Epilogue: Sorry

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"Pleasure and action makes the hour seem short"

Sunoo pov:

My head leaned back as he moved further with his mouth, his hands gently landed me in the edge of the sofa. I was too busy in feeling his tongue inside my teeth that my eyes were barely open. He looked uneasy but desperate. His other hand was tightly holding my waist, like I would run if he will let go.

"Sunoo", I opened my eyes as he stopped kissing. His face was red, and eyes were teary. His numb voice was more sexy than usual. I curled a smile, and wrapped his neck with both my hands, moving his face closer to mine.

"I think, I need time", his face was sorrowful.

I tilted my head, and held his face in my fingers, forcing his eyes to meet mine. I knew, it was coming, the moment I entered his mansion. I was ready for this, but still it's fucking hard for me to say another word.

The silence surrounded us, with only our eyes speaking in signs. He was restless, since the moment we reunited and I knew he will take some time to recover. I left him, with a suspence of his brother's death. He must have been in the investigation alone for years, building a wall of hatred everyday. A sudden day, can not break thos walls, it will take time.

"Yeah, we need time", I finally utter breaking our eye contact. I can't heal him, when I'm one of the major reason behind his trauma. I'll constantly remind him of the misery and he will not be able to move on I smiled with my painful eyes and stoop up, relasing my grip around his neck.

"You can't", his hands held my hand, throwing me back upon himself. His grip was tighter, voice heavy and eyes were in filled with rage.

"I want you, in my every time. Hard or easy, happy or sad joyful or miserable. Everytime. You can't run away from me, no matter what time it is", his words were genuine and true. His sincerity almost surprised me.

"I'll attend therapy for my treatment but you have to take care of me every second", his grip became loose on my hand, but I decided no to move even an inch.

"I know, it'll take time for me to heal but I still want to do it", his eyes meets mine and I smiled, admiring his effort. I am glad, he is not pushing me away, because I want him as bad as he wants me. I leaned my head above his chest, "I'll be with you"

His arms wrapped me tight against his body and buried his head in my neck.

"You didn't kill someone, when I wasn't with you, right?", I sarcastically asked him, which made him laugh.

"The only person, I wanted to kill was you and your stalker", I gave him a side eye.

"You were really planning to kill me, because of you think I was involved in jay hyung murder", I hit his chest with one of my hand, which made him wince, "how did you even came to that conclusion"

He stopped laughing, "well, I just needed to blame someone for every misfortune", he softly looked at my face and smiled a little.

"And you just decided to piss me off at right moment, so I blamed you for everything that happened. I just needed to rain my hate upon someone to survive that pain. But hating you was probably not any different than loving you", his response made me more curious. There was still a lot, I was unaware about him and I need to know everything tonight.

I stood up from his arms and sat properly in the sofa. He also stood and sat near me, leaning against my shoulder. He really act very clingy at  times.

"I want to know, when did you fall for me", I asked him, was it the day, "I gave you cookies and you kissed me"

He giggled like a child, "of course not, why would I fall for you, when you slaped me right after that kiss"

I nodded remembering the red mark, he got from my hands. It was really a nice and fun memory for me, "then when?"

He made this ummmm sound, recalling the past and I  curiously looked at his face.

"It was just a regular day, when I was practicing in the rink. I was late and jay hyung ended up sleeping while waiting for me", he lifted his head from my shoulder and adjusted above my lap.

"I caught you sneaking inside the rink one night", he smiled, "you were like a mouse, coming all suspicious at 1 Am in the middle of the night. You quietly took a seat behind hyung and watched him sleep like a creep", I smacked his chest, while he continued to laugh ahead. Now, that I look at past, I was a love sick creep.

"After that day, I continously spotted you in the rink, following hyung. At times, I called hyung, just to see you again. I thought You were very passionate creep. I always wondered, why am I so curious about you. I even tried to talk with you, to find out my feelings but it all got clear when you kissed me", he paused to give me another heart warming smile.

"I wanted to be the one who you will want to creep. So, I chased you as fast I can. I did my best to impress you but you just didn't paid much attention to me", he pouts, and for God shake he looks really adorable right now.

I messed with his hair with my finger, "Well my love language is creepy and I acted the same way, when I discovered my feelings for you"

He looked at my face with his curious eyes.

"After, realizing that jay hyung was not my crush but just my comfort person. I started to think a lot about you. At first, I thought it was just because of my concern regarding your life but later... I started to imagine you everywhere", I paused, as I realized it is becoming creepy but the desperation in his eyes were not uncomfortable at all.

"I used to watch your performance videos late at night. Thinking about, how you must be living was always a good distraction for me. Regardless of the horror in my life, I was happy that you were not a part of it", I paused to have a look at his eyes. Eyes that were filled with sorrow, pain and guilt. He hugged my waist and buried his face in my torso.

"I am sorry sunghoon for stopping you back there. I know you wanted take revenge so bad, you waited for that moment for so long but...", my voice was barely coming out of my throat. His grip became more tight around my waist and I could feel warm tears wetting the fabric.

"I just wanted a future with you, where both of us will be over our past. I acted selfish because, I wanted to be near you"

"I'm sorry"

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