Chapter 14: "How is he?"

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Will lets out a sigh as he looks away from Connor. He takes a deep breath, briefly closing his eyes.

There were so many thoughts going through his mind, and he didn't know what to say or feel first.

He wanted to be angry at Connor. He wanted to be angry at Maggie. He wanted to be angry at everyone else that had been involved - even the paramedics, especially if it was Gabby or Sylvie. Why hadn't anyone told him sooner? Why was he just finding out now? 

He wanted to be frustrated. This was his baby brother that Connor was talking about. This was his baby brother that had been shot in chest just months ago. This was his baby brother that had served their country on three occasions, almost dying on the his second tour. This was his baby brother that was always getting hurt. Why were they always having this conversation?

He felt worry and doubt creep in. There was no mention of his condition - stable, unstable, life-threatening. He had noticed a change in the scrubs for Connor as there was no blood anywhere. Maybe there was no blood to be concerned about. But how was Jay? What was hurting? Why had he been brought to the hospital? 

The concern laced in Connor's face caused those feelings only to grow more. Connor never was unease in delivering news or things going on. Why was he acting this way right now? 

The doubt almost left immediately, though, for the same reason as the frustration. Jay had been through a lot. He had made it through everything, stronger than he was before. It was just another stepping stone. It was another part of the job, fair or not. He would be okay, right? 

"How is he?" Will finally finds the words to fill the quietness that had fallen over the room, not even looking back at Connor as he did so. He was scared of what would be said next. He didn't want to look back and see a sign of what news was to come. 

"Knowing Jay, he will be okay," Connor comments, bringing an immediate sigh of relief from Will, who hadn't realized he was holding his breath in anticipation of those words. "He is going to be killer sore for a couple weeks. He also is not going to like the fact that I have to keep him here for a bit." 

"I'm a fellow doctor, Connor. Give it to me straight. What are you talking about?" The concern returned upon those words. The fact he would be okay but they have to keep him here for a bit did not spell out a good look in Will's mind right now.

"Well, if you are going to put it that way - hey, here we go. Concussion, pulmonary contusion, hemothorax, multiple lacerations to his left arm, a broken left wrist, and a series of contusions all over his body from a three foot fall." 

Seeing the immediate look on Will's face, it made Connor feel bad for acting that way in response. They were used to their little spats, and attitude at times back and forth. However, the hospital needed them both. They kept each other in line, and were always pushing the envelope the best of their patients. 

Though in that moment, Connor knew he should've forgotten that, instead remembering how much Will cared about Jay. He knew the Halstead family well. He was there alongside the brothers when their father went through open heart surgery. He was there when Pat Halstead died in the hospital. Connor even was aware of what Jay went through with his mother's cancer diagnosis and eventual death.  

"It sounds worse than it is, if I am being honest," Connor starts as he goes over and sits down alongside Will, hoping to regain his attention and trust right now. "I know you're concerned mostly about the pulmonary contusion and hemothorax, as I was when he was admitted. Coughing up blood on the scene, we found it in the first set of x-rays and thoracic ultrasound."

"How bad is it?" Will questions, finally allowing himself to look at the man that sat beside him right now. He could already picture the worse, knowing Jay would be more grumpy, agitated and make this worse if  he had a tube down his throat. "Did you have to put him a ventilator? We both know he hates that. That's the worst thing for him. It brings him nightmares from mom, the hum-vee incident...." 

"I know, I was there when we had to do it for when he was shot and I hated it knowing that." Will nods his head, remembering how Connor and Dr. Charles were the only sensible ones throughout that situation with it in getting Jay as calm as possible to deal with the necessity. "It's not that bad, and he's responding well to just delivering through a face mask right now. If things continue going well, I told Ethan we are not going down the road of doing a trac unless absolutely necessary." 

"Thank you. Thank you, both you and Ethan..." Will takes a deep breath, keeping his wits about him. He knew he had to get his wits about him. He couldn't be freaking out when he went and saw him. He had to be the protective big brother. He had to be there and convince him it would be okay. He had to offer comfort and try to make everything easier to deal with. "I am guessing he's in the ICU with limited visitors, and family only. Is there anyway that we can talk to Goodwin and see if maybe Hank and Erin can come see him? We could say that it's necessary for the investigation..." 

"I can see what we can do, okay? I am pretty sure you have more leeway with Goodwin lately than I do." Will chuckles a little bit, remembering the latest spat Connor had in her office about distribution of resources and the surgical procedural changes. "Ethan and I did a thoracostomy, and we are confident there's no more blood so we just got to keep an eye on him. As long as he takes it easy and we allow his lungs to heal, he will be okay...." 

"Severe or minor concussion?" Will didn't want to be doctor here, but he wanted to know as much as he could before going to see Jay. He knew his worrying self would also want to read his full chart, and see everything to ensure that he was getting the best care and everything was dealt with - as much as he trusted Connor.

"Minor. The lacerations on his arm were deep in spots and required stitches, and we have it bandaged up so nothing gets infected. His wrist is braced. Antibiotics to ward off an infection from the cuts because that'd just complicate things, and pain killers so it's manageable through an IV." Will nods his head, already making a mental list of the things that Jay would be complaining to him about. He didn't know whether it'd be the mask, IV, usage of pain killers, or the hospital stay first. But he knew he'd accept it all, as it was better than some of the mental thoughts he had during Connor's comments.

"Can I go see him, please?"  

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