Nishimura Riki

793 43 3

"We can't open this here", heeseung warned before ahead, "what if there is something dangerous inside".

But Jae yoon ignored his warning and took the pakage in his own hands.

"Don't worry, I'll take the risk", jae yoon rushed his hands to open the pakage, when suddenly heeseung snatched back the pakage.

"We need to submit it in the police department", heeseung suggested, "they will investigate this matter".

"Matter? Then, what about our matter", jae yoon smirked.

"OUR", heeseung repeated to confirm.

"Yeah, our", he confirmed, "we are both responsible for finding your holy idol".

Heeseung sighed.


Heeseung and jaeyoon were both sitting in a nice cafe.

"Okay, first introduction" jae yoon snapped heeseung.

"My name is Sim jae yoon, usually addressed as Jake. I was in Australia for most of my life, so I'm pretty bad at korean. I like ramen and lego. And yeh, I'm the one and only heir of my dad's company", Jake recited in a breath.

Heeseung was only interested in two facts, first, Australian and second, heir.

"Ok, now your turn", jake looked at heeseung with his puppy eyes, "tell me something about you".

Heeseung looked outside, avoiding the eyes of jake, and spoke.

"My name is Lee heeseung, widely addressed as Manager Lee of world's top idol Kim Sunoo",then he again started slurping his iced americano.

"That's all", Jake complained.

"What do you do for work", heeseung asked ignoring Jake disappointments.

"Me?", jake pointed at himself, "I'll let you guess it".


"Master, we did not find anything suspicious for the past 3 day", a guy informed bowing to the masked guy.

"Don't worry, he'll be here soon", the mask guy smirked, "how long can he be separated with his precious"

"What about him?", the mask guy asked, "is he dead?"

"No, master", the guy disapproved, "he just passed out due to excess blood lose".

The masked guy opened his mask and showed his annoyed face.

"He needs to be lured here fast or it'll be all useless".


Sunoo was lying on the bed but was unable to rest. He had his mind in the voice he heard. He knew, he had heard the voice of the masked guy somewhere else. But because, they didn't had much conversation with each, he was not able to recognise his
Voice. He was all mixed up with these thoughts when suddenly a different feeling striked him.

"I wonder, if Manager lee is looking for me", a tear left his eyes and rolled down his cheeks, "he should give up and find someone less troublesome than me".

Then he quickly rubbed his tears with the blanket.

"He should stay away from this matter, or else he will end up dead"



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"The guy" mentioned above

Nishimura riki
From japan
Work as an assistant
Background: none

To be continued

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