Chapter 50: Feeling Tired

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It had been pretty straight forward once they got back to the 21st district, with the guy booked easily. 

It also had not taken long to get his reasoning for drugging the sisters, referencing the money he was owed for product by them. They were given 24 hours to pay up, and did not. It resulted in what Jay and Erin had walked in yesterday at the house with both of them dead.

With the case solved, all that remained the paperwork. With having discharged his gun to return fire upon entering the house, Jay was required to full out a full report of what happened and led to those actions being taken. He knew that would be followed by cleaning up the rest of the paperwork attached to the case, in ensuring all notes were properly recorded where they needed to be.

Staring at the screen before him which contained just 100 words so far, a light yawn escapes from him. He then reaches up, wiping the bit of sleep out of his eyes as he tries to focus back on the task at hand. 

"Are you okay?" Hailey questions, having noticed the action right away. She had only seen that reaction from him at work on few other occasions before. Those nights typically ended in finding out something else was on his mind, and an emotional conversation. She could not peg anything in particular to this, except perhaps the past 24 hours with Erin. "Did you get much sleep last night?" 

"Slept at the hospital in the chair alongside her," Jay answers, not even glancing away from the screen as he does so. There was no energy to almost do anything right now. Sure, it had not been the most comfortable sleep. But he had gotten more sleep last night than some nights in his own bed. He normally would not feel this tired with the amount he had gotten. It was not like it was overly hot outside, or he had done anything big physical exhausting. 

"We'll both be glad to sleep tonight in our own bed together," Erin comments, almost regretting the comment immediately. She knew it could have a duel meaning, in rubbing the relationship they had together in to Hailey. She was not intending to that. She had not ever done that, knowing it was a sensitive subject and not wanting to make a bigger deal than it was. She did not want that to be a reason they could not be friends together. "It will be much comfier for both of us." 

"We could also play in the sheets a litt-"

"Halstead!" Hank was normally the only person in the district that called anyone by their last name directly, and that was if there was a reason behind it. So the fact Erin had snapped that back at him, it should mean something. It should cause a shocking sensation, which he deserved for the conversation he was about to start. However, instead there was only laughter that could be heard in response. "Jay, are you okay?" 

"It's almost funny how you are turning into Hank..." The laughter only grows a little bit more as Erin slowly gets up from her desk and makes her way over to where Jay sat. The laughter escaping his body, followed by the lack of words on the screen before him was just the start of worries. She could not help but notice how his eyes were not focusing anywhere clearly. 

"Jay?!?" His head finally turns away from the screen to look over at where she stood beside his desk, his eyes looking everywhere else as he did so.

"Is there a problem, Detective Lindsay?" Erin could not help but glance over at Hailey as Hailey just nods her head in response. They were both thinking something was up together, as nothing seemed to add up about how he was reacting right now.

"He shot at the guy and drug particles were airborne...." Hailey muses out loud, as Erin feels a wave of shock come over her. It was fumes in the air that resulted in her being overdosed and fainting yesterday. They should have known entering these places to wear proper precautions in knowing that could happen again. What if Jay had caught something like she did? 

"There was traces of meth, marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, and heroin in the lab," Adam reports as he holds the tox screen report from the scene up in the air, having just gotten e-mailed it from the lab. He was barely paying attention to the scene before him, only looking up when Erin had last named him to see what Jay was getting in trouble for. Since then, he had been left very confused. 

"Any of those could cause tiredness, delayed reaction, unable to make eye contact, and red eyes..." Hailey then focuses on the eyes before her that failed to stare at her or Erin. "It would not surprise me based on the amount of drugs in the room." 

"We could run a drug test." 

The whole conversation between the detectives was going right over Jay's head right now as he was not focusing on a single word they were saying as it was taking everything to try and focus on finishing the report.

Though the harder he tried to focus on the screen before him, the more it made his head hurt, and stomach swirl. He began to think about what he had eaten just before the bust - a hot dog from the street vendor outside the door as he was forced to get something quick with the timing. All he could taste was those disgusting rotten onions he had put on, thinking they'd be the perfect addition.

"I am going to throw up," he says before grabbing the garbage can beside his desk, burying his head inside as the onions and everything else along with those came up at once. "Oh man..." He then sits back in the chair, bringing his hands to his head as he tries to get the room to stop spinning. 

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