Epilogue: Trouble

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Time: when Jungwon ran away from home.

"Hyung", I heard jungwon's voice from outside.

I threw the cigarette down and stepped on the burning end. I walked outside the room to open the door.

"Yaah!, why are you without umbrella", he was damped from the rain. I took him inside as his whole body was shivering.

This kid was my previous neighbor, in the slumb. We share a dirty past, filled with filth and resentment.

"Aren't you going to explain anything", I broke the ice as he wasn't showcasing any efforts to talk.

He didn't respond. He clenched the sofa's corner with both fist. His hair were still dripping in his hands.

I stood up and grabbed few change of clothes.

"Wear them", I threw them onto him.

"You will not throw me out, right?", his eyes were rather pitiful, but no sign of weakness was there. Just emptiness.

In revenge, I also didn't respond. He changed his clothes and came out in my clothes, which were too baggy for him.

"Now, cook", I demanded. I am not gonna throw him out because he is not a complete trash.


"I am going to school", I tied my shoe laces and stood up to open the door.

"So, you better do all the house work", he nodded.

He is being really useful. He can cook, wash, clean and obey me. Perfect.

I entered the school, and a hand approached me from behind.

"Jay yaa", his arms wrapped my shoulder.

"Heeseung hyung", he smiled looking at me. He is the only person, who genuinely feel happy to see me. He is my only friend, only one who I'll always trust.

"What do you need, now?", I can tell by his tone that he need something from me. He gave me an over smart smile and tightened his grip over my shirt.

"Your shirt", he pushed me out from my shirt and ran ahead with it.

I just realised that he is not in uniform. Probably stayed out late at night.

"Jay", I ran behind him, "You brat!, give me my shirt back"


"Jungwon", I entered inside my home. He didn't answer.

He went back?, I repeated again to confirm.

"You will help me, right", I heard some adult's voice from the living room.

I tip toed to eavesdrop.

"I need you, son", his voice was rather soft but demanding.

"I'll think", I finally heard jungwon. He is inside. What the hell is he doing inside with...

Suddenly, the man stood up, which startled me. I hide myself behind the stair. I could hear the man footsteps faiting down with each step. He is leaving. I quickly sneaked inside the living room and closed its room.

Jungwon was freezed in his spot. He was zoned out.

"Hey", I called him.

"Who the fuck was he?", I asked the most important question.

He didn't answered. I was tolerating all his silence up until now, but not anymore. This is my house and he is supposed to feel grateful for my kindness. But his silence is not showing any sign of gratefulness but signs of a total jerk.

I walked over to him and grabbed him by his collar. I am angry so obviously, I smashed his body in the wall behind with force.

"You better open this mouth of yours or else, it will be unable to open for the rest of your life", he was not resisting my action. On top of all, he was barely paying attention to me, like he was still in another moment.

I took a few step behind and raised my hands to slap the shit out of him. I need his full attention, right now.

The pain took over him, as he raised his face. Now, he is looking at me just fine.

"He...", his voice was too low.

"He is my biological father", now, everything make sense. This bastard was supposed to be fatherless like me, but I guess his blood is luxurious.
That rich old man was his father.

I took a deep breath.


"He will accept me if", he hesitated but I can clearly guess the rest.

These rich assholes are all the same. They give us a hope for escape in return for their dirty sceme.

"You need my help?", I asked.

He didn't responded but now, I can interpret his silence.


To be continued
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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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