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Sunghoon drives back to sunoo's apartment and leave his car parked. He notice that sunoo's car is not parked in the garage, so he rushs above in the building.

Discovering the locked apartment, he kicks the door hard with his leg and rush out of the building. He drive fast, toward any place, sunoo could possibly visit.

He contacts niki, while driving, "You better not move you sight from him. If he'll escape, I'll make you..."

"I will not let that happen", niki interrupts before sunghoon could give any death warning.

Niki ends the call and turns toward the maniac, continuously smiling at him. He steps toward him and grips his hair, tuging the head back and forcing their eyes to meet each other. But jungwon still don't change that smirk in his face, eyes so excited for whatever coming his way.

"Poor, pussy. So close to your end", niki smirk trying to piss his guard off. He runs his fingers in jungwon's cheecks and close the distance between them, kissing the ears with his teeth. His another hand strangling jungwon's neck, trying to steal the only life out of his shell.

He backs off with a pissed of smile, "it seem you can't feel my majestic love, such a pity for your kind"

"My kind or our kind", jungwon tries to dwell.

"You don't seem too normal to me...", he pause and analyze the body of the boy in front of him,"just another monster. exact copy of mine"

"Well, it's not fun being normal", niki finger grips jungwon shoulder, "you can understand, right?"


Jake reopen his eyes for the 3rd time, this time due to the sudden bang, he heard outside the closed doors. He wanted to shout but, his mouth was also covered with a tight piece of cloth. He try to move his body, trying to create any short of noise.

He hear multiple doors being open with a bang and shutting off after few second. These sound of banging doors was slowly increasing in his direction until he hear a bang in his door. But his door was locked, so the bang doesn't last longer.

He desperately try to create any sound he could, and falls right down with his chair. A louder noise follows his fall, probbably of a bullet and he see sunoo with a gun in his hand. He always dispised sunoo's face but for now, he wanted to hug him right in his arms. Sunoo rush toward him and untie him.

"I can't believe, you are alive", sunoo takes a deep breath of relief.

"Don't worry, I'll always be a hinder in your love life", jake throws the ropes from his lap, "you can't get rid of me, this easily", his smile made sunoo assured and he hugged him, "yeah, you are right"

"I can't let anyone die, because of me"

*Not anymore

"But how did you even find me and where the hell we are"


Sunghoon searched the whole company but was unable to find sunoo. He was continuously calling and messaging him, and with every minute his anger was taking a hold of him.

"Nishomora riki, I need you to track sunoo's phone. Right now", he hears water splashing on the other side in the call.

"And pause your torture for now, I don't think, he is behind sunoo's disappearance"

"Yes, Sir", niki replied and pulls jungwon's head out of the aquarium.

"Too good for you", he push his body off in the chair, "I'm way too busy to play with you, now".

He ties jungwon again in the chair, and leans in his collar bone from behind.

"But I'll surely catch up with you, soon", he whispers in his ears.

"Until then rest well, darling", he pats his shoulder and leave the basement with a smile.

The room dive into the darkness and silence fills the air. Jungwon eyes pierce through the darkness, shining bright with a fire that can burn everything inside. He smirk and turns his gaze toward the table, where aquarium was placed.


Sunghoon enters back in his mansion and walks inside a room, filled with numerous technical devices.

Niki stands up from his seat and bow at him, "we have his location, master", his eyes meet sunghoon's face.

"And he is coming right here"


To be continued
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