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Now, Sunoo was away from both staff and his manager, alone in the crowd.
He was closely watching a tiger, who was alone just like him. He was feeling the rage inside of that tiger behind the cage, because he was not any different from him. He was also behind the bars of his past, where he was caged for eternity.

The tiger was silently sitting inside that small space, which confined him from running away. He came closer to look more clearly, when he felt someone staring at him.

"Finally, here", he mumble to himself. He took his phone, to message sunghoon, when he noticed an unknown message's notification.


"Missed this look of yours. So beautiful, that I also want to cage you like that tiger."

The phone dropped out of sunoo's trembling hand, he desperately turned his neck, left and right looking for his stalker.

He was raged in anger, for being this miserable. But after few seconds, he took a deep breath, and bended down to pick his phone back, just to find another message from the same number.


So satisfying. You trying to spot me, I'm close, honey. Just few centimetres apart.

Sunoo did not reacted much this time, avoiding his text, he rushed to text sunghoon.

And suddenly, decided to ran away from there, clearly expecting his stalker to follow him.


Sunghoon was alone, inside the panda place because heeseung went away for taking a call of CEO.

A notification, grabbed his attention and he opened his phone. He had a smirk all over his face, reading the text. He escaped the place quickly not bothering to inform heeseung, who was out of sight himself.

Sunghoon arrived at the planned place and looked around for sunoo. He was feeding few monkeys, to avoid acting obvious.

He looked around for some more minutes, when he finally spotted sunoo, sitting near a tree. He slowly approached his place, noticing every detail around him.

"He is near", he smiled in satisfaction.

He looked closer at sunoo surrounding, with a distance. There was a guy, leaning against the tree near sunoo's seat. Wearing street casual style outfit, with a white mask and thick glasses, looking at sunoo's back. He had a camera on his hands, filming sunoo from behind.

Sunghoon was confused, looking at him. It was just too obvious and risky for him.

*No way, it is this weirdo, he thought.

"Where is he", he mumbled, "just placed bait, instead", he ignored the camera guy and approached sunoo from behind, brushing his hair softly.

"I guess, he ran", he sighed. Sunoo turned at his direction, with a strange fear. Sunghoon didn't understand his expression until he finally turned around to look again at the camera guy.

But he was gone, now.


Bonus fluff: ( meanwhile jungwon and niki in the set )

Jungwon was eating his icecream, while being shoot, showing his every charm.

"Hyung, you got some in your nose", niki told, touched his own nose to signal. Jungwon felt a little embarrassed in front of camera so he just smiled awkwardly, looking at niki with angry cat eyes.

This made niki giggle, he ruffled jungwon's hair, ruining the whole hair style.

"Sorry, it was just a joke", niki apologized, "there was nothing there".

Jungwon continued to eat his icecream.

"Except cuteness", niki teased, which provoked jungwon to slap his head hard.

Name: Nishimura rikiPart time: idolFull time: unknown Love: Cats and Jungwon hyung

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Name: Nishimura riki
Part time: idol
Full time: unknown
Love: Cats and Jungwon hyung

Name: Nishimura rikiPart time: idolFull time: unknown Love: Cats and Jungwon hyung

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Name: Yang jungwon
Always dreamed of becoming the top level idol.
Hates: Nishimura and riki

To be continued
Comments are appreciated the most

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