Not an angel

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"Hyung, I have asked our manager about staying here for tonight", Jungwon was trying to convince sunoo, "And he agreed".

Jungwon gave a side eye to niki, for helping him futher.

"Hyung, I think me and jungwon, should go back", niki smirked back, looking at angry jungwon, who was ready to kill him.

"No, I can't leave you here, alone", Jungwon tightly hugged sunoo's arm.

"Fine, you can stay, here", sunoo agreed and looked at niki's face.

Niki nods back and dragged jungwon with him, outside the room.

"So, you mean...", sunghoon pause, looking at sunoo.

"Yeah, I think, they will try to kill heeseung again", sunoo's eyes laid on the body, barely breathing, "after all, it was a failed attempt"

The night grew dark, and all of them were sleeping in the hospital.

Jake went back to station for studying the case further. He was in his desk, reviewing the data in his head. He leans his head in his chair and closed his eyes to proceed everything he had discovered up until now.

*So, heeseung was not the who killed Park jongsung.

Park jongsung was investigating the guy, writing those orange letters, who was heeseung.

But those letters, how did they end up in Jongsung's hand?

One thing was obvious here, that there is a third person connecting all these incidents.


It was midnight now, everyone was in deep sleep in the hospital. Suddenly, jungwon wakes up. He stand up and looked at niki, who had his eyes closed. He turned back, when a hand grips his wrist.

"Where are you going darling", jungwon turns back, "without me".

"Bathroom", jungwon smiles sarcastically, which made niki laugh.

"Well, I was going to wake you up", he pouted, "but you looked very deep in sleep".

"Ok, let's go", they both stood up and walked in the hospital corridor.

"Yang Jungwon", a voice called. They both looked back and a guy approached them. He was wearing a doctor gown, probably a doctor.

He walks in front of them, and looked at jungwon with pure concern in his eyes.

"Can we talk for a while, in private", he indicates niki to leave.

Niki nods and looks at jungwon, but he...

Jungwon's face turned real dark. His eyes were piercing the ground, looking so uneasy. His hands were tightly gripping niki's hand, like he don't want to let go. His body was barely standing in all this auro.

The guy took jungwon's hand in his grip, taking him away from there. Niki sigh and took a seat in a nearby chair, until he stood up again and walked in the same direction, they left.

Niki was hiding himself behind a wall, trying to catch some words from their conversation.

It look like they already know each other. That guy was shouting at jungwon for something, while jungwon was just standing there still, with no response.

Niki wanted to listen so desperately that he moved a little closer to them.

"What do you mean, you aren't going back. You know how much important this is, right?"


( "Hello, I'm sunoo", I entered the club, "I'm here to apply".

Actually, I was nervous. Mom forced me to join club, because she wanted me to socialize.

"You like music", a tall guy facing backward asked.

"Not sure", I replied.

He turned back, and smiled.

"Then, let's figure it out", he handed me a guitar.

He taught me, how to play every instrument available there. I wonder how talented, he is. I ended up sucking at almost every instrument but he continued to teach me, until I learnt to play key board. I was really happy to finally show him the result, and he was more happy than me to see me play.

Hyung, you're so nice", he stopped singing.

"What?", he asked.

"I think, you are just so nice", I also took a pause from playing the keys.

"Why", he turned back, to look at me.

"You are like an angel", I giggled, and we both started to laugh. )

Sunoo woke up, hearing the loud noises. He felt a tear in his cheek, he immediately wiped it up from his sleeve.

He stood up to look, what was happening. Sunghoon walks up to him, and took his hand in his own.

"What happened?", sunoo ask looking at his eyes.

"Someone entered inside and removed his oxygen mask", sunghoon explains.

"But how? Guard were outside, right?", sunoo was confused.

Doctors opened the emergency room, and sunoo rushed up to them to find about his condition.

"I'm sorry", they said with a disappointed face, " we couldn't save him".

Sunghoon went inside the operation room, filled with extreme anger. Heeseung's body was lying dead, without any breath.

"You can't just leave like this, you monster", sunghoon grabbed his collar.

"Not before, you tell me his name, before you properly pay for what you did", he angrily shouted.

Sunoo followed him inside, but didn't stop him. He was himself devastated seeing everything come to an end, so easily. Niki and jungwon ran past him to stop sunghoon. Niki pulled sunghoon away from the body and jungwon hugged sunoo, after looking at his still body.

"Hyung, are you okay", he asked sunoo in his ear.

Sunoo didn't respond and remained still, without hugging jungwon back.

"I guess, you weren't an angel, hyung",


To be continued
Comment, if you feel bad for heeseung ( he was the stalker )


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