run part 2

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Niki sigh for the 10th time, "hyung, I'll go up and check on him"

Sunghoon don't respond, making niki more annoyed. They are waiting outside jungwon's apartment, who wanted to grab few things, before leaving for their plan.

"We will wait for 10 more minutes", sunghoon said checking his wrist watch.

After few minutes, jungwon waves his head, walking up to the car. He enter inside, with a bag in hand.

"You were taking this long because of changing clothes", niki taunts.

"And I needed to take a bath because I was drowned in sweat by practice", jungwon explained, "but how will you know, you are a dirty prick who slacks off all the time"

"It's because I'm already perfect, I don't need to practice..."

"Stop this shit", Sunghoon growls at their bickering, "we are not in the position to fight each other"

They both quiet down, and the car drives toward their destination.


Jake opens his eyes again. This time feeling even more pain than before. His forehead was covered with his own blood, sticking his hair with it. He winces in pain, unable to scream. His mouth was covered with a tight tape. He was barely holding himself from drowning in deep darkness, until he falls right into it.


Sunghoon's car stopped near the mansion, where Mrs. Sim died. All of them gets out of the car, watching it from outside.

"It looks perfect for murdering an old hag", niki comments, earning a smack in his head from jungwon.

"It's not the right time, to act jerk"

They enters inside the mansion, tiptoeing carefully. They were in alert, for any dangerous waiting inside.

There was still blood in the whole floor, going all up to the stairs. They followed the marks, and ended up entering outside a room in the last station of the corridor.

"Hyung, are you sure, we should enter", jungwon asked, "what if something dangerous happens"

"Too late for any withdrawal", niki grab him by his wrist, inside the room.

The room was engulfed in darkness, with dead silence. They tried to switch on the lights, but failed.

"Hyung, lights not working", jungwon informed.

Sunghoon laid his eyes on the wooden table infront of him. He comes closer to it, trying to figure things out.

"This blooded hands mark...", niki touch the surface of the table.

"There's something here", sunghoon starts searching the table's drawers.

"The last one...", he turned around at niki.

"It's locked", niki nods at him, "I'll search, if it's around", he starts to search through the room.

Sunghoon picks few documents in the above drawer, trying to find any sort of evidence.

"No, shit", he curse inside his lips.


A loud bang make sunghoon flinch, he slides his hands inside his back pocket and grab the gun, he hid there.

"Niki, are you okay", he moves ahead in the darkness.

"Hyung", he hear jungwon sob. Moving closer to his direction, he finds jungwon standing right beside niki's laid body. His hands were covering his whole face, his cries were... too familiar.

Sunghoon move closer to them, and bends down to have a look at niki. Blood. He was bleeding. A sense of trauma grips sunghoon tight, remembering every wound he tried to burry. His trembling hands tried cherishing until, they stopped at midway. He tightens his grip, closing his eyes for taking a breath to continue everything he planned.

"For now, we have to look for the key", he stood up with a straight face.

Jungwon was speechless, he slowly nod and turn around.
He was still confused, his mind was barely calculating everything he saw.

"Aah...", he suddenly feels being shot from behind and fell right in the floor.

"Hyung, I'm done pretending dead", niki rise up from his deep sleep. "Do you even know, how much he could have hit me, if I wasn't prepared for this from the start"

"Drop your act", sunghoon commands.

"Yes, master", the sass wears off the boy's body. He walks up to jungwon's body and bends down to have a better look.

"It's such a pity", he pats jungwon's hair "you ended up just like my pet cat"



Sunghoon rushed inside the company and unlocks the door of the office.

He takes a deep breath, after finding sunoo in the same place, sleeping so soundly. He walks up to him, and bends down to his one knee. He fix sunoo's shirt, which was showing his entire collarbone.

"I swear, I'll let anything more happen to you"

"This time, I'll make sure to bite them off their deed"

He comes closer at sunoo's face to steal a kiss, when is backed down up to the floor in his knees again. Sunoo's hands were in sunghoon's collar, with a untouchable strength.

"Slow down, darling", sunghoon jokes with a smirk in his face, "you can hurt me, with this fine gaze of yours"

"Sunghoon, you are not allowed to play these dirty tricks at me", sunoo pulled sunghoon hair backward with his abother hand.

"Understand", sunghoon nods with a proud smile.

"Of course, highness"

Sunoo ease his grip from him and engulf him into his arms, coming into his own knee. They were both in each other's misery, enjoying every shit of it.

Sunoo pulls away from and cherish the cheek bone of sunghoon softly with the tip of his fingers. His eyes were looking extremely miserable, hunting nightmares of loosing anyone else close to him were making him loose his bed. He grip sunghoon jawline with his palm firmly and lands his lips onto sunghoon's lips.



The information of the documents sunghoon found in the drawer: it was a form of jungwon, filled by him and the handwriting was similar. It was the same as those orange letters, which used to threaten sunoo.

To be continued
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