"Love Sign"

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"Are you ready?", heeseung asked sunoo for the last time. He reponded back with a smile and entered the stage, full of camera's flashing lights and loud media.

First, he came forward to bow in front of the crowd with a confident smile. After taking his seat comfortably, he grabbed the mike on top of the table, in front of him. He came forward and leaned closer, to take a look at the script given by his company.

"Ok, you can all start your questions, one by one" the announcer states.

A middle aged man raised his hand and stood up for his question.

"Mr Kim Sunoo-ssi, Can I have the detail of your hiatus and the core reason behind it?"

Sunoo took the mike in front of his face and answered, facing the man.

"Sir, As my company informed publically that I had to go on a sudden hiatus, due to my mental health. For the past few months, I was working very hard with almost zero time for rest, I just felt very weak after completing all of my promotions".

"So, I shared my condition with my company and for avoiding future accidents due to my health, they decided to cancel my remaining schedule".

"The reason was particularly, healing and taking a proper amount of rest", sunoo gave an assuring smile, wrapping up his answer.

After this, another hand raised from behind, it was a young girl who had an evil look inside of her eyes. Sunoo knew, only rubbish will come out her mouth, so he mentally prepared himself for her question.

"Mr. Kim Sunoo-ssi, I wanted to know your location throughout your hiatus? Because I analysed this report yesterday, where your name was not mentioned in any of the psychiatric appointments. Are you sure, you were just working on your mental health? if yes, I want to know, whose help you took throughout your journey"

Sunoo smirked, "interesting", he murmured.

"Miss...", he asked the girl's name.

"Lee Yoo-jun", she answered.

"Miss lee, I guess you were already confirmed about the reason behind my hiatus (mental health), before questioning me. After all you worked this hard to review all those psychiatrist data".

"For, your information Miss lee...", sunoo paused and displayed few paper in front of cameras, which later came on the screen behind him.

"I also have these appointment papers with me. Actually, if you'll do some research on me, you'll find out that I have my personal psychiatrist, who usually work for my family in Canada".

"Throughout my hiatus, I rested with my family and recovered throught my mental condition with 'Dr. Choi'", sunoo ha a victory smile, which he was proud to show his fans

After all the annoying questions, Sunoo finally made outside that conference stage, with his personal bodyguard and manager beside him.

Sunghoon had his whole team, assisting him to guard sunoo, which somehow reduced heeseung's doubt in sunghoon. But still something was bothering him, it was his hand.

"Sunoo, you should let go of his sleeve", heeseung whispers, "there are cameras, here".

And then sunoo noticed, he was holding sunghoon's shirt's sleeve, since he exited the stage.

Sunghoon softly, released sunoo's grip from his sleeve, "we can do this instead", he smiled and intertwined their finger together, holding his hand in his own.

Sunoo didn't smile, but he was clearly amazed by sunghoon's action or maybe... his acting.


"I'm feeling nervous", harua said closing his eyes with both his hands.

"Ok, lets see", shotaro searched "love sign mv".

"Yeahhhhh", all of them shouted, which made harua to finally have a look at their video.

"Ohhh, we're alredy at 5M", he jumped in happiness. "And it's been only 19 hours, we are really amazing".

"Childish", niki utter looking at them.

"Cute", the guy next to him said looking at that one, among them.

Niki was grossed, looking at this side of Jo. Jo was usually very lifeless, like... not talking to anyone, always listening others and not complaining about anything.

He could've debuted early, but because of his "not so interesting", characters, it took him some time to adjust with others.

But he is usually very open infront of between them, which is becoming awkward for niki.

"Why are you always like this, around me", niki questioned, "just be mute, like always".

Jo smiled turning toward niki, "why? You never had a crush on someone?", Jo complained

"I did crushed all sort of people, physically", niki said, "but i don't think that, it was all", he said glaring at jungwon, who was leaning against the opposite wall in front of him.

Niki stood up and wrapped his arms on jungwon's waist, taking a seat, right next to him.

"What are you looking at...", he paused looking at the tablet, jungwon was holding.

"Oh, sunoo hyung's press conference" he completes his sentence, "he is really cool ", jungwons smiled, which made niki feel a little uneasy.


Heejake will return in next chapter, because I already miss them

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Heejake will return in next chapter, because I already miss them.

To be continued
Comments always motivate me.

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