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Jake entered the hospital for investigating heeseung death, meanwhile both niki and jungwon were sent back to their dorm.

"Guards were up all night", jake concludes, "so, it is confirmed that no one from outside the hospitals killed him".

Sunoo nods back, "you mean, it's someone inside", he asked.

Jake turn his head, looking at the hospital's workers, "maybe".

"What about sunghoon?", jake again looked at sunoo, "how is he?".

Sunoo sighs, "he went back", he paused and touched his nape nervously, "maybe I need to check on him".

Sunoo exit the room, leaving jake behind with heeseung body.


Niki and jungwon were in the dressing room, getting ready for the shoot along with other.

Niki was done, so he walks near jungwon, who was still getting ready.

"What?", jungwon mocks niki, who was looking at him through the mirror. Niki smiled, fixing his posture, "I think, we need to talk"

Jungwon noded with confusion, "ok".

They both were still in the dresssing room, while everybody else left.

Jungwon fixed his sleeves, "so what do you needed to talk about?", he asked.

Niki moved closer to him, staring right into his eyes.

"Yesterday night... who was he?", he asked.

Jungwon smirked, and placed his hand in niki's shoulder, leaning up to his ears.

"Someone dear to me", he whispers, "why?, you jealous?".

Niki smirks back, shooting his hands up to jungwon's hairs, grabing a handful, which made his head snap back, "I hope, you aren't plotting something, behind my back"

"Because, being fooled is really more annoying than any jealousy"


Sunoo knocked the door of his apartment, and someone did opened the door.

But it was not sunghoon...

"Hyung", the girl engulfed sunoo in her arms, "how can you just not pick your phone", she starts to cry.

Sunoo pats the curly hair of the girl with a vague smile.

"Danielle, please stop crying", he pulled her away wiped his tears off her cheek.

They both entered inside, and took a seat in the sofa where sunghoon was already seated.

He looked real confused, looking at the siblings.

"First of all", danielle started, "Why weren't answering your phone, hyung?"

"Do you even know, how much me and mom were worried about you"

"Mom is alredy sick, hyung"

"You can't put her under any pressure. She literally begged me to leave her and visit you", danielle was holding sunoo's hand, rubbing softly.

She calmed dowm, after scolding for another few minutes and looked at sunoo's eyes.

"Hyung, are you okay", she was worried.

"I could never guess, heeseung hyung did all this behind you back", she sighed.

The surrounding felt silent before she side eyed sunghoon, who was quietly listening them in a corner.

"And about him", she looked straight into sunghoon eyes with a scary look.

"Is he bullying you", sunoo laugh and pats her shoulders.

"No, he is here for protecting me", sunoo explains, "Sunghoon work as my bodyguard".

"Oh, so nothing is going on, between you two?", danielle asked with a doubtful look.

I turned my gaze toward sunghoon. He looked awfully calm, expecting to hear the expected from my mouth.

"Yeah, nothing", I replied with a straight face and he didn't looked surprised at all, which somehow bothered me.


Jake sents the body for postmortem and was investigating the room, where heeseung was admitted.

"So, doctor", he took the attention of the guy wearing white coat near him. A smirk form all over his face, he quickly slammed the guy in the wall.

"How much did you get paid for injecting that drug", he asked. The guy in his grip, was surprisingly calm.

A frown form in his face and  he angrily pushed jake away from his body.

"Calm down, officer", he said, while catching his breath, "I think, you're mistaken"

"I was not even assigned to assist patients lee heeseung", he justified himself.

Jake grabbed his collar, again slamming him in the wall, "so, why were you seen near this room", Jake's eyes were piercing at the sight of the guy, looking down in the ground, with so much grief.

He didn't replied, or maybe he couldn't.


CEO Sim was driving fast, trying to escape, whatever was chasing him.

His eyes could be interpreted as terrified. Sweat was making it's way out from his forehead, dripping in his hand in the staring wheel.

His phone was continuously ringing from Jake's call, which he was not gonna pick.

He took a different route and entered a forest, driving as fast as ever. No one was following him, from behind. Suddenly, he reached near a big mansion, located in the middle of the forest. He ran out of his car, in a hurry to enter the mansion.

"You can't escape far, Mrs. Sim", a guy waiting outside the mansion, also made his way inside.

"It's time, for this case to be closed completely", he smiled, "without any witness"



Sunghoon was leaned in the sofa, without much energy, looking at the ceiling above his head.

Suddenly he felt someone joining him there, it was danielle.

He sat straight, without uttering a word. Danielle smiled slightly, leaning her head in the sofa.

"I know, everything that's going between you and hyung", sunghoon was caught off guard, hearing all this from a total stranger, that he just met a few minutes ago.

"What do you mean...", he asked with a pinch of curiosity.

"I mean, no matter how much hyung will lie to me, I'm still good at reading your face"

Sunghoon was confused, he pointed at himself to confirm.

Danielle pats sunghoon in the shoulder, assuring him with a faint smile.

"Please, don't overthink about hyung's action"

"He was trying not to hurt me, because I had a huge crush on you in middle school"

"Crazy of me for not speaking to him for 3 months straight for kissing you, which he technically didn't initiate"

Sunghoon chuckles softly, after everything started to make sense in the past. He looks at danielle and pats her hair with pure adoration.

"Well, I don't think, I have a right to be mad at your brother"

"I kinda deserve every little inch of this pain"

To be continued
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