Chapter 6: Threatening Nerves

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Erin slowly walks over to where Hank stood, glad he had arrived on scene. She knew if it was any other officer she would be reporting to, there was no way she would be following orders right now. That was not just any detective with a bomb right now.

"I should've stayed up there with him," she says quietly as she tries to take a calming deep breath. It took everything for her to follow the order that Jay had given over the radio. 

She wanted to stay there and try to do whatever she could from inside to help him. She had wanted to try and sneak in the office and catch the guy off-guard. She wanted to create a diversion that would help Jay get the upper-hand. There were so many ideas that flashed through her mind in hearing the conversation between Jay and the individual on the radio.

However, there were tons of eyes locked on her every move. She had just returned to Chicago not long ago, and that was a touchy subject in itself with several higher-ups questioning her return. She already had a bulls-eye on her back with them watching every move to look for something wrong with her history in the unit. Who could forget the recent investigation conducted for excessive usage of force? Then you combine with Intelligence Unit seemingly always crossing boundaries thanks to Hank, there was no way she could take a chance of being caught disobeying an order.

"What unit is he in?" Hank questions without keying his radio as he focuses on the brunette. He could tell her personal feelings were clouding the work judgment right now, something he did not have any time for if he wanted to save Jay and who knows the hundreds of others that may be affected by it going off. That would have to saved for a conversation once the case was over. It was why he never wanted to allow personal relationships in the unit to begin with. Now if he had two cops dating each other, while another pair were dating with one of those as an ex-husband to another. 

"507," Erin answers distinctively as she was only a couple doors down before the order had come across the device. She had tried to be as quiet as possible in hearing conversation being had. What if she had rushed it in worry, and her footsteps were heard?

"Hailey and Adam - 507...." Erin looks over at Hank with concern in hopes that wasn't radioed over the main channel which they knew Jay had open right now. That would just increase the danger if the individual inside knew there was a plan being put together. "Private line. They're heading up to the building across the street to the left, snipers in hand. Maybe they can get a shot from a distance." 

"Are you really trusting Adam right now to do that?" She loved Adam and he was passionate about the job. He also was good at solving cases and finding the criminal's motives. However, he was also a bit accident prone and sometimes panic situations brought forth more than trouble than they should. She could only imagine things going haywire for Jay if that happened right now.

"This is Sergeant Hank Voight from the Intelligence Unit with the negotiations team....." Hank did not to say anymore. Jay knew the protocol for these situations. You make the individual believe you have the team responsible for making all of their dreams a reality. Instead, it was only them calling the shots on the situation so they had total control in not wanting to trust others outside the unit. "I understand you have an individual looking for something in trade of your safety and another individual's safety." 

"Detective Jay Halstead here and that is correct," Jay starts as Hank knew the repeat of the name meant he understood this was a sole discussion between the pair of them. It was simply meant to stall any movement by the bomber right now while the team got in position with their plan. "The reason he is doing this is he believes the business order owes him millions of dollars. So he is looking for the debt to be paid in return for everyone's safety in Chicago." 

"We can certainly look into getting him what he wants. He just has to understand that it will take some time to get those funds in order." It was all about buying time for Hank right now until he heard back from Hailey and Adam on the situation at their end. "How much money is he looking for exactly?" 

"A million dollars will satisfy him, as well as an armored vehicle so he can escape the area without any issues. He stated he will be taking a hostage with him from the building to the vehicle for security." Hank already knew who the hostage would be, as Jay would not allow the business owner that was probably also there right now to be put in anymore danger than necessary. That could present a takedown opportunity as he knew Jay was the best at overthrowing someone who had tried to kidnap him. Everybody remembered the case with the $10,000 bounty on his head and how he was able to overthrow Novak. 

"I will begin making the necessary calls right now. Give me a half hour and I should have everything in order. Is everyone okay up there right now?" The question was simple but it was part of the protocol - co-operation and showing signs of life allowed for deals to be followed through accordingly. It was all about continuing to keep those lines open so nothing else happened. "Jay Halstead?" 

"He says you better have everything in order in a half hour, or else he will be arm the bomb to go off with myself and the business owner as witnes-"

"Move to the desk!" Hank hears shouted in the background, obviously by the bomber as he couldn't help but feel his stomach twitch. "Move or I'll shoot you myse-"

"Alright, alright...." Hank hears Jay reply, along with shuffling of the feet. He could tell they were moving locations, probably having Jay and the man closer to the business owner that supposedly owed him those "millions of dollars." It all certainly made sense in his mind. He could hear the sound of chains, knowing they were probably going to need to take the next step in their plan faster than envisioned based on everything.

"30 minutes, Hank Voight. 30 minutes or else your precious detective will be getting blown up with the rest of this precious city." 

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