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"Now, we would like to inform that, world star kim sunoo is officially announced in hiatus. All of his future schedules are canceled due to some health issues, reported by director Sim.

Fans are showing their concern by writing various fan letters...."

Jungwon was watching the news, related to Sunoo on his phone, when suddenly their instructiors interrupt him.

"Okay, guys gather around", Mrs Park commanded.

Jungwon and few other trannies came closer to listen, when they saw a new boy beside their trainers.

His hairs were unusally, colored blond and black, while his small eyes were covered with old fashioned rectangular glasses. But anyway, he was looking cool to jungwon even on those normie danims.

"Today, we have a new trainee with us", Mrs Park turned to that tall guy with a weird smile.

Mrs park gave a smile to him, and then to them, giving a sign that they should get along with this weirdo.

The instructor left the room, and all the trainee jumped at the new guy, asking numerous questions.

Jungwon, jumped first taking the hand of the new guy on his own hand and ran out of the room.

"Sorry, guys i need to show him our bathroom", he smiled before slamming the door of the training room.

Jungwon was curious to know about this guy, cause it's not easy to enter among "dive company" trannies who are officially gonna debut next month.

He took him, at the company's bathroom, which was huge enough for their peaceful conversation.

"Ok, I know, it's rude of me to drag you here so suddenly but", jungwon paused when he noticed that the weird guy was smiling looking at hand..., which was attached to his own hand.

Then he quickly let go of his hand and ruined the focus of spec's guy.

"Ok, where were we?, yeah", jungwon continued, "I dragged you here because i wanted to talk to you without those DRAMATIC people".

"So, first we should introduce ourself", jungwon smirked.

"I'm Yang jungwon, 17 year old. I've been a trainee here since 2 years", he introduced, "Now, your turn"

The weird guy who had his whole attention on jungwon, patted his hair with a warm smile, which made jungwon kind of uncomfortable and he pushed his hands off his hairs.

"Oh, aggressive", the weird guy teased.


Sunoo had his eyed closed, but he was unable to sleep. That voice was keep ringing on his head.

He kept mumbling to himself, when the his door opened aggressively. It was him again, Mask guy.

"Kim Sunoo, on hiatus", still the same familiar voice for sunoo, "I guess no one is gonna escape you from here"

He came closer to his bed and threw the blanket off sunoo's face.

"I know, you are awake. Stop pretending", sunoo opened his eyes still filled with the rage.

"You can keep me like a doll here, but your desire will not be fulfilled", sunoo hissed, "no matter what"

"My desire?", the mask guy took a seat on sunoo's bed, "what are those"

"The only desire I've left is to kill your pesonal guardian", the mask guy smirked.

"Heeseung hyung", sunoo whispered to himself.

"Why, do need him? When all you wanted was me", Sunoo panicked and pulled his collar, coming closer to his face.

"I know these eyes, it's like I've seen them more than once", sunoo thought, he moved more closer to him, ignoring his whole situation.

"His eyes remind me something, of someone...", sunoo had goosebumps all over his body, when his hands removed the Mask in front of him.

It was a face, he did not expect. Those eyes, he admired the most, those lips, he never much heard speaking, that face he can never forget.

A smile curled up on the guy in front of sunoo. It was an evil one.

"Okay, now that was some reaction, I expected", he smirked looking at Sunoo wide opened eyes.


(The above guy is the guy everyone expected)

Park SunghoonInternational ice skaterAge: 23

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Park Sunghoon
International ice skater
Age: 23

(And the weird guy, who wear specs)

(And the weird guy, who wear specs)

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Nishimura riki
Age: 19

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