Epilogue: desperation

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"You deserve to be loved, without having to hide that part of yourself,
that you think are unlovable"

Sunoo's pov:

It ended with a bullet. In a second, everything just ended up as nothing.

I was not over with the fact, that my closest friend was the reason for my life's misery and now, I had to accept that he was dead. An arrow of doubt hits my heart, over the fact that I wanted him dead or not. A lot of happy memories were over powering the truth that he was the monster, I was targeted by.

Sunghoon stood straight, being in Jake's arms. I felt guilty for thinking about myself in the moment, when clearly he needed me by his side. I also desired to console him, embrace him and such every pain inside his heart, but I just stood there. My head lowered down, with disappointment and my eyes landed upon those letters.

I walked up to there and picked them from the ground. These letters were traumatizing for me but I no longer can sense any fear in holding them. I felt the paper in my hand and crumbled them in my fist. I was glad, it was over now, and I don't have to force myself to do anythink. I turned my body, toward sunghoon and other, but Sunghoon was no longer there. Jake told me to give a statement in police station, regarding the encounter and finally, the case was officially closed.


"Sunghoon", I called him from outside his mansion. I have been trying knock in the door for past past few hours but these guards are not letting me in. I took few step behind and sat in the door steps.

Is he angry with me. I rubbed my hand all over my face, to cool down the stress. What ifs were troubling my down soul down every minute. I was mad at myself for not being there for him, when he always have been there for me. I stood again and walked up to the door, but still he didn't open. I was constantly going back and forth for hours, because I can't give up on him again. I want him, now desperately and there will be no what ifs now.

I came to knock for  the 5th time, when the door opened without me banging from outside. Sunghoon appeared on the other side and he clearly was not in good condition. His face was dark, eyes almost red and his whole body was bearly holding him straight. His eyes were directly upon me, and I wonder if he was also scanning me in the same way.

I freezed in my spot, unable to speak anything. Just staring at him, looked enough to me. I wanted to watch every inch of him and record every single detail about him in my memory. He snapped after a moment and touched his nape, avoiding my eyes. His hands were trembling and I felt the need to hold them tight in my hands.

I sensed a panic in his action that made my heart break further but I decided to give him a smile. I took a few steps ahead toward him and finally engulfed him in my arms. His body was extremely warm, against mine, as I was out in the cold for so long. I wanted to conduct every heat inside his skin, in my body. He wasn't moveing anymore, and his hands  stopped trembling too. I rested my head in his shoulder, breathing his scent in my lungs. He always smelled so sweet, "I missed you". I missed him so much that, I can't express in any words and we were just apart for one day. It almost made me chuckle, that I'm acting this clingy. He too relaxed himself and held my body tight in the air. I liked our height difference, because it felt like I was in the sky. He dragged me inside in his room, in his arms and I felt way too much love in the air. I guess, the genre of my life is finally changing. I had my eyes locked in his the entire time. His eyes were happy but worried too, like they too stressed in the moment. I wonder, if he was fine.

He laid me in his bed and closed the lamp, which was the only source of light in the room. Honestly speaking, I was nervous for whatever could come next, but he just laid beside me and took me his grip. He softly asked, "Do you want to sleep with me?". Yeah, I knew he meant sleeping in a literal sleeping way but my cheeks were still blushing hard. His eyes closed slowly and he was asleep, few inches away from my awake body. I can't sleep, when he looks this beautiful in his sleep. This peaceful aura, he was emitting was enough for me to put aside any other task in this world.


I opened  my eyes, and found him awake beside me. Damn, how many seconds did I lost in staring at him. His eyes were looking up at the ceiling, probable zoned out. His heart was beating fast enough to signal his nervousness, I know he is preparing to say something. I tried to ignore this feeling, even though I knew it was coming right at me, because I am scared.

"You want to talk about it?", I forced the words out of my throat. His eyes met mine and freezed right into there for a moment. If I could stop time, it would be right now. My head is leaned above his bare shoulder, our body is toatally in contact with each other and his eyes are showcasing my world in reflection.

"Sunghoon", well, I can't pause the moment. I think, he zoned out again while looking at me and I had to force myself to snap him out of his mind, because his mind was probably in a dark place.

"Yeah, I think, we need to talk", I freed my self from his warm embrace and walked over the sofa, arranged in his room's corner. He followed and sat beside me with his head buried in the floor. His unsteady mind was noticeably as his whole body was trembling and feets were impatiently tapping the floor. He was looking at everything aside from me, the walls, furniture and every other detail. His nervous actions were very scary for me. I wanted to run away from his room to avoid whatever was coming out on us. His hands were trembling in fear, which made me forget every inch of my fear and I interlocked my fingers in his. His hands were still warmer than my cold onces, which melted every shred of doubt inside of me. I can't run forever from him, I'll definitely not give up on us. His face lighted up with a smile, which was enough to brighten the darkness inside my heart. He was not saying anything, but just looking at me with those eyes. I wonder, if he can sense my feeling, by looking at my eyes alone, because I can definitely can do that by looking at his.

"Sunoo", he utter the words, when I leaned forward to take every heavy word in his mouth into mine. I closed my eyes, feeling this intimate contact our lips, and it really felt like I've tasted heaven even before entering there. I just wanted to remain in that position for as long as possible. His hands touched my skin and held my face gently in the right direction. The kiss started to get rough every second and I didn't hated a second of it. He was pushed me back with himself in the corner of the sofa, with his hands lost between my hairs. I closed the distance between our body by holding his torso against mine and I could feel him smiling inside my mouth, which made me red even more.


To be contined
Next epilogue will include both sunoo and sunghoon pov

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