Chapter 16: Erin's Reaction

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As per Will's request, it was cleared that Erin and Hank were able to come see Jay despite not being actual family to him. It was as easy as Connor expected in getting Goodwin to accept, knowing she would do whatever it took for the Halstead brothers and Chicago PD.

"Right now our focus in on Jay and how he is doing," Hank states as he and Erin make their way down the hallway together to the room. Goodwin had come to give them official permission person, followed by the room number to allow them immediate access. It had allowed her to give Will some time with his brother alone before the visit, knowing he needed it whether admitted or not. "But we need to talk about your behavior on scene later..." 

It was as if the words from Hank had gone straight over her head. She hadn't bothered to care or listen to what he had to say, even if he was her boss, or father-figure in her life. It didn't matter right now. It was all secondary to the only thought that clouded her thoughts.

She had watched Kelly and Otis bring Jay out of the building, seeing the blood from his body as the paramedics began attending to him. She had seen the blood smeared into Kelly's uniform from the rescue. It had only heightened her nerves of worry with what had happened on scene before that. 

There was also the silence at the hospital with not a single update from any doctor on how Jay was doing, or where he was. Then when Ethan came out and shared the full prognosis, it brought forth new worries. What if his lung did not heal accordingly? What if there was more blood to be coughed up? What if he needed surgery? What if his hand didn't fully heal? 

The relief only came in the words from Goodwin that Will had requested both her and Hank be granted access despite only family being normally allowed per hospital policy. She wanted to hug Will as soon as she saw him and thank him. Let's face it - the only comforting thing for her right now would be seeing Jay for herself.

However, as she reached his room and made her inside, she saw the bandages that wrapped his arm and the mask on his face, she couldn't help but let out a sigh. He was injured, fighting against his injuries, and she had done nothing as his partner to help him with the situation.

She had left him in the room by himself to handle the suspect. She had froze up in worry about his condition to not watch the exits as she was supposed to. 

The suspect was able to sneak out and get away when he left the building, and escape all of the officers on the scene including her. She could only imagine he left through the doors she was supposed to be watching. 

Then there was the man that Jay saved - the business owner. He had managed to escape their custody as well in the chaos following the second blast. He had answers and reasons. He was the target of the attack for a reason. Why would he be running if he was the target? What was he now trying to hide? Why was no one keeping an eye on him? 

It was no surprise that Hank wanted to talk to her later on as let's face it - she was to blame for part of the situation they were now in with no knowledge of the suspect and hunting for the business owner for a clue.

"I know I fucked up," she states as she looks over at Hank, finally, the realization hitting more than she wanted to admit as tears slipped down her cheeks. "I let the unit down today by my actions. I let Jay down today by my actions." 

"We'll talk about it later, okay?" Hank reminds her as he wraps an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into a hug. He knew he could have drew the point in more, but knew this was not the time or place. The fact that the man he had treated like a son of his own, and helped find his footing over the years was laying just feet from them had to be their focus. No matter how things happened on the scene, all that mattered was ensuring Jay was okay now.

"You can take my seat if you look like," Will offers in hearing them both enter the room, but only gets a pair of head shakes in return. As much as Erin wanted to sit where Will was, and hold Jay's hand in ensuring he would be okay, she knew that she couldn't do that right now. He needed his brother as that was the pillar of strength for him. She had also let him down, and would feel guilty in trying to erase that feeling by being by his side now. 

"Erin..." Jay lets out as he lifts the mask off of his face a bit, obviously against what Will would have hoped right now as he was already reaching to have it placed back where it was. "I'm not mad at you..." It was clear despite everything he was going through himself, Jay could see the tears down her cheeks and guilt she was feeling as she tried to look away from the sight before her. "I'm okay..." 

"That's great to hear," Hank comments with a drop of confidence as he stands at the bottom of the bed, eyes focused on the man before him. This was an all-to familiar position that Hank hated to be making routine lately it seemed. However, if there was anyone on the team that could fight through anything, it was Jay.

"I love you," Erin whispers as she blows him a kiss from her spot at the bottom of the room. It was a small gesture, but it was the only words she could get out right now through her emotions.

"All Units on the city wide," a call comes through Hank's radio, catching them all off-guard. They normally turned off their radios when they entered the hospital to wait for news and be there for someone. It was a general respect across the Chicago PD that other officers would handle calls and situations to allow you to be there for people. "We have a DOA in connection to the bombing case. Please roll the crime lab." 

"This is 5021," Hank starts as he pulls the radio out of his pocket. "Please send the coordinates for the DOA. Please hold the Intelligence Unit as responding." He then places his radio back in his pocket as he looks at Erin. "Stay here, take care of him with Will. I'll be back...." 

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