Chapter 33: Checking In

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Erin knocks on the bathroom door, debating whether she should be doing that right now.

She trusted him. She believed in him. She knew he would not do anything stupid. She knew everything was fine and okay. Why was she checking in on him like a little kid?

He was healing from injuries sustained in a bomb blast. He still had significant marks up his arm as well as chest injury to heal from. This was his first shower since everything happened. He was suffering PTSD, from flashbacks to nightmares and hyperventilating. Did it not make sense to check on him? 

She watches as the door knob turns, followed by the door opening before her. There was no questioning whether this was right or wrong any longer. He was standing right there before her, eyes locked on her. She couldn't help but feel the lust, almost wishing Hank was not in their living room right now. She had plenty of other things that she could be doing instead that would be much more entertaining, and more comfortable than the dress she still wore.

"Shouldn't you be entertaining our guest?" He questions, a little surprised to see her standing there. She never interrupted their showers, unless there was one other things on her mind and she would have interrupted sooner if that was the case. You certainly did not do that when you had company, let alone your boss and essentially your father in the house. "I heard Hank's voice. I know he's here." 

"He came to check on you, Jay," she explains as she reaches out for his hand, offering a bit of comfort in not knowing exactly where his emotions stood. She wondered if what was said earlier was still bothering him. She wondered how the shower affected him. She wondered his opinion on Hank making an appearance at their place that night. "I just came to check on you to make sure that you were okay and didn't need any help. We care about you, Jay..." 

"I'm fine, okay?" He then backs away from her so he is back in the bathroom, not wanting to catch a glimpse of his boss while standing there in nothing other than towel loosely wrapped around him. He then goes back to drying himself off, before tossing it aside as he looks towards at the clothes laid out on the counter. He had hoped to go shirtless and get comfortable in bed, in hopes the exhaustion from the night out bringing him a peaceful sleep. Obviously that was off the table now with their house guest.

"Okay." What else was Erin supposed to say in return? She wanted to possibly emphasize the fact they cared and why, but she didn't want to bother him the wrong way about it. She did not need him angry with either her and Hank right now. She knew he needed them more than he would probably admit. She wanted him to come to them when he was ready. He would not be willing to do that if she caused further distance right now. "I didn't know if you knew Hank was here. I figured I'd warn you in case because I knew you'd probably not have a shirt ready to go." 

"Can you gra-"

"Done." She then holds up one of the very light long sleeve shirts to him, which he easily takes from her. She knew he had bought a bunch once the injury was sustained, not wanting to showcase the scars in not needing eyes or sympathy on what he had experienced. That's what he did about everything - just hid it time and time again, until it got too much to handle. Being it was only Hank over, she had almost grabbed one of his t-shirts instead as Hank was one of a few that saw the original injury sustained at the hospital. "I can grab a t-shirt instead if you want. You should choose something that helps you be comfortable. Perhaps take a couple Tylenol if you've got some pain." 

"I'm fi-"

"Jay, it is okay to admit if you are in pain once and a while. It just means that you are human." He slips the shirt over his head, not taking his eyes off of the mirror before him as he does. A simple look into those eyes of hers would allow everything to show. It was always true they could read each other well than anybody else. There was never hiding anything as it seemed their emotions always came out in their eyes more than anything else.

"My chest is fine as I've been following the relaxed technique that Will and Connor insisted. The shower actually helped that as it felt great to be human for once and bathe like anybody else, while having the hot water run down every single muscle. My arm hasn't hurt or bothered me for days now despite the marks that remain." She nods her head, accepting. It was a clear explanation in response to her protest, which she had to understand. Perhaps she was being too overbearing and worrying too much. What had Will done to her?

"Okay - that's good to hear." He then hangs the towel up to dry, followed by picking up the other towel from the floor and tossing it aside with the dirty clothes. He knew he should treat the suit better, but dry cleaning would make it perfect again so why worry about it right now? It was not like he wore it regularly.

"Now will you stop acting like Will, please?" He then finally allows his eyes to settle on her, taking both of her hands with his own. He knew she was reading him just as much as he was reading her right now. He hoped the touch of the hands would ease whatever she was seeing, knowing what he was feeling deep down. "I am going to be okay. You can stop worrying about me, okay? I am going to be okay, Erin...." 

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