Chapter 56: A Drug Test

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"Before either of you are allowed to return to duty, you must pass a drug test dictating the drugs have worked their way through your system and are not potentially affecting your decisions."

Those were the words that had haunted Erin and Jay since everything that happened. Neither of them were allowed to step within the walls of Intelligence, or help out with any cases as a result of what happened. Neither of them were taking it well either, growing frustrated in the inability to be allowed to do their job. 

There was only so much sex that could be had to distract themselves.

They had tried watching a movie, but only got halfway through before they were bored. They had tried going out for a trip to the mall, but no stores were calling their names for them to check out. Erin was almost hoping she would catch someone shop-lifting to step into action and then say afterwards she acted on instinct and as a concerned citizen as an excuse. 

Jay had suggested doing sight seeing around the city of Chicago and checking out places that visitors often enjoyed. However, both quickly turned that down with knowing the city completely inside and out. There was no spot that could give them the same satisfaction as being on the job.

Erin had suggested taking a trip back to New York, and giving Jay a tour of the area she had been working while they were apart from each other. However, he turned that down in not wanting a reminder of the years they were apart. He didn't want to chance bad memories from that time coming back up and bothering him once again.

It was no wonder once four days had past, both of them were very excited to walk into the 21st district together and up to Trudy's desk, ready to take the big test in question. Meth was only supposed to affect your judgement for eight to 24 hours after being consumed, and be detectable in your urine for 72 hours after. Now if only they could pee on the spot and both be clean, they would stop having to worry about finding ways to spend the time.

"Both of you will need to be checked to ensure you are not hiding a sample in your pockets before entering the bathroom," Trudy states as she stares at the pair of detectives. She hated to be going through this process, almost ready to lie in the file in saying they had clean tests and unlock the gate to allow them to go upstairs. She knew Hank was going crazy without having them, having asked for a couple extra patrol officers to help him with the latest case that morning. She heard how reluctant he was in doing so, never wanting to trust someone outside of his unit in case something happened. However, he needed a pair of eyes to make up for the pair before her right now. "You will then go inside, deposit your sample into the jar, and hand over to the officer when you come out." 

"Please tell me it does not take long to get the results," Jay pleads in knowing the extra time in waiting for the results was going to drive him crazy. It was one thing to be purposely benched, but it was another to have your fate resting in the hands of someone else. What if the smallest trace was found? There was no way he could handle another day off. He also had another worry, in knowing Intelligence's history. "And how do we know these won't be tampered with?" 

"He is right in asking you that knowing there's more than one person in this city that would love to see Intelligence, even if just Hank, go down," Erin adds, knowing she did not need to publicly say it as Trudy and Hank had been friends for a number of years and she was well aware of his reputation. She had gone to bat for him multiple times, including black-mailing a commander to ensure Adam was not fired after an incident. "Can we truly trust these officers with our samples?" 

"They are two of the bes-"

"But are they trust worthy? Are they among the top ones that you would trust with anything around here?" Trudy lets out a sigh in the question being asked, as she glanced towards where the officers stood awaiting to check over Jay and Erin before they headed into the bathroom in question. She should expect the nerves by now, especially from Erin, with her history and how long she had been around Hank. It seemed she had been a target of the Ivory Tower from the day she decided to enter the Police Academy.

Jay makes his way over to the officers first, easily standing up against the wall as they fully patted him down from head to toe, checking the pockets of his jeans to ensure no samples were inside. Once given the all clear with a bottle handed to him, he makes his way inside the bathroom to deposit his sample.

It took longer than expected, which did not surprise Jay. It seemed whenever he had to do this test, it brought stage freight with no urine to be seen even if he drank gallons of water before entering the facility. He remembered the one time he spent three hours in the bathroom at Army camp staring at the bottle before he was able to get himself to go. It was not that long this time, but long enough as there was a bit of surprise on all the faces once he came out and handed over the bottle to the officer standing there.

"I hope you perform better than your boyfriend," Trudy teases as she glances towards Erin, knowing it was now her turn to follow the same process that Jay had just gone through.

"We both know that I do all the time, everywhere," she replies, smacking his ass as she walks by him with a smirk on her face. She knew what she was doing, knowing that would happen the moment they got back to the apartment after leaving the district. Perhaps that was a good idea, as they would both need a distraction to ease the worries and nerves in waiting for the results of the test.

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