Chapter 7: Clock is Ticking

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5 minutes go by. Jay finds himself staring at the bomb that is on the table, analyzing the various parts that make up it. What type of explosive had they decided to go with? What wires were connected to it? How was it turned on? How could it be disarmed? How could it be gotten rid of if necessary?

10 minutes go by. He answers the call from Hank in asking about his condition. He assures his boss that nothing has changed in that regards. He was fine with no bodily injuries, as well as the business owner that sat across from him. He relayed the chain that wrapped around his wrist, chaining him to the desk which held the device. It was the same predicament the man across the table was currently sitting in.

15 minutes go by. Jay tries to learn more about the bomber - his motives and reasons for doing this. He tries to spark a conversation with him in learning more details as to why he felt he was owed the money in return. His request falls on deaf ears, as the bomber only cared about getting the money and armed vehicle that he was promised in the half-hour time.

20 minutes go by. This time, he tried to spark the conversation with the business owner. He asked him to divulge into why he had hired and trusted the disgruntled employee to begin with. He asked him about divulging in the work they had done together. He even asked him as to why they were in disagreement now, but yet the owner did not share those details. Perhaps it was because the bomber was leveling his threatening eyes over Jay's head right now.

25 minutes go by. Jay felt every nerve increasing in having not heard anything back from Hank over the radio, and knew the situation probably better than anyone there. Hank was going to do whatever he could to get them out of the situation without offering the agreement in return. He was probably working on getting the team in position for a takeover situation. However, the success of that was very weak. There was no way for anybody to get a view as to what was happening in the office. If he had stayed in the main lobby, the possibility was there. But suite 507 did not contain any windows or view spots into the boss' office once the door was closed. Hank may be sending Adam and Hailey into a spot to watch, but that would not succeed in accomplishing anything. 

30 minutes go by. Time was up. There had been no confirmation over the radio of everything being delivered. There was no assurances that the situation was being handled. There had been no noise made against or around the doors and walls that surrounded the three men right now.

What was he supposed to do now?

"He probably has it almost figured out and put together for you," Jay comments, seeing the worrisome and anger filling the face of the man before him right now. 

He could already see how this was going to go, or perhaps a couple different scenarios.

The first would be better for his future. The guy would demand answers, accept more time to accomplish his goals. Perhaps he would fire a warning shot with the gun in his hands. Perhaps he would inflict some sort of pain to try and assure he was serious, but yet leave the chance for survival to still happen. Besides, he had to find his own way out of there. This wasn't a suicide mission for the bomber in Jay's eyes.

The second would result in time becoming ever more apparent. He would not accept the fact they had made him wait without any results. He would arm the device that was sitting on the table. Perhaps he would set a timer, and find a way to try and escape to his own safety. Perhaps he would just arm the device and not care that he was blown up in the process. 

"Please don't tell me that you're not bluffing," the business owner comments as he looks over the table at Jay. Jay wanted to reach over and smack the guy, perhaps kick him underneath if he was being less substile about it. The guy was not helping his case right now in trying to buy them some much needed time. 

"My detective does not bluff as he knows how I work," Hank's voice comes across the radio as Jay keeps his eyes locked on the individual. Maybe if he stared a hole into him, he would keep his mouth shut for their safety. Why did hostages have to act stupid? 

"Then where is my money and car?" The bomber demands, which was certainly the case as to what would happen right now. 

"Step out of the room with the pair of individuals and look out the window to see that we have the car in place for you...." Jay hid the smirk that threatened to fall in his face. He already knew how this would go. The bomber would step out of the office through the doorway into view of the windows, only to be met with a sniper shot by Hailey. Then they would be rescued in a matter of minutes and not be chained to the device that sat on the table before him right now. 

"I told you Hank is a man of his word," Jay adds in a convincing tone, confidence radiating off of him in knowing it was only a matter of time before this incident was behind him. 

"Did someone not tell you that I was smarter than you think?" The bomber questions, giving Jay a whack across the back of the head. Jay restrained letting out a scream in pain, not even feeling much if he was being honest. He had certainly dealt with much worse through the years. However, it wasn't the smack that bothered him the worst. It was certainly those words that were stated. "I'm buying myself an insurance policy...."

Jay's eyes never leave the man as he watches him reach into his pocket, pulling out a button, and pressing it. In that moment, the device on the table lights up with a timer flashing on the screen before them. 

"Anybody makes their way up into this building or takes a pop at me, I will press it again and your lives will be blown to pieces," the man bomber starts as he makes his way towards the door. "Let me escape without a single individual or shot - and you have yourself some time if you can figure out how to disarm it." 

The man then leaves the room, closing the door behind him as Jay finally takes his eyes off of him, focusing them on the black box that sat in the middle of the room with a timer flashing at them. 

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