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"He is not in his apartment, in his company or even with his annoying sis", jake conclude.

"Jungwon can be behind all this", niki include.

Sunghoon had sunoo's phone in his hand, which he left behind. They could easily track him with this, so it must be intentional, he thought.

He unlock the password, with just one trial, and come across his wallpaper, which almost made him smile. He check the recent text and calls.


"Hyung, this place looks really scary for a kind kpop idol like you", jungwon turns toward the guy sitting infront of him.

"You are really a pro, when it comes to acting", he tease.

"Kim sunoo, a genius idol with angel voice", he address, "and devil personality. This knife suits you better than any mike", he mocks with an evil smile.

Sunoo, who was just sharpening his knife in silence glance at his TARGET tied in front of him. His eyes were almost lifeless, unable to react or be bothered with jungwon's crap.

He stand up and place the knife above a car. They were in a garage, totally empty. The lights were dim, barely keeping the darkness subside. Sunoo tied jungwon to one of the pillars, supporting the place. He was down in the floor, hands tied, legs spread and mouth rambling bullshit. He was constantly trying to provoke sunoo, who was clearly not giving him enough attention, enough to keep him out of sane.

"Hyung, aren't you mad at me, for making your life miserable", he casually ask, without a slight silk of remorse. Sunoo do not respond, focusing on his laptop.

"Such a waste. You're really no fun", he pouts, "I was expecting a hell out of reaction from you, but you are just acting like robot in front of me"

"Well again, you are great at hiding yourself within shadows", he gave up.

Sunoo leave the device and steps closer to jungwon, making him excited.

"I just need to know, why?", sunoo speaks after being silent for so long, almost making jungwon smile with ecstacy.

"What did you gain?, what were you so afraid to loose? And what are you up for", he looked almost desperate.

Jungwon's smirk grew wider, encountering the pinch of emotions in sunoo's blunt face.

"Now, that's some progress", he compliments.

"So to answer your question", he pause for a second and locks his eyes with sunoo again.

"I had none", that's all he utter and smirk.

Sunoo wasn't surprised a bit from his response, he stood up and rushed outside the garage. His silence was killing jungwon's patience, bit by bit. He looked around himself, annoyed by the fact that he is tied yet again, from one maniac to another. He was scanning the whole space with his gaze, trying to figure something out. This huge garage, was almost empty with only few four wheelers. The whole place was filled with rust and dust, like it was not used for so long. He wonder, why sunoo had an access to such wasteland.

Sunoo enter the garage again. This time, with a certain thing in his hand. Few scraps of paper...orange one. He reach near him and bends with one of his knee, still focusing on the scraps.

"I always wondered", sunoo says, looking at the words in front of him, "that why these letters don't have heeseung's handwriting"

"I mean, he was always with me. I knew, his handwriting. Maybe he was making someone else write these letters for him, I thought", he paused for a second.

"Tell me", now his eyes were desperately looking at jungwon, "was he even involved in all this. He was the one stalking me, right?", these sudden patch of emotions were amusing for jungwon. He tilts his head, smiling at sunoo with so much adoration.

"Do you seriously believe that bullshit", he mocks, "after all he did for you"

Jungwon shakes his head in disbelief, "he was such a fool for you"

"He ended up becoming such a monster, for your presence", jungwon was enjoying the moment until his face turned straight up, with a serious expression.

"What do they even see in you", his words were spitting venom, "you are nothing, but just another pathetic being, who happen to hit the jackpot right at time"

Sunoo on the other side, was breaking down in layers. His patience, pain and anger was pilling right above each other, trying to fight one another, that who will lie against whome. His fingers were clenched so tight, that the red skin was visibly clear. His eyes... they looked confused, trying to decide, what to express and what to hide. His body was trembling from the horror, he was destined to face. He was speechless but his body was clearly not.

"I don't know", he softly answer, "I don't have any idea of who I am?", his hands were now in his head, gripping his length of bangs. His eyes almost giving up on the statement, he made.

"Sunoo", suddenly a familiar voice startle him from behind, holding his heart together from scattering down. He turn his neck, to find three familiar faces. Too familiar to make him...afraid. he immediately turn his gaze down to jungwon, who was again doing nothing but enjoy.

Sunghoon slowly takes a step toward sunoo, with so much pain in his eyes, that they were barely holding themselves to shut down. Sunoo was still to afraid to look at sunghoon direction, afraid of himself, afraid of being misunderstood. He takes few steps back, wanting to hide himself in a shell, away from those eyes. Those eyes dripping grief-weakness, that he can't afford to feel right now.

Sunghoon stops right at his place, when he notice the continuous growing distance between them.

"Sunoo", his voice too soft for his current aura.

Sunoo do not respond, but his eyes were in relief. To finally meet sunghoon's eyes. Those eyes were never cruel to him, never stopped loving him. Too good to be true. He don't even know, when he fell for those eyes. When he started to find solitude in his gaze.

"Ok, enough reunion", jungwon interrupts in between as he stood in the centre of sunoo and sunghoon.

"I also want to be part of your conversation", his hand were now free. He was twisting his wrist, to bite off the pain he had with those tied ropes, "So you guys better speak with your fucking mouth"


To be continued
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