Chapter 30: Award Dinner

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"We are here today to recognize the bravery and heroism of some members of the Chicago Police Department," Deputy Samantha Miller begins as she stands at the podium before the sea of tables.

Jay and Erin sat at one of those tables together, alongside the rest of the Intelligence Unit staff. Oh, and Trudy who had snuck into their group after some persuasion by the other officers for being an honorable member. They would not had been able to solve some of the cases if it wasn't for her lending a hand.

The room was filled with officers from other units and districts, each enjoying their meals as part of one of the annual galas that regularly took place. It was all about recognizing the officers who went a step and beyond to encourage others to follow their leadership.

"Each year, I come up here and talk about extraordinary events that happened throughout the past several months in Chicago," Miller continues, as all eyes focused on her. Erin, though, couldn't help but take the odd glance at Jay in ensuring he was okay. They normally did not attend these types of functions - neither was big on the over-hype it delivered. However, they were both there tonight for the same reason. "It is very uncommon to hear a 10-79 over the radio in the city of Chicago, but there was a particular morning we saw that happen in late June. Two officers arriving at the scene relaying details, followed by a couple plain clothes officers joining them.

"We have specialty units in our police force, and one of those that does not often get the credit it deserves is the Intelligence Unit. This unit goes after some of our toughest cases, and has been able to solve over 90% of those, putting away several high profile criminals in the process. Whether it's drugs, military-grade weapons, sex trafficking, or even a bomb, they handle every situation the way they should - poise, strength, and leadership. I am absolutely grateful that it was a couple of their plain clothes officers who heard the call and responded that day." 

Jay's eyes leave the deputy on the stage, instead focusing on the table before him. The fabric of his shirt causing his arm to itch, and the inability to properly do so without taking off the shirt as he did not want to reveal the marks beneath was just another reminder of that day. 

He had thought nothing of it when the call came over the radio. It was just instincts that kicked in with him and Erin immediately making their way to the scene. It was instincts that led him to go into the building, and find his way to the fifth floor despite knowing that's where the device was that day.

 "One of those plain clothes officers is someone that I would like to recognize for his bravery and heroism," Deputy Miller continues, as Erin reaches over and grabs Jay's hand, giving it a squeeze. "He's not just a detective with our department. He's a war hero. He did two tours in Afghanistan, as well as a tour in Bolivia as one of the esteemed Army Rangers. He worked with the army's elite in hand-to-hand combat and negotiated with some of the worst terrorists in the process. I am very proud of his work since our department over 10 years ago now, and hope he will be with us for a long time. I hope he leads a unit of his own one day. Thank you for your dedicated service not only to the city of Chicago, but the United States, Jay Halstead." 

A round of applause erupts through the room, including a couple hoots and hollers from around the table that he sat at. He couldn't help but smile a bit in pride, even if for him it was just a case of doing his job and following what he was trained to do. 

He was glad, though, he was not having to walk up to the front and speak before the crowd. He knew he probably wouldn't make it all the way up there easily. After all, his hand was shaking as he sat at the table, trying to hide it beneath to not get anyone's attention. 

He takes a deep breath as Samantha's words were just a reminder of everything in his past. It was a reminder of the days locked in a concrete basement for a week. It was a reminder of having a sniper pointed right at him, red light on his chest, only for the terrorist trying to eliminate him to be shot at by another member of his team. It was a reminder of explosives, and the damage they could cause - whether there, or back home here.

"I also have to applaud the Chicago Fire Department for their job on scene that day," Deputy Miller continues with her speech, looking over to the one special table that normally would not be there for one of these functions. Erin's eyes couldn't help but look over, and smile as she caught the attention of Kelly. "The leadership of Chief Boden, Captain Matt Casey, and Shift Lieutenant Kelly Severide allowed for those injured to be found, rescued, and taken care of quickly. There are not many who could lead their men into a blast zone where the potential for additional injury from debris is heightened.

"I spoke of the Intelligence Unit at the beginning of this. I spoke of how they are one of the best units in the city of Chicago. They would not be able to do everything they have done without the leadership of their Sergeant who has continues to train and teach each of them. I would like to welcome Sergeant Hank Voight to the stand please." 

Everyone claps as Hank stands up from the table and makes his way to the front of the room at her request. Erin couldn't help but grin with a bit of personal satisfaction, but that grin faded as she looked over at Jay.

"Hey, are you okay?" She whispers, not wanting to draw attention in knowing he would not like that. He simply nods his head in agreement as he tries to focus on the boss making his way to the front of the room. Isn't that why they were there to begin with? 

"It's crazy to think a man that was arrested for attempted murder and bribery, among other charges, and then being known as a dirty cop, to being one of the most respected police officers in the city of Chicago," Jay offers as Erin nods her head in agreement, the same thought having just crossed her mind. She almost wanted to go up to each of those officers who did not agree with Hank taking over the unit back those years ago and ask them what they thought now. 

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