"I was really worried, when you had your sudden hiatus, recently. I thought, the official reason told was fake...",

She paused with hesitation, looking at all the staff around sunoo.

Sunoo noticed her fear, and held her hands tight. Looking straight at her eyes with assurance.

"But, why?", sunoo wanted her to continue.

She took a deep breathe and continued further.

"Actually, I was also in your previous fan meeting, just before you hiatus"

She folds her fingers together to gather enough courage.

"And when I was leaving, I saw..."

Now, sunoo was all aware about the rest of the detail.

"I think, I saw that you were going inside your van, when an all black guy held you from behind. It looked like, he dragged you inside another van, which was parked beside yours".

She look straight into sunoo's eyes for truth, but he remains quiet.

"This was not all", now her voice did not had a single sense of fear.

"After the van left with you. I saw your manager, he was not looking desperate at all. He calmly stood there, watching that van go away. That's why, I assumed, you were not forcefully taken anywhere. Because, he saw everything and did not do anything".

"After few minutes, he drove away from there, without checking on you."

Sunoo's head was down, the whole time. He was unable to process everything, he just heard.

"Sunoo-ssi?", the girl called his name again, "are you okay? Sorry, I was just curious because of this, that is why I shared this with you"

"I just wanted to know, the context of this", she tugs her hair behind her ears and looked nervously down.

"Well, you don't have to tell me, if you don't want to. I just wanted to help you out with you problems, like you always do with your efforts"

"If it's just a misunderstanding, I'm really sorry, for digging this so deep"

She was gonna continue more, when sunoo stops her finger which were moving with panic.

"Sooha-shii, thank you", he says with a smile.

"I'm really thankful of you", sunoo burry his face down with all the pain in his heart.

This made the girl, tear up and she pats sunoo's hair softly.


The fan meeting was wrapped up after 3 hours. Sunoo walks out, inside his car, followed by his manager and bodyguards.

Sunghoon sits beside him and heeseung start to drive the car to the company. Everything was quiet, when suddenly sunoo orders heeseung to stop the car in the mid road.

Both sunghoon and heeseung was shocked to hear him. The car stops and sunoo comes outside the car. Sunghoon follows him out and ask him about what's happening.

Sunoo doesn't respond and goes to heeseung window.

"Hyung, you can go alone", he directs, "I'll be there, after few minutes with sunghoon".

Heeseung knew, he will not be able to stop sunoo, so he agrees and drives ahead.

Sunghoon was annoyed, because of Sunoo's ignorance. He held sunoo's shoulder tightly, facing him with fuming eyes.

But sunoo was not afraid, he still looked calm. He took a few breadth and with force removed the grip of sunghoon's hand from his shoulder.

"Don't act like a mad dog, if you aren't capable of smelling the blood", sunoo taunts.

Sunghoon was shocked to encounter this side of sunoo, which made him step back.


To be continued
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