Chapter 40: Politician's Children

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Erin and Jay get out of the car together, walking over to where Hank stood just outside of the red tape of the scene. They could already see they had been beaten to the spot by Kim and Adam. One could say it was because they lived closer, but Linstead knew the true reason with the morning escapades among the excitement.

"Are either of you aware of Lindsay Keaton?" Hank questions as he keeps his eyes forward, still in disbelief as to what lied beneath the pair of white sheets inside the mansion. 

"Is she the activist that is trying to pass the new bill about criminal drug charges?" Jay asks, having saw something on the news while flipping through the stations randomly the other night. She knew she was trying to change the code, in relation to how long people could be held and where based on new findings about certain illegal substances. Anything that helped keep drugs off the streets was a win in his books. "I heard there were a lot of people that were unhappy with her penalty code thoughts. They thought she was being too strict with her request." 

"So we've got a gang banger that went after her family because of that?" Erin tries to piece together the case in seeing the house before them, along with Hank's comments before their arrival about the political connection. She could already feel the mix of theories building in her heard about possibilities in why they had targeted her family. 

"She had a pair of teenage daughters..." Erin and Jay could already sense the direction this was going as they watched the coroner go by with one of the two bodies covered and into the van. 

"14-year-old Denise Keaton and 16-year-old Lilly Keaton are both dead due to an apparent drug overdose," Hank states as they walk towards the house together. "Deputy Miller asked directly that we are the unit that handles the case. We need to find out how the girls got the drugs, and why." 

"This may not had been a gang banger," Adam's voice catches their attention as he makes his way out of the front door. He then walks up to where Hank stood with the pair of detectives, holding up a clear plastic bag. Instead, there were a couple packets of white powder and a couple bongs. 

"We found that in Denise's bedsroom, and there is more empty packets stuffed under her bed," Kim adds as she joins her fiance standing before the trio. 

"Self-inflicted overdose because the girls took too much?" Hank questions Adam in feeling that direction of that he was going with the initial comment he made in joining up with the rest of the team. It would not be the first time they had come across one of those types of cases. "I want you to find out everything about the girl's history - go through their phones and laptops. I want to know who they are contact with, and what they are doing when they are not with their parents. I want the whole day leading up to their deaths put together - who was in this house, who they saw, and who could have stopped by. Check pods to see if anyone was over at the house with them, or was watching them. If we find that they were involved in drugs, concrete evidence, then we will take the information back to Ms. Keaton. We also will be finding how they got the drugs, and working our way up the food chain. If someone is supply drugs to a pair of teenage girls, they can't be the only ones - and this may be first of a chain to start happening..."

"It could be the motivation for why she was pushing this bill in watching her daughters go through it without being able to help," Jay states as he glances over the direction that Lindsay Keaton sat surrounded by a pair of men. He could see the tears that crept down the lady's face, combined with the anger. He was trying to see past that, though. Were there skeletons? "Has anyone asked Ms. Keaton about what was found in the house? Do we know if she had any knowledge of her children's involvement with drugs?" 

"If she knew something about their drug usage, wouldn't she done someth-" Kim starts as Jay takes a deep breath. That would be seemingly obvious, and was not off the table in his theory.

"Maybe she tried to do something and yet failed. Maybe she found out, tried to get them help and into rehab but it did not go work. Maybe she did not want to see them go to jail so she tried to keep it quiet. Maybe she was hoping her new bill would see their potential supplier thrown in jail because she blames them. She may not had been able to help them directly, so she started pushing the law change in a way to indirectly do something." 

"There's only one way to find out," Erin states before she begins the walk over to where the lady sat. 

Jay then followed, just as his partner guidelines stated to do so. He was going to back her up and be there. However, he knew in this case, that mean holding her back a bit. He knew when it came to teenage girls and being taken advantage of, Erin did not handle those cases lightly and sometimes pushed the boundaries as harder - if not more - than Hank. 

He remembered the words of the phone call and the discussion at the apartment before coming. There were a lot of eyes on the case. They had to do this by the book. They had to follow the chain of command. They had to follow the rules. Certainly breaking those with the politician herself would not be a good way to kick things off. 

How did they always seem to get themselves in these situations, and why was he having too much fun on the job today? 

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