Bodyguard ?

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After the recording, Sunoo was immediately called inside the CEO's office. He entered the room with heeseung following him. He took a step inside and saw the CEO Sim standing up for him.

"Mr. Kim Sunoo", Mrs Sim addressed, "come, take a sit", he gestured him.

Sunoo took the seat, while his manager stood beside him.

"Mr. Lee, I'll appreciate if you can excuse us for few minutes", Mrs. Sim requests, looking at heeseung with a calm voice.

Heeseung nodded and bowed infront of him, "of course, sir", he took a last glance at sunoo and patted his shoulder before exiting the room.

After a minute of silence, sunoo took the initial to start their conversation.

"Sir, I can explain myself", Sunoo hesitated, "it was just..."

"You needed a break, for your metal health", Mrs. Sim interrupted, "You just need to make this statement".

Mrs. Sim looked straight at sunoo's eyes, "I know, you're no fool, to create any drama in front of public, so let's pretend it was just a break. nothing else".
He contined, "and to avoid such problems in future, you need to hire a personal bodyguard".

Sunoo was not surprised looking at his reaction, he just agreed with a satisfying smile and left the office.

Heeseung, who was waiting outside for sunoo, leaning against the wall, followed sunoo after his exit.

"What did he say?", heeseung asked.

"Nothing, just to cover up", sunoo replied.

They both sat near a vending machine in the company, "So, when will be this conference", sunoo asked taking a sip of his coffee.

Heeseung, who was looking at his tablet answered, "It's tomorrow morning, at 10 AM".

They were both sipping their drink, when someone joined them from behind.

"Oh, Jungwon", Sunoo stood up, and hugged him tight, ignoring the creep beside him.

Heeseung also stood up and both Jungwon and niki bowed at him.

"Hyung, why didn't you call me throughout your break", Jungwon pouted.

Sunoo touched his neck nervously, "actually..."

"I'm sure, he was not given his phone during his break" Niki interrups in the middle, "right, hyung?", he smiled.

"Hyung?" Sunoo repeated in disbelief.

Both were looking at each other, without breaking the eye contact, sunoo was still unaware about niki's plan. He was confused to find niki inside his company as an idol. He was worried about Jungwon, who can get hurt because of the ghosts of his past.
The awkward silence was killing the other two, unaware about them. Jungwon gave some signals to heeseung to do something for breaking the ice between niki and sunoo.

"Ok, kids enough", heeseung locked his arms on both, niki and jungwon's shoulder and dragged them away, "Now, lets visit Mrs. Park", he shouted waving at sunoo.

Sunoo smiled at their direction, and sat back on his place, continuing to sip his coffee. He leaned his head behind, closing his eyes, "Soon, he will be here too", he reminded himself of the previous few nights, he endured.

A flashback ran inside his head of the night, he had that conversation with Sunghoon.

《Two days later》

"You'll be released tomorrow, so enjoy youself here for a day", sunghoon whispered in sunoo's ears, "from tomorrow onward, only destruction will be on your way".

Sunoo was well aware about the destruction sunghoon was mentioning. He was well prepared to face that destruction, "What do you want me to do", Sunoo asked looking straight at sunghoon's eyes, "to lure him out, for you?".

Sunghoon leaned forward, brushing sunoo's hair, "exactly".

He moved back with the same smile, "ofcourse I'll be close to you", he assured, "enough close, so you won't be able to play any dirty tricks on me".

Sunoo snapped back to present after hearing his phone ringing, he stood up from his place, after seeing an unknown number call on his phone, he answered...

"Where are you?", he asked.


"Wait, I'll pick you up", Sunoo ran outside the company.

After 5 minutes, he reached, the front door of the company, he saw niki talking with an another figure, wearing black glasses.

He ran up to them, and dragged the guy in red leather jacket, aside with him.

"How can you show up here, like this", sunoo screamed.

Like what?, sunghoon teased, "like a star?" He smiled after taking an over all look at himself.

Sunoo quickly gave his mask to sunghoon, for hiding, his celebrity face.

"You can't be my bodyguard with this outfit, you need to change", sunoo suggested, "like right now", he confirmed nodding his head.


Name: Park SunghoonFormer ice skater Hired by Sunoo as his future bodyguard

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Name: Park Sunghoon
Former ice skater
Hired by Sunoo as his future bodyguard.

To be continued
Comments are always appreciated

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