I know you

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"What do you mean, he was not there", an old man shouted in anger.

"I was just behind him, and he opened the van to go inside, but then...", heeseung hesitated.

"Then he what, just disappear in thin air", CEO blurted, "Mr. Lee, I warned you to use bodyguards for every events, so how did this happened?"

Heeseung didn't respond, which made the old man more frustrated, and in anger he threw  his smart phone at heeseung.

But someone else grabbed it in air, with one hand. Heeseung had an eye contact with that young man,who smirked at him. Then the guy with blond hair faced the ceo, and moved in his direction.

"Dad, I told you not to throw your stuff this easily", he handed the old guy the phone back, "I just gifted you this model on your birthday, how can you just throw it randomly".

"You are right, son, the ceo rubbed his forhead, "I just lost control, over this matter".

Heeseung, who was not at all included in their conversation tried to escape, until the blond guy again faced him.

"About your matter, dad", he smiled, "I'll find your idol, with this cute manager".

"Cute, me?", heeseung repeated the words inside his head.


"I knew, it was gonna happen", sunoo thought after waking up at a strange room, "sooner or later".

Sunoo, who just woke up from a very long sleep, found himself in a huge room. The room was unually very normal, with normal lighting, things and structure.

"Strange", sunoo said, "it's don't look that creepy, like i imagined".

Suddenly he heard someone's footstep coming the room, so he closed his eyes to pretend asleep.

The door opened and the step came closer to sunoo's bed, and a voice whispered in his ears.

"I know you are awake. Get up", the voice paused, "NOW".

Sunoo got up, startled by the deep and loud voice. His voice was somewhat familiar to sunoo, but he was unable to recall it.

He was in an all black outfit, with a mask, which covered his entire face.

Sunoo's eyes were fuming with flame, it was his anger for past 6 years.

"So, finally you showed up in front of me", he smirked, "after all your hide and seek games"



Blond guy, Mentioned above

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Blond guy, Mentioned above

Name: Sim jae yoon
Son of the CEO, of sunoo's company.

To be continue
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