Chapter 49: Bunker Invasion

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Jay followed the instructions of his superior, in reading the file that he was supposed to about the boss. It seemed like a typical drug load that felt he was God and knew what he was doing. He knew the right contacts, and knew how best to get his product circulated. 

Now it was time to put an end to that immediately.

Adam went in for the introduction and drug trade as he should, with the rest of Intelligence taking their positions. Erin was in the van along with Hank, with surveillance of everything, as they figured that was a responsible spot to put her in where she had a job but was not in the direct line of what was happening. Kim and Kevin covered the back door, while Jay and Hailey stood just around from the front door.

Each of them wore an ear piece to listen to the conversation that Adam's wire was picking up. The introduction went smoothly. Adam presented himself well as a buyer of the product, catching the attention of their target with the amount he wanted to purchase and for what area. Everyone heard the words being said between the pair - the amount of cash and the amount of product.

"I want to thank you for doing the deal with me," Adam told the gentleman after a couple minutes of silence. Jay and Hailey's eyes locked together with a nod, as they both knew what that meant. The deal was done. The proof of that would be on the wire. Now they just needed to get the drug lord in custody.

They kept hidden as Adam walked out with the boyfriend that had been arrested earlier in the day, who had accepted setting up the meet in trade for a lesser charges than he should get for what happened. Jay was not sure if he agreed, considering this was a man that had drugged four of the finest officers in the city, including his girlfriend.

"Breach! Breatch!" The command came over the radio courtesy of Hank as Jay and Hailey went for the front door, knowing Kim and Kevin would be doing the same through the back.

"Chicago PD!" Hailey and Jay both shouted as they made their way inside the building, guns held pointed forward ready to fire at will if need be as they did so. Hailey was right over Jay's shoulder, ready to cover him if need be as they made their way into the bunker.

It was at that point shots were fired back at their direction, causing both Jay and Hailey to duck back and hide behind the door. Jay took a deep breath in hearing a pause, before making his way back into the room, gun drawn, shots of his own fired back in return. 

"10-1 10-1 Shots fired at police at my location," Hailey radios quickly before rushing in to cover behind Jay.

Shot rang out from both the offender's gun, as well as Jay's, a couple of them piercing the bags of meth and cocaine that rested in the middle of the room to result in fumes billowing through the air.

The offender thought he was about to get away in turning by a corner, only to find himself with a gun locked to his forehead courtesy of Kevin.

"I suggest you do not move, or there will be a bullet between your eyes," he states as Kim walks up behind the guy, knocking his gun out of his hand. She then pushes him against the wall, placing both hands in cuffs. "Offender in custody." 

Jay lowers his gun, placing it back in his waistband where he kept it. He then surveyed over the damage in the room, as well as the amount of drugs this man was harvesting. Some of them were in their total raw form, others had begun the process of becoming ready for street market.

"It was fun back working you again," Hailey comments as she walks by him, giving him a pat on the shoulder. 

"Just like the good old days of being partners," Jay replies with a smile as they certainly had a good run through the years. He could easily name five good takedowns they did in partnership through the six years as partners. "It's going to make me miss you when you leave Chicago. Are you sure you are ready to do this?" 

"I know I am. I can't do just do weekends with him anymore. I am ready to have that full relationship." Jay nods his head, accepting with a smile. He hated to see her go as he knew how much of a great asset she was for the unit. He also enjoyed working with her, and considered her a great friend despite the fact they were indeed divorced now.

"I am glad that you found your happiness. I didn't think it would be him of all people, but it's great to see. You look better when you're smiling and happy. Besides, we both know you don't do long distance relationships well." She slowly nods her head, remembering the countless text messages, voice mails and letters she had sent to Jay while he was away in Bolivia, missing him. It seemed it took a wine glass to get her to sleep each night in wanting him alongside her in bed.

 What can I say? I like my cuddles at night. Someone taught me they are great to have, but someone else has proven to be better than you at them." Jay couldn't help but look at her a bit shocked in the confession that Alex's cuddles were better than those he had offered her through the years. He figured that with how close Alex and Hailey were, but didn't think it would be openly stated. 

"Like I said, I am happy for you. I am glad that Erin is back home with me as I would be lying to you if I said that I didn't miss her all those years that she was gone. It almost broke me when she left me for New York then but you saved me. It didn't totally break me when I left for Bolivia being away from you. I care about, I will always consider you a great friend, but I am glad that you have someone who truly loves every bit of you and puts you first no matter what." 

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