Chapter 65: "We need to find proof."

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Jay makes his way in the office, sitting down at his desk as he opens the file before him. At the same time, the computer is turned on to ensure every bit of evidence logged in there is before his eyes. Letting out a sigh, he glances back and forth between the pair.

"We need to find proof," he comments as he begins to comb through what they had gathered so far.

They had the findings from the medical examiner, showing past signs of abuse as well as the cause of death, but yet no DNA or fingerprints to back up where they had come from. 

They had the comments from both the mother and the sister, but yet nothing of them clearly stating there was abuse. Arguments and distaste were shown, but nothing to solidly prove what it led to. It was just matters of opinion that could be easily thrown out in court.

They had the comments from the teacher in having suspected abuse was going on in the home, but suspecting and proof were two different things.

There was the conversation he had on the phone with the child's father, but yet none of it was recorded and it would be his word against the father's. He knew that was a 50/50 chance come a court room, and also repeated the words in his mind that he was told.

"We are going to find proof somewhere," Erin comments as she stands behind him, rubbing both of his shoulders as she watches him comb through everything. "We are going to nail this son of a bitch." 

"Halstead, my office!" Hank states from his desk, eyes focused forward as he does so. He knew what laid before him from Kim and knew it was only a matter of time until the rest found it out. Considering what they knew of the case so far, he knew the conversation was necessary.

Confusion was the only thing that surrounded Jay and Erin at the sound of Hank's voice, as they both glanced at each other initially. Erin could only wonder as to what the boss wanted to say, and the same could be said to Jay. Why were those words from Kenny repeating in his head?

Taking a deep breath, he makes his way to the boss' office, eyes locking on him as he tries to get a read on what the conversation would be about. Considering this was about to be wasted time in his mind, he was not ready for fun and games.

"If there's a complaint on your desk, save your breath because I am not leaving this office until I have proof that Kenny abused that little boy," Jay states as his eyes do not leave the doctor's. "We both saw all the evidence that shows the abuse. We have the signs based on his comments to me, as well as his wife's comments. I'm sure Erin shared with you what Luna had to say."

"Should I be worried about a complaint, Jay?" Hank questions as he pushes a piece of paper towards him. "Being he is the number one suspect, we're monitoring anything we can about Mr. Reynolds - phone records, his e-mails, and what he is doing currently. Why did he call you about 20 minutes ago, Jay? What did you talk about on the phone? Why did you not alert any of us on the team that you were contacted?" 

"I didn't believe it was necessary. I gave him my number at his house so he could reach me if he had any new information, say he remembered something he had forgotten. It's standard protocol. He simply called to ask for an update." Jay knew he should say the full details of the conversation. He knew he should share with Hank that his position was threatened. You were always supposed to disclose everything to your boss so he could help you. But every reservation told him not to do that, because let's face it - any other time they walked down that road, it turned into a cover-up and having to do things he didn't want to do. He had everything in his life right now on-track. He was not about to risk that happening again. "I told him we were looking into the leads we had so far, but there was nothing new to report. May I go?" 

"After all these years of working together, you really believe that you can stand there and lie to me and get away with it. You got off the phone, marched back into this office even more determined to prove that he is guilty of abusing and killing his son. What did Kenny Reynolds say to you on the phone, Jay?" Jay takes a deep breath, the words repeating in his mind as he half-expected to see someone from the Ivory Tower making their way into the Intelligence offices next. "I know we spent some time apart, but you know the deal if you are working for me. Disclose everything that you know and happens so I can help you. Let me protect you." 

"What if I don't want your protection? What if I don't want to play that game? I can't do that again, Hank. I can't go through that again. That drove me over the edge once already and I am not about to do that again." Hank slowly nods his head, debating his next approach as he tried to read every emotion that was on the face of the man before him. It was clear there was more to the phone call, and a reason Jay did not want Hank knowing the truth.

"I am your sergeant so that means you have to share every detail of the case with me. What did he say on the phone, Halstead? What did you say to him? What did he say to you? What was his motive of calling you just after Kim and Erin interviewed his daughter?" Jay takes a deep breath, debating on holding steady in his initial approach of not saying a word. But that'd just waste time. He had already wasted enough time standing here right now.

"He knows that I suspect him of doing it, and he knows that I am getting close to putting the pieces together. He knows that I am close to putting together enough proof to arrest him for abusing and murdering his little boy." 

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