loss of sight

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"Why did you wanted to meet me", heeseung asked the person, showing his back in the chair in front of him.

"Well, Mr lee", jake replied, "as you know, I'm in charge of this company for few days"

He turned, with his chair and looked straight into heeseung eyes, "so I hope, things will go according to me".

Heeseung chuckled, "ofcourse Sir, as you wish"

"I'll make sure, you'll be the decision maker in every action", with this, he exited the office.

*I'll make sure, you'll in my grip, Mr lee.

Jake dialed a number and spoke with his sweet toned voice.

"Yes, he'll participate"

A smile curled up in his face.

"Ofcourse, he is free".


Sunoo woke up from his bed and looked at his phone. It was 6 am, still dark outside.

He tried to get up from his bed, when he noticed sunghoon hands were gripping him tight. He faced him and tried free himself from his grip, but instead he got pulled more closer to sunghoon's body.

"Fuck", he no longer resisted, "why are you doing this to me, just leave me alone".

After half an hour, sunoo again woke up, Now without any grip. He rubbed his eyes and looked beside him, just to discover an empty space.

Suddenly, he heard loud noises from his kitchen.

*Who is there, so early.

He took slow steps toward there, when he saw...

"What the heck are you both doing here"

It was sunghoon, filled with flour and heeseung, holding a pan in the air. They were both shocked to see sunoo or more like embarrassed.

"Sunoo, how did you wake up", heeseung walks toward sunoo, still with the pan in his hand.

"We didn't speak, in case you'll wake up".

"Yeah, I didn't woke up because of your voices, but definitely because of the noises, you were making while silently arguing" sunoo sighed and took the pan from heeseung's hand.

Sunghoon, whose hair were now dirty gave a dumb smile to sunoo, who was coming toward him.

"What were you both doing in kitchen".

"Making myself a toast"
"Making breakfast for you"

Both answered together.

"How about you two leave and I'll do both of the task", sunoo suggested, while putting the pan in the stove.


After eating the breakfast, they reached their company.

Sunoo was called by the director for his future schedule and rescheduled fan meetings.

"So, your fan meeting has shifted to next week and these are your plans for the next week", jake gave him the document and heeseung took them with him.

"So... I wanted to ask you this", jake crossed his finger with a seriousness in conversation.

"Yes", sunoo approved.

"Mr. Lee, do you mind. If I would speak with sunoo alone for few minutes", jake complained about heeseung, standing beside sunoo.

"No, ofcourse not", he denied with an obvious fake smile.

Heeseung pats sunoo's shoulder and smiled toward him.

"I'll be outside. So...", he told sunoo with an assured smile.

Sunoo nodded.


"So...", jake stood up from his chair and turns his whole body, started his conversation.

"As you know, sunoo-ssi. The company was suffering from a major loss, due to your disappearance"

Sunoo was already aware of this situation so...

"I'll take the responsibility", sunoo admits.

"I'll donate my own money, for all loss", he tried to convince.

Jake faced sunoo and a smiled curled up his face.

"First, you need to listen the whole thing, sunoo ssi", he directs with his slow piched voice, which silent down sunoo completely.

So, with the increasing loss. The CEO gave your manager the responsibility of finding you. Later, I also joined this hunt, where we came across a pakage, left outside your manager's house.

"Pakage", sunoo repeated with curiosity.

Jake walks back to his table and graps an envelope with few photos.

"This one", he slides them toward sunoo.

Sunoo opens the envelope and saw his pre debut photos.

"But they're..."

"Yes, they were never uploaded by the company"


To be continued
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