Chapter 1: Reunited

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Erin opens the door, and makes her way inside the apartment, dropping her keys on the table as she had gotten used to doing those years ago. Thankfully, habits were hard to break as she was easily able to get back to the usual ordeal since returning home.

"I've been waiting for you to get home," she hears, smiling at hearing that familiar voice. That was a voice she would never get tired of hearing, ever. That voice was the more tender she had heard in her voice. Home was also a word that she could get used to hearing. New York was nice, but it was nice to be back in Chicago. It was even nicer to be back in this apartment again. The best part, though, was the company that she kept.

She goes to turn and continue her way in the house, only to feel a pair of hands on her hips, pulling her close. She takes a deep breath, enjoying every bit of the natural cologne that graced his body. She wished she could bottle it up for when they were apart. 

Lost in the feel and smell, she didn't realize until it was too late that he had pinned her back against the wall, his body against hers. They were meant to be together if you looked at the image, every inch of his body fitting hers to a key. 

As a smile appears on her face in the sight before her, still embracing every moment for what it was, she feels a hand cup her chin, and tilt her head to the side. She was awaiting for a kiss on the neck, and perhaps down the body. Maybe that's what was necessary considering they both should know the clothes were going to disappear quickly. 

Instead, her lips are meant with a pair so tender and soft that they eased every feeling that was craving through her at a moment. She easily responded with a passion of her own, knowing she couldn't leave a man that nice hanging for a single moment.

"Jay....." Erin lets out as his lips pull away from hers for a brief moment, before wrapping an arm around his neck to bring them right back to hers, craving them as much as the drug dealer they busted earlier that day craved his coke.

She then reaches around his waist with her other arm, placing her hand firmly on his ass as she holds him right close to her body. She wanted to feel his ass. She remembered how tight and firm it was. She remembered how it shined perfectly in those tight black jeans he was wearing. More so, she wanted every inch of their bodies to be touching, craving for his touch, wanting to be reminded of every reason she had dreamed of him for the years apart.

"Erin...." He meets her in return, locked into her eyes, feeling every bit of him coming alive more with each touch together. "I think someone missed me - and yet also didn't give me a chance to share the good news. I've been cleared to return to work, fully. No more desk duty for this guy." 

"No wonder you're in a good mood," She replies with a chuckle, knowing just annoyed he was while being stuck on desk duty for the past couple of months. Of course, that's what happens when you're healing after shot in the chest. 

Most of the unit had suggested he take some time away, you know, what someone normal would consider a well-needed mental break after spending time in the Army and then returning back to the Unit only to be kidnapped, and then shot in the chest across two separate cases. However, this was Jay they were talking to - and everyone knew doing anything but work was not in his nature.

It was why they had tried to amuse him in desk duty as much as possible, with letting him do a lot of the leg work for the past couple cases with the research and phone calls. It kept his mind occupied instead of playing the pity me card with not being able to come play.

Erin knew this day was coming, and knew it would be sooner than later. She was excited for him to get the clearance and be set to rejoin them in the field together. It would certainly make entering buildings easier, knowing she could put all her trust in her cover. It would make questioning people easier, with their chemistry allowing for questions to come with ease. It may even better for the Unit overall with someone else to keep Hank in line.

While the excitement was there for him, and rightfully so, she wasn't set to talk about all that right now. Instead, the fact their lips had met multiple times and their bodies were molded together, there was only one thing on her mind. If he was cleared for duty, that meant he could withstand high heart rate circumstances. 

"Maybe we should put you to the test for certainty," she whispers in his ear, before placing a kiss just beneath the ear, knowing how much it tickled him and where it normally led in their past years together. For the record, it had worked again as evident by the low moan of agreement that escaped in response. "Besides, you can't get me all hot and bothered and do nothing about it. That'd be just cruel after all this time." 

"Maybe we can see if the couch can pass the test again," he replies, reaching down behind her legs and scooping her up in his arms. Her mind fluttered as she remembered the first experiment on the couch - it was meant to be a simple make-out session, and turned into clothes scattered everywhere. Hopefully this was another repeat of that, as anything less would be unsatisfying with everything she was feeling.

He then carries over to where the couch was, flopping down her back on her first, obviously proving the springs were still in good condition with how her body bounced against the motion.

"Test #1 passed," he comments before crawling down on top of her, straddling her body between his legs, before placing yet another kiss on her lips. 

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