Chapter 38: "I need to make sure you're fit for duty."

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After a long boring day of paperwork, Jay and Erin headed out for a quick bite to eat before heading home. As they made their way inside with Jay thinking it would be a simple night of watching the game and snacks, Erin had other ideas already on her mind. It was something she had been thinking about the whole entire meal in watching every inch of him closely.

"Woah easy there," he comments as she pins him up against the wall just after the front door had been shut behind them. "May I help you, Officer Lindsay?" 

"We both know what I wan-" She goes to say, but her words are cut off by a pair of soft lips brushing across her own. 

"Is that so? Because I thought you just wanted a relaxing night with your boyfriend. It seems you already have some other plans on your mind." She nods her head, every part of her just wanting to kiss his lips and rip every inch of his clothes right there off. Why was he making this so difficult? They both loved each other enough to be desperate and want it all.

"I need to make sure you're fit for dut-" He then turns them around, pinning her against the wall in the same position she had just had him minutes before. He knew what she was going to say. He knew the ploy and excuse she was going to use. But the lust in her eyes told him where they'd be before the end of the night.

"Does that prove it, Ms. Lindsay? I could easily read you your rights. I could put you in handcuffs if you would like. I can handle it all." She couldn't help but smirk in the thought of being tied down at his mercy - until it brought back a flashback that she did not want to ever feel again. She takes a deep breath, trying to shake it off as quick as she could, knowing what her heart truly wanted tonight. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" 

"Flashback..." He quickly drops his hands to release her from the wall in knowing he would want the same option in return if he was forced into a similar situation. He had never seen her experience one of these - they were just focused on those happening to him normally. He knew there was history from a previous incident as he had seen signs with previous cases. But there was never an opportunity that she had shared the details with him - just like she did not know the real reason he despised his father.

"Do you want to talk about it? Do you want anything?" She shakes her head no as she pulls him right back close to her, erasing the gap that had formed between them. She knew talking about it would just bring up the fears, the tears, and the anger. She didn't want to feel any of that right now. She wanted the one thing she had been focused on since returning home.

"All I want right now is a detective kissing my lips and making love to me. All I want right now is to see you stripped down nothing before me. All I want right now is to experience every inch that is you." He didn't need to be told anymore details, as he brought his lips back to hers once again just like he had done so earlier. This time, there was more passion laced behind it as she runs her hands beneath his t-shirt, slipping it up over his shoulders and tossing it aside. "So sexy..." 

"I don't even come close to you.." He then repeats the process with her, followed by reaching around to unclip her bra, quickly sliding it down her arms and tossing it on top of where her t-shirt had landed moments earlier. 

"You don't give yourself enough credit, Jay. Every girl dreams of being with a man like you. You could fill a whole calendar with great sexy photos that would make people drool." 

"Maybe I should help the firefighters out with their calend-"

"Not happening, nope, not allowed, not at all. That would break Hank's rule of putting your face out in the media, ruining your undercover potential. Furthermore, I would rather keep this appearance of yours a secret between us. I don't want to have to fight off swarms of woman that would be after you." He couldn't help but chuckle at her reasoning, and had to admit that she was right. Losing his ability to go undercover would take away aspects of the job that he loved, and he was ready to get back on the streets as soon as the next case dropped.

"I could see you ripping some of their fake nails off..." He then picks her up, as she instantly wraps her legs around him. "This conversation is just getting in the way of what we should be doing by now..." He then carries her down the hall to the bedsroom, carefully laying her back on the bed. He then crawls up the bed, straddling himself above her. "This is a much better view."

"I see some problems with the current situation." He could not help but look at her confused initially by the comment, but caught her drift immediately as she reached for the belt buckle on his pants.

 "Now I see what you are talking about..." He slips his body up enough so she can removed his pants. He then reaches the button her waist, popping it off before slipping off her pants. "Now does the situation fit your approval?" 

"Not quit-" Her words were cut off by another kiss, as he positioned his cock between her legs, brushing it against her opening.

"Let me fix that. I would not want to disappoint the detective." He then inserts himself into her opening, thrusting against her as he leans down for another kiss. He then matches the kisses to the pace of his thrusts, moans escaping both of them in the process. 

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