Chapter 67: Attempted Apprehension

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Jay, Erin and Kim made their way into the building at the bottom floor, working their way up the steps of eastern stairwell carefully. Hank, Adam, and Kevin took the western stairwell, following the same protocol.

They had heard that Kenny was at work - 20th floor in the downtown core. They were going to sneak into his work, and place the cuffs on him before he even realised. Then would come collecting any evidence they could via the search warrant that accompanied the arrest warrant.

"We got a runner!" Jay screams they reach the floor. 

Each of the team members began a full sprint towards Unit 17, where Kenny had come from, as Kenny bolted for the elevator. He dove inside, hitting the door close button. Jay was mere inches before it closed, jumping in the other elevator and hitting the same button as he did so to quickly follow. 

The initial thought would be to go downstairs and make a run out of the building, but everyone also knew there was probably officers waiting downstairs. Jay had caught this before entering, and knew to repeat the same thing Kenny had done. He hit the button to go up.

"Tell me when his elevator stops!" Jay calls over the radio, knowing it was a 50-50 chance based on whether there would be a signal inside of the enclosed space.

"It just stopped..." Erin comments a couple minutes later, as Jay looks at the floor number in watching closely. He counts an extra second, before hitting the stop button. However, the button was not necessary with having reached the top floor.

As soon as the doors opened, he was running out and eyes glancing at both directions immediately. He caught a glimpse of the man, darting down the hallway the same way he had gone. 

They reach a door, which Kenny opens with a key card, making his way inside. Jay catches it before it closes, making his way through and up the 15 steps that followed. He opens the next door, eyes glancing around at how open it appeared. 

The door shuts behind him as he still tries to adjust to his surroundings, eyes darting everywhere at the severe change of light. He was no longer inside as he looked towards where Kenny stood. They were standing on the roof top in the middle of downtown Chicago right now.

"Alright, you ran away from us by coming up here to the rooftop of the building," Jay states, a single finger on the radio to hope the conversation was being heard. He wasn't quite sure, though, if he wanted them all barging up here quite yet. It was a small area and things could go wrong quickly. "Now what is your plan? Do you got some helicopter coming to pick you up and whisk you away?" 

"I bet you're going to get satisfaction in placing those cuffs on my wrists Detective Halstead," Kenny responds back as he keeps his eyes locked on the man across from him. "It will be even more satisfying when I get the charges dropped. It will be even more satisfying when I sue your ass for wrongful arrest. It will be even more satisfying when I get you stripped of your badge. I warned you and you did not listen." 

"We have video of you going into the alley with your son. That video contains audio of your son screaming for you to stop hurting him. We have findings from the medical examiner of past bruises, and signs of abuse. We have his teacher on record stating that she had suspected him of being a victim, and looked into it. Luna even stated that you and Sterling would argue a lot." The comments are only met with laughter in return as Kenny's eyes finally rest on the gun that was pointed in his direction.

"I bet you would get more satisfaction by pulling that trigger and killing me, instead of arresting me. Why don't you go ahead and do it?" Kenny then begins to close the gap that rested between them. "Come on Detective. Do what you truly want to do. Get the justice that you feel is deserved. Take down the man that you think hurt his own child. End my life as justice for me hurting my son. Just think of the pain that he went through. The smile on my face as he cried at the slap. He was just a boy that needed to be taught how to behave. What is wrong with a father instilling some good punishment?" 

"We both know that you took that too far in what you did to Sterling." Jay takes a couple deep breathes, forcing his eyes to stay open despite every feeling going through his mind. He could see the marks on the boy's skin from when they found him. He could hear the cries from Ethan as he recounted what happened to him. He could smell the dirty blood around Colin. He could taste the blood in his own mouth. He could feel every painful bruise across his skin. 

"Is that what you told your father? Is that why you're so bent on arresting me? You want justice that you could not get for yourself?" Jay shakes his head as he tries to ward off everything he was feeling, and only focus on the man ahead. He needed to do his job. He needed to get justice for all those who weren't able.

"You know nothing about me, and projecting feelings isn't going to change anything. All that matters right now is slapping these cuffs on your wrist and arresting your ass. So how about you put your hands together and make my job easy?" Jay only gets laughter in response as Kenny can only smirk at the twisted face he was seeing before him.

"I think story time would be more fun. Maybe I can share you some details as to what happened. Maybe I can tell you as to why I had to make Sterling pay..."

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