Chapter 54: Taking Advantage of Time

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Jay makes his way out of the shower into the bedsroom and plops down on the bed alongside Erin, towel tied loosely around his waist.

"For once, I am not complaining about having a day away from the office," he comments as he wraps his arms around Erin from behind, placing a light kiss on her cheek. "I get an excuse to spend time with you..." He then gives her yet another kiss, his hands roaming around her waist as he wraps his arms around her and pulls her close to him. "I hope you are feeling better. I should have been taking care of you last night. You had just gotten out of the hospital not long before that." 

"Ja-" She goes to start, but a finger appears before her lips to stop the words from coming out. He knew what she was going to say. He knew how this always went with them. She would be extra comforting for him in wanting to be there, but yet never wanted the favor to be returned. That was something he had hoped to change with their relationship as they grew close once again.

"No protesting, no arguing my comment because we both know it's true. You went through hell with the amount of drugs you ingested. You fainted clear as day. I felt like sick, and crappy, but it didn't compare to what you went through. I have a right to care for you and be there for you." He then rubs her shoulders, feeling her relax more against him. "It's okay to let me be there for you. You don't have to take on the world by yourself. You don't have to feel everything is against you alone. You've got me back by your side, and I promise to take care of you." 

"I know..." She had heard him repeat those words constantly since returning to Chicago, and especially since their reunited their relationship together. He had reminded her how he could have never forgotten her no matter what because they were just perfect together. "I am feeling fine, though. You don't have to worry about me. You, on the other hand..." She then turns so she is sitting facing him on the bed. "You were just throwing up no more than 12 hours ago. That has to be worth something." 

"Like I said this morning, it feels like the day after you had the flu. I still feel slight nausaus, and wouldn't go eating a big meal. But I am feeling pretty good, enough to do this to you." He then pins her back against the bed, placing a kiss on her lips, this time deepening it more than he had the previous times. 

"You are one naughty boy. First you come in here dressed in nothing but a towel, and then you put those lips against mine..." A smirk forms on his face in response to her comment, causing her eyes to light up right away. "And I don't see a problem with that as it's a great way to spend a day off from work together. It's also a great way to take care of each other. You knew what you were doing as soon as you walked in the room. Nice try being sneaky with your intentions." 

"Do I see you complaining?" He then takes her hands and puts them on the knot that somehow had kept the towel tightly tied around his waist. "We both know that you want to get this removed as soon as possible. I know you will never pass up the chance to be with me..." 

"Oh is that the case? You think you're just so damn irresistible that I want you every single moment of the day?" He nods his head in response as she brings his lips down to hers, brushing his against him with ease. "The real truth is that you cannot get enough of me, and that's why you came making your way out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel. You figured it'd be a waste of time for you to get dressed." 

"Again, I beg to ask the simple question - do I see you complaining? The fact that you just kissed my lips once again says everything that I need to know." He then runs his hands underneath up underneath her shirt, cupping her breasts with his hands. "We both know that you'll be moaning my name within minutes. You'll be screaming for more. You'll be scaring the neighbours with your screams. You better be quiet or the kids coming home from school will call the police. I could only imagine the look on the officer's faces in walking in seeing one of their detectives naked. That'd be the talk of the district for the next several weeks." 

"They wouldn't be seeing me - they'd be seeing your bare ass!" She then gives his ass a slap, causing a look of shock to appear on his face as he just shakes his head. Leave it to her to begin the extra naughty games as usual... 

"And you wouldn't want that as that may make all the ladies jealous and want me too." She then wraps an arm around his neck, while pulling on the knot with her other hand as she brings him right down to her, his chest against the fabric of her shirt.

"That would not be a good idea, Mr. Halstead. We both know that I don't share very well. I would not be wanting to share you with anybody so those bitches would be getting their hands chopped off." She then tugs at the knot once again, surprised it had not come undone. Then again, he was an Army Ranger and tying things well was one of the things they were taught. "Besides, we both know that I am the only woman can truly make you happy in all aspects." 

"I can't argue with that statement...." He then presses his lips against hers as his hands caress her breasts, before beginning to slip the hem of her shirt up her chest. He then brings it up over her head, the kiss only breaking for a mere second. His lips are then right back against hers as he reaches down for the waistband of her shorts. 

They were certainly going to have a fun afternoon together. 

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