Chapter 45: Concern for Erin

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Jay makes his way into the room, eyes focused on the female as she lies in the bed. 

He hated being at hospitals. He hated the monitors, or the tools they used. It brought back every bad memory of his childhood in spending hours alongside his mother in watching her fight. He takes a deep breath, trying to force all of those thoughts to the backburner in his mind. He had to focus on Erin and being there for her right now. 

He was glad they had discovered what was in her system, and now as to how it had gotten there. He was glad she was going to be okay, as he had gotten her to the hospital in due time. They were able to administer the right drugs to help her symptoms, with assurance from Natalie she would be waking up okay soon. 

"How is she?" He hears from the doorway, knowing the voice without glancing in the direction. It was a much softer tone than he was used to with the boss, one that he had only heard on few occasions. He was one of those that calmly got to hear and feel it, having grown a close relationship to his boss. 

"They sedated her, pumped her stomach as she inhaled a lot," Jay starts very quietly, trying to remember every single word Natalie had told him just 10 minutes ago. Every procedure and step they had taken just added to the nerves he was feeling. It reminded him of each time the doctor would come in and let him know how his mother was doing. "They gave her some anti-nausea medicine after to help the nausea she was feeling before, combined with after what they did, and the dizziness. They are giving her oxygen to help her stay calm with everything, but all the tests looked okay. Natalie mentioned she should wake up soon..." 

"And, are you okay?" Jay just slowly nods his head in response as he watches Hank make his way further into the room and closer to where Erin was. He did not want to dive further into his own thoughts. They were supposed to be worried about her right now. "IAD (Internal Affairs Department) reported back the other officers were affected by the same drug as Erin. They then did a sniff test on the product and basement, and confirmed it. If those drugs had got on the streets, we would have been dealing with several overdoses and deaths." 

"So the boyfriend of the political figure trying to change the drug policy had enough drugs in his house to kill multiple people. But yet the first two deaths are his own girlfriend and her sister. Revenge scheme? Someone the boyfriend nipped looking for revenge?" Hank could only shrug his shoulders, as he had not bothered to focus on the details of the case. The only thing on his mind had been Erin since he had gotten the first phone call from Jay earlier. He believed in his unit and knew they were capable. He passed along to Hailey she was in charge, and put his focus where he felt it was necessary. 

"I'll pass along the theories to Hailey. She and Adam were going to question the boyfriend and see what he had to say. Considering he has drug charges of five officers on his shoulders, it should be enough to convince him to speak up." Hank's eyes hadn't left Erin through those comments, though, as he could care less in what he had just shared with Jay. "When you first called me and said she fainted on scene, my mind wandered to worst case scenarios. When you texted me and said it was due to meth, I could not help but think back to everything we've been through..." 

"My mind did the same thing, to be honest. I thought for sure she was taking it on her own accord, hiding it from us in some way. I kept asking myself why would she do that again? What had caused it this time?" Jay lets his eyes rest on her, feeling guilt crept in. How could he had assumed the worst about her? He was supposed to have her back no matter what. He was supposed to be there for her through everything. But yet the first situation, and he was ready to blame her? "I was so relieved when Natalie came to me with a cup and asked me to pee in it, saying there were traces on the scene drugging the other officers. Well, at first, I was confused in wondering if she thought I was doing drugs purposely too, or the reason she would be. Then when she explained it, I couldn't pee in the cup soon enough." 

"Have they brought back your resu-"

"I feel fine, sir. I didn't go in the basement. She took the basement while I took the upstairs. I haven't felt off or dizzy or thrown up at all. I'm not worried." Hank nods his head accepting, not bothering to glance at the detective as the explanation was offered. He still wanted to see the results for proper assurance, though. "With all due respect, I want to stay with Erin through this. She's going to deal with symptoms for the next 24 to 48 hours. It will probably bring back PTSD from going through the detox." 

"The detox was ug-"

"I've been through one myself so I know." It was at that time Hank finally allows his eyes to leave Erin and fall on the detective, having not heard that confession in all the times they had talked about Jay's past before. He had heard about dealings with drugs, alcohol, and fights upon returning home from Afghanistan the second time. He did not realize it extended all the way to having to go through a detox period. "I can handle going through this with her, Hank. Let me be there for her, please. I told you I would always have her back and be there for her. I got this." 

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