Orange letter part 2

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My whole day went, looking out of the window. Jay hyung is really good at almost everything. I always watch him play soccer at this hour with his friend, but today, I'm looking at someone else.

Park Sunghoon, a year older than me. He looked a weirdo to me, at first, but...

"Kim sunoo"

But now...

"Kim sunoo"

He look more like a confident weirdo.

Sunghoon kicked the ball hard toward the goal and looked up.

*Damn, did he just smiled at me?, I mumbled to myself.

"Excuse me, kim sunoo shi", a loud voice, banged my desk with the heavy book.

I stood up in front of my teacher, and bowed continuously with rapid apology. But guess what?

I'm still here, outside my classroom as a punishment.

But I wonder why he smiled. Yesterday, he even flirted with me. Is he serious?


I was walking in the corridor, when I spotted Jay hyung. I immediately hid my body behind the wall and just dicided to stalk my crush for few minutes. He was opening an orange letter, probably a love letter. I'm not worried, he'll throw it out as usual.

Then I noticed his expression changed dramatically, after reading something inside that letter.

The panic in his eyes was something, I've never noticed before. He quickly looked his surrounding and switched his facial expression.

I jumped out of the wall and called his name.

"Jay hyung", I waved at him and he quickly stuffed that letter in his locker.

He smiled and waved back at me.

"Sunoo", he took few steps ahead toward me.

I wanted to ask him about that letter but I think...


I exit the school, after it was over for practice. I was peacefully gonna wait for my mom to pick me up, when an another car stopped right in front of me.

When did he even changed, that's the first that came to my mind.

"Come, I'll drop you", sunghoon offered me with his lame smile.

I looked at him for few minutes in silence and 5hen continued to walk past him.

He reverse his car, to follow my step.

"Hey, I'm just helping you", he started to explain, "you'll be late, if you'll wait any other second".

I paused and leaned my arms in his window, "what's you problem now", i asked, "why are you doing this"

He moved closed to the window, right in front of my face and looked straight into my eyes.

"Nothing, just trying to impress you", he smirked.

"So... are you impressed?"

"I am willing to be your driver, if you'll just accept me as your lover"


"Ok, I'm going in, my driver", I bid my goodbye to the guy, who just took my heavy punch in his already bruised face.

He didn't replied because of his condition.

I went inside, waving at him with a "warning smile".

I saw jay hyung with...

"Jay hyung", I called him out.

He turned his face toward me and stuffed few paper inside his pocket, which he was showing jungwon before.

I reached near them and looked at their panic, like they were hiding something from me.

"Do you know, each other", I asked jungwon. He didn't replied.

But jay denied.

"No, actually...

"I was here to meet you, and just asked him, about you", he stuttered.

Clearly lying.

"Me? Why", I asked.

Actually, it was because I...

"I needed someone to go along with me, to repair my guitar"

Again lie.

I smiled, "why not, I'll come"

The whole time, jungwon didn't spoke a word, which was unusual for him.

Jay hyung left the company, after few more conversation and jungwon and I continued to move back to our practice room.

I wanted to ask jungwon about those papers, but he looked kinda stressed so I decided, not to.

"Is he still your crush", jungwon asked me out of the blue.

I couldn't reply, but he still understood and gave me a vague smile.


To be continued
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