Chapter 48: A Trip To The Office

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It had been a night that Jay would rather forget. He found himself awake four different times throughout the night from his spot in the chair with Erin.

It seemed the very same medicine they were giving to relieve her symptoms resulted in causing her night terrors, something he was very familiar with from his own time with opioids. He had wound up with both arms wrapped her body, holding him against his, as she tried to scream through the visions that were in her mind. 

She dreamt of Gregory Yates on two occasions, re-picturing the full months of trauma he brought to her life, including the eventual death he suffered - but yet her being hung in the hole in the ceiling instead. 

She dreamt of her brother's Justin killer Kevin Bingham making Hank dig a hole in the ground, and being shot as soon as it was formed - just like Hank had done to Kevin that night out by the Silos. 

She dreamt of Tawny Darrens actually successfully killing her that day at the apartment, and the attempted rape that Tawny's partner Ty being successful in having his way with her. Instead of Jay arriving to stop Ty before he even started, he arrives just as the bullet is released from Tawny's gun to kill her. 

The only comfort at the end of the night was having Jay climb alongside her in the hospital bed and hold her as she closed her eyes following the third one. She was finally able to sleep through the rest of the night. 

Thankfully, by morning, the dizziness and nausea had subsided with Natalie declaring the meth must have been out of her system. She was then allowed to be released from hospital, but required to stick away from running into any buildings or heavy work for 48 hours. Erin did not argue, knowing she would not be allowed anyway per police protocol due to the drugs being in her system.

The fact that she should not be policing or doing anything per protocol with having drugs in her system was why Hank and the rest of Intelligence were very surprised to see her and Jay walk up into the office together that afternoon.

"I'm not supposed to sit at home alone, and I am not going to make him skip work to take care of me," Erin states as she makes her way over to her desk, already seeing the peering eyes of everyone in the unit watching her. 

"I told her that I could take the day off and focus on taking care of her and it would be okay," Jay comments as his eyes don't leave Hank the entire time. He remembered the permission asked for, and granted to be there solely for her throughout this and not worried about the case. He wanted to ensure he was taking his role seriously. He did not need Hank questioning his relationship with Erin. It had taken way more work than he wanted the first time to get approval. "She kept insisting that I bring her to the office with me instead of going home. I made her promise that if being here gets to be too much, she will let me know and we can go home." 

"Maybe when Makayla gets out of school, you can spend the rest of the afternoon with her," Kim suggests, as a compromise to everything. It would allow Erin to feel useful in looking out for Kim and Adam's daughter while they worked the case, but yet have Makayla there to keep an eye on Erin and alert them if something was haywire. 

"Makayla is awesome, by the way. You would absolutely enjoy spending time with her...although..." Jay looks at Erin, taking a deep breath in knowing this comment could be met with an argument in return. "It may not be best to have someone who just overdosed on meth around a child. The symptoms may seem to be gone, and you may seem to be okay, but we both know they can pop up again. I wouldn't want to scare her considering everything Makayla has been through." 

"I'm fin-" Erin goes to spit back immediately at him, as Jay expected.

"I know you are right now, but I am just repeating what Natalie and Will both said," he cuts her off, remembering the after hospital care they were told. Hence Natalie's request of not doing anything work related for the next 48 hours. There was also a list of other signs to watch for her, and if they arose, to bring her back to Chicago Med. 

"I appreciate the concern. I appreciate all the looks that I am getting right now. I appreciate trying to find things that I can do. But I know the regulations. I know what I am allowed, and what I am not allowed to do. That's why I am going to focus on catching up on past paperwork and if I feel tired, there are couches to nap on around here. Jay, you can focus on the case. We need to get this crew off the streets before they affect more people and another set of eyes would help. You were so excited to get back on duty so enjoy it, do your job. I am fine, okay?" Jay reaches across the desks, putting his hand on top of hers, which only brings forth the second eye roll of the day. He knew he probably wouldn't hear the end of this from her.

"You come before work, remember? We're only doing this because we love and care about you. I am just looking out for you. I want you to be here with us, forever." He then gives her a light kiss, before letting her go as the mixed looks form on the faces of everyone else in the unit.

"Let's keep the PDA for home, and do what the tax payers want us to do here," Hank warns, eyes locked on Jay in knowing that one motion had crossed the line. He was okay these days with partners being together romantically, something he never thought possible, but asked they kept personal and business separate. It was clear those boundaries were being blurred more each day. "Jay, read up on the file on your desk quickly. We were able to get the boyfriend to crack to give us the supplier of the drugs. It is that person who we believe killed the daughters after they were unable to repay him for product sold. The daughters were unable to repay because the mother suspended their bank cards and cleaned out their secret stash's after finding out their involvement in drugs." 

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