Chapter 66: Kenny Reynold's Threat

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Hank sits back in his chair, listening as Jay recounts the full conversation he had with the boy's father moments before being pulled into the office. 

Part of him wanted to launch out of his chair, find out the man's location, and strangle him for even uttering the words to begin with. Another part of him wanted to watch his detective find the evidence and do this the right way to prove a point - that was a very small part of him. Truthfully, his own anger at the man's actions whether it be abusing his own son to uttering a threat at one of his detective's were sure to win out in the end.

"So you figure he is uttering the threats because he knows that you've got it figured out and just need the last piece," Hank comments as Jay nods his head. "That's why you're so determined to find that last piece of evidence that erases any shadows of a doubt." 

"I think we have something," Erin comments as she knocks on the door, interrupting the pair. Jay could only look back at her nervously, wondering just how much of the conversation she heard before coming in. He could only ponder the questions she would have to ask him about everything. "We've got video of Kenny Reynolds and his son by the alley by where the body was found." 

"A father going somewhere with their son is not going to prove anything," Jay states with a bit of frustration laced in his voice. There had been a glimmer of hope to everything intially. 

"A father being the only person with his son within the time frame of the murder gets your attention. The pair walking into the alley, followed by screams and cries of a little boy saying, 'Don't hurt me anymore daddy cause your eyes to open wide'." Jay's eyes don't leave Hank the entire time the details were being spread. There was only one question left to ask, in hopes it would crush every other feeling he felt in hearing those words.

"Can we draft up that warrant for his arrest? Combined with everything else, the pieces are there. We have enough to charge him, Hank." Erin could see the anxious behaviour of the man beside her, and knew the reason for it. It had been there since they had seen all the initial signs of this being the truth. 

"It's another to tell the tale of what happened. We may be able to get more out of him by speaking with him as well. A search warrant could allow us to look into anything that may be in the house with signs of it happening. Say there's copy of old house sulvilence video. There could be other signs in the house like bloody clothes hidden. There could be text messages on his phone, or a notebook." 

Jay's eyes immediately hit the floor in the mere mention of the notebook. He was immediately taken back to one of the cases he had solved as part of the Intelligence Unit. 

A young boy was being abused by one of his teachers, and committed suicide. The notebook was located, including details and images of the horror in which was experienced.

Jay did not think of the boy that was killed, but rather the boy he connected with. The boy he helped tell his story in what was happening. The boy he helped heal in sharing the pain he had endured. The boy he stayed close with in keeping tabs on how he was doing and dealing with the trauma.

"Draft up the paperwork for both the arrest and search warrant Erin," Hank states, his eyes not leaving Jay through the whole process. He began to wonder just where his detective's thoughts were at. He wondered if they were triggered by a past case. He wondered if they were triggered by his own personal thoughts. Hank was one of a few that knew Jay's darkest secrets. "Halste - Jay and I have some things that we need to talk about." 

"I'm on it," Erin states as she goes to leave, stopping in the doorway as she lightly puts her hand on Jay's shoulder, giving it a squeeze. "We are going to nail the son of a bitch. Just like we did for Ethan and Colin." 

"We saved Ethan - we didn't save Colin," Jay replies quietly as he takes a deep breath. The only reason they learned of the teacher's abuse was due to Colin's suicide due to being threatened if he exposed the truth. What if it hadn't come to light? Would Colin and Ethan both still be suffering, along with countless others? 

"We save as many as we can Jay," Hank says quietly as he begins to get a read as to just where the mindset is right now. 

"We're doing this for Sterling," Erin adds, emphasising the supportive squeeze on his shoulder. "We're doing this for Luna and perhaps for Sophie and others that may be out there. It's okay, Jay..." 

Erin slowly leaves the office, against every bit of her that wanted to remain there and be supportive for Jay. She wanted to be the person he leaned on, and helped him through what he was feeling. He always did that for her it seemed. Why could she not repay for the favor for once? 

However, she had a strong belief that leaving the room was the right feeling as she closed the door behind her. There was only one other man in her life that she trusted more than Jay, and that was Hank. If there was someone that could help Jay right now and be there, it was Hank. They already had a good relationship together, and could read the emotions the other was feeling easily. Hank was also good at the advice he offered in return. Jay would be okay with him. 

"Ethan graduated High School, and is going to college on a scholarship," Jay states once the door is shut. "He sent photos from an engagement party actually. He's doing really well, Hank. He's one of the lucky ones. Not everyone is as lucky as him and I. But just because we're lucky and survive doesn't mean it doesn't come without a price. That's pain that I just can't damn well let go..." 

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