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"Jay hyung", I knocked the door, but it was already unlocked. "I'm coming in, hyung", I entered inside the apartment

I looked around the room. The walls had those orange letters pinned everywhere. The whole space was messed up, the vase was broken, everything was thrown in the floor. It was like, someone just fought here.

Suddenly, my eyes fell in the mattress. It had someone's blood. I followed the stain, which led me toward the bathroom. I opened it's door and kneeled down in the floor.

"Jay hyung", he was laid down in the pool of blood, surrounding him.

"Hyung, what happened?", I wailed, "who did this?".

After hearing nothing in response, I lowered my head in his chest.

"What is happening here", I welped, "I really don't known, please hyung...".

Suddenly, I felt his hands, above my hairs. I looked up at his face. His eyes were barely opened and mouth was forming a painful smile.

"Hyung, you need to reach hospital", I tried to make him stand up, But he stopped me.

"Sunoo, it's not gonna help. I'm already at my end", I resisted back but his blood...

It was all over the tiles.

"Who did this hyung, is it because of me", the panic was taking over me.

I can't let him die. Why? Why is this happening?.

Jay took my hands in his own and looked at me with so much of emotions.

"Sunoo", his voice was breaking down, "Now, you need to protect yourself with all strength".

"You can't just bear with this because it'snot gonnahelp at all", I was barely understanding him, "I can just tell you, that it's heeseung hyung".

"He was the one dusting our eyes for so long. He is a fucking psycho, who was stalking you all these time", I was again thrown into another dilemma. What is Jay hyung, trying to imply. Heeseung hyung did this? He was the one writing all these letter to me.Is he the one, who killed Jay hyung?, all these questions were revolving my mind.

Jay hyung tightened his grip over my hand, which snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Sunoo, I know it's all so sudden for you. I never wanted you to experience all this, because...", deep down, I didn't wanted to hear his next word.

"Because, I always considered, you my real brother. I wanted to deal with this myself, without letting you know but I did this all wrong. I was too careless and...", I could see, how much pain he feeling right now.

"Heeseung is the one stalking you, but it's not just him. You are in danger, because of someone else. Someone more dangerous than him, he can go to the extent to kill you", he touched my cheeks softly with so much affection.

"You need to find him, sunoo. You need to play hard to catch him", he warned.

"Sorry, I couldn't protect you until the end", his tears were his last memory in my head.

Then, suddenly I heard someone opening the door of bathroom. He was shocked to see everything and frozed there for a second.

I was glad, that it was him.

"Sunghoon, thank god. You're here...", suddenly, I looked back at Jay hyung's body.

What am I doing? This is all because of me. He died, because he tried to protect mr. I can't let this happen again, not to anyone, not to sunghoon.

He was terrified. His eyes were in verge of bursting. He lost his brother because of me. Yeah, I'm the reason. How can I think, of sharing my shit with him, after all this. I was really ashamed of myself, for being glad just a few minutes ago. I can't let this happen again. Sunghoon was calling jay hyung back, with continuous failure.

Suddenly, he looked at me. It's the end. He'll probably think, I killed him. Right now, I'm covered with jay hyung's blood, there is no point in explaining myself. These thoughts were roaming all over my head, I was scared. Scared of telling him, that I'm the reason, behind his brother's death.

I couldn't speak a word in front of me.

After the ambulance, police officers approached me. They asked me several questions but I couldn't tell them, what jay hyung told me.

I knew, I needed to resolve this matter, alone. I can't trust other, rely on them or put them in danger.


Next day, Jake hyung called me outside my class. He wanted to talk about something.

"Actually, it's about sunghoon", he initiated.

"I don't think, he will be fine here after everything that happened. I want to take him, Australia with me.", I didn't know, how I was supposed to react. I just went silent.

"But, I don't think, he'll leave.", he looked at me.

"I think, he want to find the murderer of jay hyung", I can't let this happen.

"I'll talk to him", I decided.

"Ok", he nodded.

"But in return, you have to help me".

"Because, I know you'll gain a lot out of this", I smirked, "after all you like him"


To be continued
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