Chapter 32: Home Sweet Home

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It had been a very quiet trip home. There weren't many words spoken between the pair. 

Erin did not bother to bug Jay as to what was going through his mind, or his thoughts, or the flashback. 

Truth be told, he did not want to talk about any of it at that moment. He honestly never liked talking about his father. It just brought back the painful memories. Even more so was talking about his mother's death - he was a momma's boy, and that had broken his heart more than anything else in the world. 

He had assured her that he was okay, which was all that mattered. He was also glad to be headed home, feeling as though it had been enough for him for the day. Maybe there was something to Will's "you should be relaxing" comments during the recovery.

"I'm going to get a shower," Jay states after they got back to their house. Erin was not surprised, having heard Connor's comments that morning at the check-up. She knew it was music to Jay's ears, only second to when he would get full work clearance.

"Remember what Connor said - wrap it in a plastic bag," Erin replies, referring to the left arm that still had some deep incisions throughout. He was cleared to get a shower for the first time since everything happened, and the inner joy could be seen by everyone. "You can get it a little damp, but are supposed to keep it as dry as possible." 

Erin lets out a sigh as she walks into the kitchen, reaching in the fridge for a bottle of beer. She leans back against the counter, popping off the cap as she takes a long mouthful. She knew if he was in there longer than her nerves could take, he would be getting company. Part of her wanted to run in there, help him out of that suit in seeing how sexy he was, and fully capture every bit of him underneath the water. However, she elected to let him enjoy his freedom in peace. It was another piece of getting back to normal.

She had gotten lost in her thoughts, thinking over everything that had happened since returning to Chicago, when a knock on the door snapped her out of those immediately. Who would be coming over to their place? As she made her way over, there were only a few names that crossed the name.

As she turned the handle and looked into the eyes of the elder man before her, she smiled as he was the first option of those that could be standing before them.

"How is he?" Hank questions as he easily makes his way inside of the condo. There were no words to be said between her and Hank. It always seemed whenever he came over to check on either of them, there was no objections to him entering. It was just the basis of their relationship.

"It figures you would leave your own celebratory dinner to check on him," she answers with a bit of a chuckle to herself. It was clear that her and Jay weren't the only ones not keen on attending these functions. 

"I noticed immediately when you both excused yourself - and without even saying goodbye." Erin lets out a sigh, knowing that was strike number one as she would certainly be reminded of that tomorrow. Hank may be one person to let it go, but Trudy would ensure to tease both her and Jay about it for the next couple of days.

"I could tell that he had a lot on his mind after the conversation with Kelly. I wanted to allow him to get away from it as soon as we could to make him feel better. Is that a crime?" Hank shakes his head no as he knew he would have done the same thing himself. It was all about putting the person who was in pain at the top of the list. "He is having a shower right now, by the way." 

"He's allowed those? I thought they'd be concerned about his arm." Erin almost chuckled, as it seemed everything she thought of during the appointment when Kelly said showers are allowed was being flashed right before her eyes by Hank. 

"They told him to wrap it in a plastic bag and keep it covered so it only gets a tiny bit wet while in the shower and he was allowed. You'd think he was told he could go to Disney World by the smile on his face. I was ready to get cleaned up as soon as I got in the door, but I had to let him have his satisfaction." Hank nods his head as he leans on the counter, eyes locked on Erin, both knowing the fluff discussion was going to come to a close quickly. It was obvious what she was avoiding discussing since Hank made the initial comment since entering. 

"I am glad his recovery is coming along, physically. But how is he, Erin?" Erin takes a deep breath, her head swirling in what to say in response. They both knew Jay well, sometimes better than he knew himself. Why was Hank putting her on the spot? He probably seen everything just as well as she did.

"He's going through some PTSD from what happened...." She takes a deep breath, thinking back to just the night before and the screams that had filled the bedsroom. "Nightmares, flashbacks, random periods of thoughts back to what happened and other things - all the usual things..." She picks up her bottle, taking another long sip, followed by a sigh. "It's been pretty bad at times. We saw the episode at your office. He had a similar episode like that a couple nights ago. I almost called Will because of how much pain he was feeling in his chest from hyperventilating. But he just would not snap out of the hum-vee incident." 

"I was scared when he made the decision for a third trip overseas to Bolivia that he was going to cause the PTSD to return, with new triggers and reasons. I didn't realize it'd be the city of Chicago that would do that more." Hank glances towards the hallway, before looking back at the empty counter before him. "I don't think any detective has been subjected to being kidnapped, shot, and blown up in the span of time that he has. You can't tell me that having all of that happen to you within a year does not do something to you. I hope I am not stepping boundaries and saying this. He went and did therapy after you left because of a combination of a couple army related cases and you leaving affecting him in such a way. I would not be surprised to see that be necessary again." 

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