Epilogue: case closed

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Jake pov:

I have decided to return Australia where I used to live with my mother. She was born there, I spent my childhood there and with no doubt, I consider Australia as more of my home than korea. But before, I restart my new life without any more obsession with sunghoon, I need to finish few business here. Past can only be left behind, when we acknowledge it in present. So brother or not, I need to dig more about jungwon. Even though, it's totally worthless.

I have a meeting with Dr. Yang, jungwon's dad or step dad. Last time, he approached me himself to explain jungwon's mental state. He introduced himself as a psychologist, apparently unable to treat his own son. 

He entered the cafe, with a smile. Fake. I stood up and we shaked our hand before he took a seat in front of me. Now, that I think of this, we are in the same cafe, I used to meet heeseung. He was suspicious from the beginning, but fun to explore.

"Mr. Sim", he snapped me back in the moment. I really hate being someone addressed with this name.

"You can call me jaehyun", I corrected him, politely.

"Yeah jaehyun shi", his smile looks uncomfortable.

"I assume you know why I'm here", I decided not to beat the bush around. His face was pale now, not smiling. His eyes landed on his hands. He was rubbing his hands together to stop them from trembling any further. I chose to give him a second, to recollect. Maybe, it is also hard for him.

"That blond kid must have told you, about me interacting with jungwon", he finally spoke, I nodded because niki did informed me about him.

"It's all my fault", he cramped down his head with both his hands, slamming his forehead down in the table. I looked around us, and yes everyone have their attention in our table. An old man assumed as maybe my father is breaking down in front of me, yeah I look like a villain here.

"Sorry", he kept repeating his sympathetic apology, which is gaining too much viewers. I sigh and constructed a quick, fake and preety smile in my face.

"Mr. Yang, please don't apologize", he probably should, for embarrassing me. "It's not your fault, you aren't the one who killed them, right?", he pulled his head above, probably impressed by my sarcasm.

"You are here to provide me detail, remember?", I just want to cut this short.

He sat straight, still guilt in his eyes. He adjust his attire and clenched his hands hard.

"I married hee won, when jungwon was 12", he started, "She was with a child, without marriage, I think she got toyed with a rich man. I felt sorry for her, and eventually ended up falling for her. Jungwon didn't hated me, but wedding was a little too much for him. He started to act different with me after I married her mother", truth be told, I hate this family drama. Too relatable for me.

"He was never at home, which made hee won worried a lot. She tried to speak with him, and they ended up arguing over it", he pause.

This silence suck.

"I found her body, next day", he is staring at his hands like they are still stained with blood.

"She was murdered, and later I came to discovered jungwon's medical record, that hee won was hiding from me", ok, he is almost at his another break down, "he was diagnosed with ASPD and the rest of the things were enough obvious"

"Then", I tried to avoid that break down.

He sniff his tears back.

"Of course, he didn't left any proof and the case got closed. He never came back after her funeral. I tried to contact him, and found that he had taken shelter with one of his older friend, someone named heeseung".

"That's why, when I saw that guy admitted in the hospital, I freaked out", ok now it is clear.

"I tried to have a conversation with jungwon, but he acted innocent. He told me, that his company was providing him treatment and he is not involved in this at  all".

"And you believed his nonsense", now, it's getting annoying.

He couldn't reply, filled with regret. I cooled myself down, and looked outside in the street, diverting my mind elsewhere.

"I'm really sorry for your dad...", I can't hear him clearly because someone outside had talen my attention.

"Why is she hiding?"


I stood up from my seat because I am done with this bullshit now. I ran outside to look for her, why is she here in the first place.

That curly stupid girl is sneaking at me, hiding behind a pole. Pole which is clearly not enought to hide her. It almost made me laugh at her stupidity.

Mrs. Yang followed me out in rush.

"I'm really sorry for your lose, sir", he said gasping for air and forgiveness.

But you have to choose between them, there's always two option.

"Sorrys can't bring dead alive, Mrs. Yang", I patted him in the shoulder, "and this case is officially closed".

I ran up to danielle and she started to run further away from me, shouting her lungs out because I caught her.

And it's hilarious, because she left one of her tennis shoes behind while fleeing in rush. So I am running after her with a shoe in my hand, shouting out at her to stop.

I think it's enough of thrill in my life and it's time for comedy.



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