Chapter 4: 10-79 Bomb Threat

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With breakfast in the books, Erin and Jay began the drive to the station, knowing they were in for a long day. 

It was admittedly odd for Jay to be driving, having grown used to Erin driving him around the years they were together. He was the "house husband" as they used to joke. However, when she left, he had gotten the truck he had dreamed of having and hadn't given up the keys through the years that followed. Sure, he had allowed Hailey to drive it on occasion, but that was a rarity in its own form. 

Now with Erin back by his side, he was hoping to keep the keys clutched to his hands as he believed he was the better driver between the pair. Let's face it - he hadn't hit anything whereas she had done so on a couple occasions before.

"All units in the area. We have a 10-79 occurring at North Michigan Avenue and Oak Street. Pair of suspects believed to be in the area. 10-79 Bomb Threat. Calling all units to the area, as well as the bomb unit." 

Erin and Jay glance at each other, knowing they were just a couple blocks over from where the call was coming from. It would be wrong to just head to the district without responding. It would be wrong to leave their fellow officers in distress. Besides, the action sounded more interesting than the upcoming paperwork.

"This is 5021 George responding to the 10-79 call," Jay says as he grabs the radio off of the dash, while Erin reaches over to flip the lights on as their speed picks up through the street. "Please be advised two plain clothes officers are en route and responding to the call."

Jay quickly makes his way up the street, turning left at the corner before heading down North Michigan Avenue. It does not take long before he and Erin have arrived at the intersection, with him pulling up behind a police car already on scene. 

Jay grabs the radio off of the dash, followed by the keys out of the ignition as he gets out of the truck, followed by Erin. The pair glance around them, careful of any signs of immediate distress, before slowly making their way over to one of the officers on the scene.

"Detective Jay Halstead and Erin Lindsay, Intelligence Unit," Jay introduces the pair of them to the officer who looks up at them, seeing the police badges clipped to their waist.

"We got a report of a pair of bombs in the area," the blond says as Jay and Erin both nod their heads in response. "One of the workers at the jewellery store called it in. Supposed a pair of disgruntle employees set on blowing up the entire business district here. They are somewhere to be found with the bombs in a pair of brown boxes. They stated they would blow them up if their demands were not met." 

"What are their demands?" It seemed like a simple question, and could be an easy way to get rid of the threat to the public if they were met. After all, Jay knew they had to prioritize the safety of everyone in the area in knowing there were 100s of people scattered through the buildings.

"Something about money and payment for something...." Erin just rolls her eyes, as it seemingly was always the reason behind anything. Money seemingly created too many problems in the world. "We've got no other description on the subject. My partner and two others ran to the left in hearing that's where the caller was from. We were hoping more people would show to scatter through other parts, and clear people away." 

"We'll take the right side then....." 

Jay and Erin head towards one of the big office buildings, sharing a quick nod as Jay enters first, with Erin right over his shoulder. They head inside, looking both left and right at the pair of hallways and the desk ahead of them. 

They are caught off-guard by a series of people running towards them, only causing another nod to be shared in knowing they were in the right building. If people were running, it was clear that they had found the right building and place to be.

Jay points to the left before heading down the left hallway, with Erin making her way down the right hallway.

"I saw him!" A random person yells as Jay begins the walk down, causing him to freeze immediately and grab their hand.

"Did you see the bomber?" He question, earning a frantic nod in response as the person tries to escape his grasp.

"Fifth floor! He had a package!" Jay makes a mental note of the comment as he reaches for his radio on his waist.

"Head out, go across the street behind the barricade. Make sure to speak to an officer out there about what you saw." The person then runs off as Jay tries to make a mental of what she looked like, just in case she did not follow those questions and they had to speak to her later on about what happened. "5021 George a witness reported the bomber being on the fifth floor of the Magnificent Mile. Requesting back-up and bomb unit to location."  

He clips the radio back on his waist, drawing his gun from his pocket as he enters stairwell. He then begins to make his accent up to the floor in question, knowing Erin was doing the same at the opposite end of the hallway where they were. 

He reaches the fifth floor, slowly opening the door as he looks down the long hallway. He sees nobody, beginning the walk down. He carefully and slowly takes his steps, looking for any sign of anybody - whether individuals or sound of movement.

He could hear movement at the opposite end of the hallway, knowing those feet belonged to his partner. 

"Who are you?" He hears as a closed door opens, catching his attention immediately as he draws the gun up to the person. "I suggest you do not shoot or I will blow the building up with both of us in it." 

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