Chapter 2: The Couch

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Jay slithers his way up her body, allowing his lips to meet hers in perfect unison, lightly touching them with his own. He then pushes in more, allowing his body to align perfectly with hers in that moment.

"Erin...." He lets out, the passion of the moment blinding him slightly as he fought against the urge to take every bit of cloth off of her body, expose every bit of her, and reunite the way they had several times before. But yet he also wanted to savor this, knowing it was one of the many things he had been craving for over the past several years they had been apart from one another. 

"Jay...." She replies, breathless as she felt every ounce of her soul being given to the man that was above her right now and trying to ensure every bit of him was touching her. "I'm so glad that I kept the couch. I knew more than anything I couldn't get rid of this couch. It fits you perfectly with me." She wraps both arms around his waist, holding him, knowing there was no way that she was about to let go anytime soon in being scared of a repeat of before happening again.

"I can't believe you kept it all these years, either. I thought it was gone when I came back to your apartment and there was nothing left - just the wall unit and a photo." He then reaches in his pocket, pulling out a small wallet size image of them together. 

He had never shared it with anyone since he found it in the empty closet when he came looking for her after she left that night. Instead, it had been placed every single morning in his pocket with the rest of his belongings, something to always hold onto as a memory of their time together. He almost stopped carrying it and thought of getting rid of it when he and Hailey got married, but decided against that. Instead, it was kept with him as a momento of a special time in his heart before. 

"This is much better than the photo though," he comments, leaning in for another kiss. "The apartment is nice, but we can live anywhere. The photo is nice, but it's just one moment in time. It doesn't feel as amazing as those soft lips of yours right now." He places another kiss on her lips as his hand slips beneath the edge of her shirt, his fingertips tracing the edge of her waist. "I was surprised when I saw you were still making the monthly payments. I thought you would've let it go as soon as you moved. Somehow, I always knew you would return to Chicago one day." 

"Because I had someone waiting for me who I wanted to tackle and love forever," she replies with a smirk on her face, giving his ass a squeeze with one of her hands. "That's why I kept the couch and got it moved to my new place in New York. Every time I slept on it, I envisioned it still smelling like you and reminding me of everything. It gave me hope that maybe one day my heart would be complete. It also gave me hope one day we could do this...."

She then sits up, shifting them around so he's pinned back against the couch, lips meeting hers as she keeps him held in place. It was then her turn to reach for the edge of his shirt, debating on just ripping it off without holding back as she almost couldn't take how much she wanted him right now.

"Do you see me complaining?" He questions, easily getting comfortable as she straddles herself on his lap, feeling himself growing harder by the second. Perhaps if they didn't deal with the clothes that stood in the way sooner than later he would be bursting through. "I need you, Erin...." He then takes her hand and places it on his crotch, allowing her to feel his manhood through the fabric of his jeans. 

"Is that so?" She asks in response, stroking the bulge that was easily showing through, while sucking his neck. "Maybe I could give you what you want. Maybe I could allow you the release that you're craving." 

"Please...." He then reaches for the buttons on the shirt she is wearing, popping them off one by one, allowing it to fully open as he licks his lips. He could already envision the many things that he wanted to do that night, knowing how much she loved the edge of his tongue on her nipples. It was why he was already reaching around to her back, looking for the clasp that held her bra on right now. "If you give me what I want, I can give you what you want." 

He then undoes the clasp, followed by slowly sliding the straps down her arms to fully expose her before him. He couldn't help but feel himself grow harder, the button on his jeans undoing as a moan escaped. His tongue rolls itself across his lips, fully enjoying the sight before him as it was clear nothing had changed since the last time they had been together. 

He then leans forward, bringing just the very tip of his tongue to her left nipple, followed by doing the same to the other side. He knew she was falling for it hard despite trying to hide it with how her body arched towards him, craving for more of the same to happen. 

"Jay..." She lets out in a moan, her hands finding their way underneath his shirt as she pulls it up and over his head in the quickest swift motion she could manage, hoping his tongue found his way quickly back to her once again. She then leans in, sucking on his neck, not caring if there was a mark left the morning as right now, all that mattered was they both got what they needed. 

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