Chapter 24: A Set-Up

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Following the meeting at the diner, Jennifer Lowpowsky was instructed to go back to her brother's drug dealer and state she had information in regards to Jay Halstead's location. A call was made, with a meeting set-up for Jennifer and Paul Downey's partner.

"Anything on facial recognition?" Hank asks as he sits alongside Hailey, watching as she takes a scanned photo of the partner and puts it through the program. 

They were sitting in one of the small houses about 15 blocks away, watching everything go down via the pin camera on Jennifer's jacket. Adam and Kim were sitting a couple blocks from where the meeting was, while Kevin was dressed as a homeless man on the street. Each of them were ready to jump into action should Jennifer utter the code word. 

Hailey shakes her head no as she continues to run through the program, shocked as normally every person they threw into the program popped up in a way. They had the faces they would cross reference, which was the Illinois criminal database. They also had the photos of all the workers which worked for Clark Henderson's accounting firm. 

"So I hear you have a location on Officer Jay Halstead," the male states as he keeps his eyes locked on Jennifer. "How do I know that you're not just playing me right now?" 

"It's a reasonable question, but would I risk lying to someone that could blow me up?" Jennifer offers, which was certainly the right way of thinking. It made a lot of people question as to why Jennifer would involve herself in the middle of this case to begin with. Sure, she had some debt and loyalty to Intelligence. Sure, she would get paid for her involvement in helping bring down a criminal. But was the risk to her own safety worth it? 

"Because you are looking to make a quick buck? Let's face it - you probably could use some of this dough." The man then pulls up the edge of his shirt, revealing the stack of cashes that showed just above the edge of his jean pocket. The reveal also showcased the fact that he was carrying a weapon ready to use if necessary. "So, where can I find him? Give me the address. Better yet, give me the proof." 

"I figured you'd want that..." She then reaches into her pocket, pulling out a photo and handing it over to the man before her. It was an image that was handed to her by Hank before the meeting had taken place. The house they were going to use for the set-up had been used in a case before, with an image of Jay taken in front of it. "I crossed paths with Jay and his team before. They busted my best friend for drug procession, and attempted murder. I am still pissed about it and swore they would not get away with it. So when I heard you were looking for him, I went looking in familiar spots and saw him heading into this house. He went in at 9pm, came back out the next morning. I have seen him there before when I contemplating approaching him to ask what he was thinking when he arrested Gina. Now, do I get paid before I tell you the exact address?" 

Hank keeps looking over at Hailey to try and see if she had gotten any identification, while watching the video feed from Jennifer's jacket closely. He lets out a sigh as no names had flashed up on the computer to date yet. 

"You are going to stay here with me while my partner goes to the address," they hear, catching everyone's attention as they watch the previously spotted gun in the guy's pocket get raised. "I am not letting you go until I have assurance business is taken care of. Then you will get paid accordingly." 

"Do not move unless she utters the safe word," Hank radios the team immediately. "He is going to send Paul Dempsey to our location. Once Paul has arrived, Kevin you will take him down before he gets a chance. Do not move until the order is given..." 

"Are you sure he won't take a chance before that?" Hailey wonders, fearing for Jennifer's safety as she felt her heart beat faster in her chest. She wished she knew something about the guy to know what his motives and reactions would be. 

They did not get a chance to contemplate her question any longer as they heard a car pull up in front of the house. Hailey quickly closes her laptop as she ducks by the window, taking a glance at the truck and the individual climbing out. 

She snaps her fingers together, alerting Hank from his position sitting at the opposite end of the hallway with a gun in his hand pointed. That was all that was necessary as Hank knew what it meant. That meant Paul Downey was in their sights and headed to the address as they hoped.

Hailey watches as he reaches into the truck, grabbing a gun and carrying it next to his side as he walks up to the door. She watches as he stops just before, glancing around left and right. She just hoped she wasn't spotted, or anything else that may cause him to turn on his heels right now. Secure with his whereabouts, she hears the front door kicked and swing wide open in a quick swing.

"Chicago PD!" Hank yells as he makes the walk down the hall, growing ever closer to Paul despite the gun still being held in the man's hand and pointed directly at him. "Don't make me shoot you." Hank then cocks back his own gun, chamber focused between the eyes of the man before him. 

"Where is your detective?" Paul demands as he looks left and right, catching where Hailey was sitting by the window. "I'll shoot your lady friend here if you don't tell me where he is." 

"You've already harmed too many of my officers. You're not getting away with another one..." 

Both men then pull their triggers at the same time, with bullets flying back and forth cross the room.

"Offender in custody," Hailey radios as she tackles Paul down the ground. "Need an ambo for a shoulder wound." She then looks towards Hank, her nerves beginning to tremble.

"I'm fine," Hank tells her as he holds his hands up, showing the bullet fired by Paul had missed him entirely. "It's too bad I hadn't killed him for what he did to Jay, though." 

"Offender in custody at our end," they then hear over the radio from Adam. "Everybody is okay here, too." 

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