Chapter 8: Chained to a Bomb

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Jay takes a deep breath as he looks at the clock on the screen before him, seeing the time that was left remaining. He had that matter of time to figure out how to disarm the device before him. He had that matter of time to save his own life. He had that matter of time to save the life of the man across from him. He had that matter of time to save the building from blowing up, and the lives of those in the area in Chicago.

"5021 Adam I need the bomb squad to my location immediately," Hank Voight requests over the radio as he pictures the situation that Jay was right now in. "I need the bomb squad to Suite 507 immediately. Jay, talk to me..." 

"5021 George disregard the previous call for the bomb squad," Jay replies as he takes a deep breath. The words of the man before he ran out the door kept ringing through his mind. He knew a single person stepping foot in the building would result in the trigger being pushed. He knew that would cause the matter of time he had to figure out the device to be gone immediately. "I hope you have trackers on the vehicle that he is getting into, Hank. But you can't send them up in here as he has a secondary trigger in his pocket that he will use. We have time to figure this out. I can disarm this.." 

"Jay, are you sure you know what you are doing?" Jay did not know how to answer that question, yet. He had seen this type of bomb before. He already had a theory in his mind as to how he would go about disarming it. He just needed to follow the steps in the perfect order and not trigger it before it was off. "Kim, Adam, Erin, Hailey, Kevin - be on the lookout for the man leaving the building and the direction of travel. Do not approach until Jay confirms the bomb has been disarmed. Jay, how much time do we have to clear the area?" 

"13 minutes now..." Jay takes a deep breath as he reaches for the chain that held the other man to the table, freeing it as quickly as he could. He knew he was wasting time he could be focused on the device and getting himself out of trouble, but he also knew the pledge he had taken when he took the job. It was his duty to serve and protect others. "Get out of here..." 

"5021 Adam there will be two men exiting the building. Do not shoot either of these men. The first individual has a trigger that can blow up a bomb in suite 507. The second man is a hostage from that very suite."  Jay was glad to hear the call over the radio, thankful it was Hank that was in charge once again in saying exactly how he wanted the situation to be handled. 

It was then he looked at the chains that bound his left hand, knowing he could not undo them without triggering the bomb on the table. If he wanted to be free, it was going to take disarming the device before him first. It was then he began to follow the wires once again and how they were plugged in. He followed the wire that went from where the numbers flashed to the back of the device. He followed the wire that touched the C4 to where it connected at the back.

"Bomb squad is here with me if you want to describe the device to them," Hank says over the radio, not fully trusting Jay's own judgment with the device. He knew that Jay had some training from his time in the army. However, he also knew it was usually best to trust the experts. "Jay?" 

"Just make sure the area is cleared because it could go off at anytime if I move it slightly," Jay comments over the radio, knowing Hank meant well with what he was saying. However, eyes focused on it, he had seen it before and already had begun to put a plan in his head.

He knew he had to flip it over, but knew the risk in touching it without it being disarmed. The slightest the touch the wrong way, a slight pull on a wire, could result in everything being blown to pieces. It was why he carefully slipped his fingers around the device, flipping it over to the back of it. He then takes a deep breath as he looks over where each of the wires connected, remembering where they were on the front of the device.

He knew he couldn't hold it steady while handling his radio at the same time, allowing it to fall to the floor through his fingers. He had to have all focus on the device before him as he knew the numbers were probably ticking away faster than his thoughts were probably thinking. However, he had to do this slow and careful. He couldn't rush it as one wrong move, and everything would be for nothing.

He then follows the wires once again, seeing the red wire between the C4 and the very center of the back. He then looks at the yellow wire between the timer and just above the red on the back. There were a couple more wires, but yet it was those two which drew all of his attention.

"The timer goes off, it sends a signal...." He muses to himself as he takes a deep breath, debating as to what wire would be the trigger wire in this case. "Fuck Jay, you can't sit here all day...."

He then takes another deep breath before tugging at the yellow wire and a purple wire at the same time, ducking away from the device as he does so with nerves filling him. He then waits a couple seconds, before looking back at it once again. A smile comes across his face in seeing the lights had gone out on the device with no sound to be heard.

He then shifts it on the table slightly, which allows his hand to reach his previously dropped radio.

"This is 5021 George, bomb has been disarmed," he calls over the radio as he sits back in the chair. "I'm still chained to the device, need the chain cutters. Please send rescue... - and someone arrest the son of a bitch!"

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