Chapter 71: Internal Affairs Department

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Hank makes his way out of the office building first, holding the door open as Jay and Erin follow. Erin still had an arm wrapped around Jay, holding him in the same manner she had since they had been reunited earlier.

"Sylvie is waiting by the Ambo for you," Hank states as he points to the blond paramedic leaning against the ambulance. Everybody knew of Jay's apprehension about hospitals, and everything that came with it. So it was comforting to know it'd be a familiar face checking him out. 

"My name is Officer Greg Toto, IAD investigator," an older male introduces himself as he steps towards the trio as they exit the building. Hank almost wanted to scream as he at least expected them to have a bit of space in knowing a check-in with the paramedics for Jay was required. But it seemed they were jumping down throat for everything right away. "Badge and gun, please." 

"I handed it over to my Sargeant already knowing scene protocol," Jay comments as he keeps a stern face in looking into the gentleman's eyes. In all his previous visits with IAD, this was not someone he had seen in the offices before. Either he was new to the division, or only dealt with certain cases. If he was brought on specifically, he knew that would not help optics of the situation. "I can give you a full statement as to what happened on the roof - before and during. I can tell you every single thing that happened from the moment I began pursuing him. I am fully co-operative in offering everything that you need to know." 

"I appreciate it as it makes it easier moving forward." Jay watches as his badge and gun are handed over from Hank to the officer, place immediately in a plastic bag. He knew they would be checked for gun residue and fingerprints as they tried to put together the story as to what happened. Only his prints were on the gun, as he had maintained the distance between himself and Kenny when in use throughout. "I am going to need both a verbal brief statement here, as well as a full written account of everything from you within 24 hours. You are also hereby suspended until a decision is made in regards to the events that transpired." 

"I understand." Jay knew it was just part of protocol. Whether you were guilty or innocent, those were the manners that were taken until they cleared everything. He knew he was innocent and had nothing to worry about. He just needed to follow the due process and explain what happened - from the argument, to the physical altercation, to the arrest and what transpired after the cuffs were slapped on his wrists. He could handle it all, right? It had to be easier than everything he experienced in the moment. "Where would you like to do this?" 

"Jay, maybe you should wait on doing that..." Erin suggests as she rubs his side purposely, applying a touch of pressure in hopes a groan would escape his lips. Maybe it'd get the officer's attention in seeing Jay should be checked out by the paramedics on scene. "You should get your ribs checked..." 

"I can do that after I give the statement," Jay states as he knew he wanted to get this done and over with. Besides, the quicker you gave your statement, the less suspect-able they were about what you said. You did not have time to plan or think about what happened, but just tell the tale that needed to be said. He was innocent. He did not need to give them any reason to suspect otherwise. 

"Protocol is that any officer that requires medical attention receives it immediately," Hank reminds the officer as he glances towards Erin in relation to her comment. Hank almost wished Erin had not said anything. He understood why she said it, and backed up the reasons. However, he knew the optics that created in somebody else trying to distract away from what actually happened. 

"And I promise you both that I will get checked out once I give this officer the statement that he is looking for. The quicker I talk to him, the faster he can clear the rest of the scene I assume. Isn't that the best scenario for everybody here?" Erin could not help but glance towards Hank, wondering herself what conversation the pair shared privately. She had been around the Sargent all over life and knew the things he did. She had been involved in one of his biggest covers. Was he trying to cook up something with Jay here right now? 

"Jay is innocent and he's one of the best detectives we have in the city," Erin states as she tries to get a read on the officer. "Doesn't he deserve the courtesy of being taken care of?" 

"The detective stated he wanted to give his statement behind what happened, so therefore I will be taking that statement," Officer Toto comments as he glances between the three members of Intelligence standing before him. He had heard stories about the unit before coming here. He knew things weren't always the smoothest. It was why he was trying to get a read on each of them and their actions right now. "It won't take long, and then I will have no problem with him being medically checked out before he types up the full report. Mr. Halstead, I would like to speak with you about what happened away from the others...." 

Jay takes a deep breath, following the officer around the corner to follow through with giving the statement as requested. Erin wanted to follow, or perhaps catch a glimpse of the interaction, but a hand on shoulder resulted in her not moving a single inch. It was then she took the opportunity to look into Hank's eyes once again, asking the same question internally as earlier. 

"He was angry and he was frustrated with Kenny," Erin starts with a shaky breath. "They got into a confrontation not once, but twice. What if his anger clouded his judgement and he messed up, Hank?" 

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