Epilogue: FEAR

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"Why aren't you scared of me?
Why do you care for me."

Sunghoon's pov:

"Master, Sunoo hyung is still outside", Niki inform me from outside my door.

After yesterday's incident, I've been locked in my bed for straight 24 hours. I don't know, how I should feel about everything that happened. I thought the agony inside of me will end, after his death. I've always dreamed of killing my hyung's murderer. I wanted to make him suffer with every last breath he will take inside. But he died right in front of me, not with my hands. I was unable to let go of that feeling that were buried for such a long time. I can still feel this rage burning inside of me, refusing to leave me alone. Of coarse, I don't blame Sunoo for stopping me from shooting him in his head or Jake, who killed him instead of me. I know, they were just doing the right thing for me.

"Master", niki knocked again.

I threw the blanket out of my face and the sun rays forced me to close my eyes. I really don't want to get out of bed. I don't want to face Sunoo because I'm not in a sane condition right now. I fear, my anger will hurt him in any way. I know, I no longer want him to be hurt anymore. I've already done enough damage, in his heart. I blamed him the entire time, when he was struggling to fight alone. I feel like a loser, for being in his protection. He was always in danger, in misery, avenging jay hyung and fighting alone. I can't face him, after being failed everytime in understanding him. I was supposed to believe in him.

I sat straight in my bed, rubbing my eyes. I threw the rest of the blanket out of my lower body and walked over the door. Niki was just outside, leaning in the left side wall. He snapped and stood straight, when I stepped outside my room. He followed me, while I came downstairs.

"He is still outside, Master", I nodded. I need to see him, or else he will remain outside another night.

My hands wrapped the door knob and I took a deep breath inside my lungs. I need to calm myself down before I face him. I have already displayed enough of my darkness upon him.

The door opened with a creek sound and I saw him after exact 24 hour, 24 minute and 30 sec. His clothes were still the same as last time, which explain he was outside my door the whole time. I'm really the worst for making him suffer every time.

We both stood there frozen in our position, staring into each other's eyes. Under his worried eyes were huge dark circle, like he hardly slept for days. His face was swollen, ears turning pink along with his cheecks. His hairs were rather not styled in a fashion style, but I still liked them. His hands were in air, as he was ready to knock, when I opened from inside.

He stared at me, the same way I did, probably studying my messed up appearance. I touched my nape out of embarrassment, I swear I didn't look that good right now. He smiled a little with his eyes, after seeing my panic.

He stepped closer to me and gently took me in his arms. I couldn't respond as everything was so overwhelming at that time. He adjusted his face in my shoulder, "I really missed you", I held him up in my arms. I realized, I also missed him a lot. I was desperate to see him, but also afraid. "Me too", I answered in my heavy voice. I looked around and realized that niki excused us long ago. I took sunoo inside, not letting go of his body. I don't think, I want to stay apart from him even a second.


"You want to talk about it", Sunoo ask. His head was above my shoulder as he lied beside me in my bed. He is the only person, who have entered in my room. He was here, when I kidnapped him. I wanted to keep him here, in my own room for no specific reason.

"Sunghoon?", I snapped. He was looking at me, hesitate to ask me again.

"Yeah", I think, we need to talk.

He freed himself from my grip and walked over the near sofa. I stood up too and followed him, to take a seat next to him. My hands were trembling in fear, while feets tapping the floor. My eyes were scanning the four walls, like I haven't been caged here forever. My head was full of confusion, like what should I explain, first. The panic was taking over me, shredding every hope, remained inside me, when I felt those cold fingers inside my fingers. The coldness was comforting, cooling every inch of rush inside me. I tightened our grip and responded him with a smile. A smile, assuring me more than him.

I saw those eyes, a very strange shade of brown, looking at me with so much hope. I refused to believe, that those eyes were of someone, who lacked hope, the most in life. His painful eyes managed to ease my pain instantly and I knew, I have to to tell him, every secret inside of me.

"Sunoo-", he lean forward and slams his lips in my mouth. His eyes were closed, as he initiated the kiss very gently. I wamted to watch every bit of his facial expression at that time, so I chose not to close mine. My free hand took his jaw in contact, adjusting the position of his face. The kiss was enough strong and beautiful to put aside my secrets for a while. I pushed him back, with my hand reaching his hair, gripping his hair to feel every strand of those goldish brown. His hands were wrapping my torso tight, like afraid of loosing me any minute. His desperation was making me smile in between our kiss and his face was flushing red, seeing me smirk.


To be continued

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