Chapter 5: Hostage Situation

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Jay takes a deep breath as he keeps the gun held directly at the man before him, taking in every single detail of how he looked. 

He wanted to remember the brown hair. He wanted to remember those piercing green eyes. He wanted to remember how his smile was a little sideways. He wanted to remember the exact tan of his skin. He repeated the man's words in his head, wanting to remember the tone of his voice. There was also the clothes that he wore, from style to color - and especially the shoes as Roman seemingly taught everyone.

"Always remember the shoes," Roman told Trudy one day, to which she repeated to everyone else. "The man can ditch his clothes easily, but it's hard to ditch the shoes." 

Every part of his training in the police academy in regards to hostile situations flashed through his mind. Every part of his training in the police academy in handling a hostile armed individual was there. He was even thinking of his time with the Rangers, and how they handled these people and IEDs.

"Do I need to repeat what I said to you, again?" The man questions a second time, snapping Jay out of his thoughts as he couldn't think about the last time he encountered an IED and a hostile individual. The hum-vee incident that would haunt him for years to come and had for the past several always seemed to flash in his mind when there was a bomb involved. 

"Absolutely not," Jay replies as he tried to use the bit of silence to listen for Erin's footsteps. He knew she was on the same floor as him, supposedly coming from the opposite side. Was she still on her way? Was she still on the same floor? Was she caught by someone? "Detective Jay Halstead with the Intelligence Unit. Maybe we can talk about the situation." 

"Get in here...." The man then yanks Jay by the shoulder, forcing him inside the reception door of the business, before shutting the door behind him. Jay could already see the usage of this - the man wanted to use him as a hostage to bargain for what he wanted per the original officer. He would use the communication to try and get what he wanted. It was probably better this way as he wouldn't be trying to aimlessly blow up the building. "So they sent you in here to find me in knowing that I had a bomb and am ready to blow up the building. So what are you going to do about that now?" 

"Like I said, maybe we can talk about the situation and find a solution. There's obviously something you want or a reason why you are doing this." Jay then looks over to the office on his left, seeing an individual inside with a box on the desk. He could only assume who the person was based on the situation. "I am going to bet that man inside the office screwed you over in some way, so you are ready to blow up his world for it. Why don't you tell me what happened?" 

"He owes me a ton of money and he won't pay up his end of the bargain. We made a deal and the asshole decided to screw me over, so I want to show him that he doesn't own this game. Does that seem fair?" Jay figured it went along those lines, though knew more details could help in trying to bargain and ensure the bomb did not go off. It would also be nice to know more details about the bomb in the box.

"How much money are we talking about?" Jay then slowly makes his way to the office, his keen ear trying to listen for details in regards to the bomb. Was there a ticking sound? Was there some time attached to it? What was it made of? "One of you need to tell me the amount. Maybe I can help ya'll out. I know some people who could get you what you want because they want to keep everyone in the city safe." 

"Millions." Jay wasn't surprised by the number, knowing these numbers were always made bigger in these situations. They were also standing inside one of the richest towers in the city, so it made sense they weren't dealing with simple things. "It's not on a timer and the trigger is in my pocket, if that's what you're wondering. Now, are you willing to give me millions to make that not happen?" 

"Let me make a call to my boss and see what I can do, okay?" Jay then reaches for the radio on his waist, slowly taking it off and holding it up. He had jammed the switch in the on position before entering, wanting Hank and the team to be able to hear everything. It was actually getting worrisome and surprising that Erin hadn't arrived inside for back-up. "Do I have your permission to get ahold of my boss?" 

"As long as you tell me whose footsteps are outside that doorway, and make them leave the hall..." Jay didn't need to move to the door or anywhere from where he was standing to know who they belonged to. It seemed Erin had caught up to where they were. He loved and cared about her. He didn't need her taking the chances he was taking right now with this individual. There was only one thing left to do in response to the man's words.

"This is Detective Jay Halstead. I am needing all units to please stand down and leave the fifth floor of the Magnificent Building. That's all officers to please leave the area. 10-79 Bomb Threat, active in the office building. Everybody stand down!" He hoped Erin followed the request for not only sake of keeping the man before him from hitting the trigger, but also to keep her safe as he felt every tinge of worry in trying to protect them both. Besides, she could give the information about the scenario he was in without him having to find some way to broadcast it. "I am also looking for the negotiations team. I have an individual who would like to make a deal here for the safety of myself and another individual." 

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