Chapter 3: Breakfast

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It was the next morning, and with having just moved back into the apartment, Erin had not gone through filling the fridge and cupboards with any food yet. It seemed odd considering she had been back in Chicago for over a week now, but where was the time to do that with work?

It was why her and Jay found themselves sitting at the diner just down the road, ordering the usual - eggs benedict with a coffee for her, and a grand slam breakfast with a coffee and orange juice for him.

With the most recent case having just wrapped up, they both knew they could take their time in coming into work that morning. It would just be about finishing up the formal paperwork containing to everything that happened so that way it was straight and ready to go for the lawyers. File it away, ensure all notes in computer are cleaned up, with the office getting a quick clean before diving into the next thing that dropped on them. 

Of course, normally before they finished the process, it always seemed there was another case for them to begin working as they never seemed to catch a break.

"I can officially confirm that the couch is still comfortable," Jay comments, earning a chuckle with Erin. They were certainly both satisfied when the night was complete, as a couple rounds ensued between them wanting to feel every inch of each other along the way. "I think it actually has grown more comfortable. I'm glad because you had me buried right in there at one point. Maybe the springs have softened." 

"Well, I did sleep on it a lot in New York," Erin confesses as she looks over at him with sigh. She almost wanted to pinch herself right now, not believing they were back together and he was sitting here right before him. "Like I told you, it was the perfect reminder of you and I didn't want to let that go. Several nights I would go lay in the bed, but yet wound up on the couch mid-way through the night. For the record, it's much better when I have a warm body to cuddle with on it." 

"For the record, you will have that warm body for as long as you want it next to you..." He then leans in, placing a quick kiss on her lips, before they each return back to eating their respective breakfasts. "Remind me to go shopping today. I should cook you a meal. I should make you breakfast tomorrow. Perhaps I could make waffles, with lots of whip cream. No, ice cream. I think ice cream and strawberries spread around head to toe..."

"Jay Halstead, we are sitting in a restaurant right now in front of other people with no privacy in sight. Are you seriously thinking about that so openly?" He then looks over at her surprised by the comment, as her cheeks start to blush immediately. "Okay, maybe we both are. Or maybe I am just thinking how you'd be my perfect sundae. Can you tell that I have missed you? I just want to taste every inch and see every inch. I just want to hold on and not let go. Part of me wonders if I am dreaming. If that's the case, please don't ever wake me up." 

"You're not dreaming - but if we are, don't wake me up either. I am enjoying every single moment. For the record, I was not thinking that as you were - but it is a good idea. Maybe we need to buy a couple tubs of strawberry." She couldn't help but chuckle in response, as this was certainly a better breakfast conversation than the ones she had shared in New York with Olivia and the others. "It's probably a good thing we went for breakfast this morning. I don't think Hank would appreciate this conversation as much." 

"Oh God, I would be so damn embarrassed. Then he would be asking you if you have it out again. The way you told him I wasn't aware it was out almost caused me to burst out in laughter, by the way. You were so serious." Jay nods his head, remembering that as it was when Hank first discovered the true feelings he shared for Erin.

There was once upon a time there was to be no dating in the Intelligence Unit. However, it had become a thing of past when Hank welcomed Jay being there for Erin when she was struggling after Nadia's death. It remained a thing when Jay and Hailey developed their relationship. It was certainly perhaps the way things were now given that Adam and Kim shared a family together with Makayla.

 "Remember when I started coming over to your place, and we hid it from Hank?" Jay questions with a chuckle, earning a nod from Erin as she simply smiles in response. "My brother saw through that immediately. I think he figured it out before anyone that I had feelings for you. Will always liked you." 

"That was until I broke your heart," Erin replies with a small sigh, remembering Will's initial reaction in hearing the pair had been reunited together. There was the stern warning that if she pulled the same move again, she would not live to see the week after that. Will wasn't one to normally take charge like that, but he wasn't about to watch his brother's heart get broken again. "Hopefully he can learn to like me again because Will is a pretty cool guy when you get to know him. I am actually glad things worked out with him and Natalie. I knew even when he was with the others that he belonged with Natalie." 

"Just like we both knew that we belonged together...." Jay then leans in for another kiss, smile firmly placed on his lips as he does so. "Don't worry - Will can't even harm a fly. You are okay. He still likes you quite a bit. He also understands what happened the first time was not all your fault." 

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