Chapter 60: Luna Reynolds

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With how well the initial questioning had gone, which Erin knew she would have a stern conversation with her partner afterwards, there were several doubts whether the next question would go over well with the Roberts parents. However, she knew she could not leave without asking as that would go over worse with Hank than at least trying despite a 0.1% chance of happening.

"We were wondering if it'd be possible to speak with Sterling's sister Luna," Erin requests in the calmest voice possible, keeping a stern eye on Jay in hoping he kept out of it considering how unease he had made the parents, especially Kenny. How were they supposed to get any information if he was pushing buttons immediately? What if he had pushed the wrong buttons, and it held back finding the real truth? 

"I promise I will be nicer than I have been to you, Mr. Roberts," Jay comments in noticing the concerning glance still fueled by the anger in the original accusations that were made. Perhaps he had overstepped the boundaries because he knew how important a conversation with Luna would be. Siblings always shared secrets no matter the age, and it would give him more limelight into what the family was like behind the images on the wall. "We just want to speak with her to learn more about your son. Perhaps he shared something with her that he would not share with you. Perhaps she noticed something that she didn't think was important to tell you." 

"We won't push on the topic and we will be kind with how we ask our questions to her, as well." There may had been discontempt on Kenny's face, but Sophie's face was saying all they needed to know.

"I am willing to do whatever it takes to find out who hurt my son," the mother Sophie states clearly and straight to the fact. It was an obvious trait of a mother's love in wanting to do whatever it took. 

"We appreciate that, Mrs. Roberts. Being your daughter is a minor, one or both of you have to sit in on the discussion with her. We can also get a youth officer to be in attendance, and you're welcome to bring your lawyer here first. We are not saying this because we are ready to go after your daughter, or charge her with something, but some parents feel better in having provisions in place to protect their children in fear of what may happen. Are there any questions?" Jay was glad Erin had gone through in explaining everything, knowing she always covered the details better than him in these situations. For him, he wanted to create that personal connection with the child in hopes of finding out what they may not want to say to adults. The whole process never allowed for that to happen it seemed.

"I have a question for your partner," Kenny speaks up, catching Jay's attention. He was not about to skip out on anything this man had to say, still very suspicious of his every action based on what had been said earlier. He could already see himself making an argument for it when they got back to the district. "Are you going to ask my daughter if I was ever abusive to her? Are you going to ask her if I ever smacked her, or hurt her? Are you going to ask if I ever hurt her brother? Are you going to make that assumption when speaking to her?" 

"In cases like these, if I believe it is a possibility, I will ask the question," Jay honestly answers. He stood up straighter as he did so, not letting his blue steel eyes wander away from the father as he does so. If given the chance, he was going to assure the man sitting there that he was onto the game that he was playing. "I won't come out and be rude about it as you may entail. I will simply ask if her father has ever hit her, gotten angry at her, regularly is angry around her? That's all. Simple questions. I won't imply what may not be happening. I won't assume based on the smallest of answers, either. But I can tell you that if it's a possibility, I will damn well ask the question because like I told you, I will do whatever it takes to find the sick bastard that did this to your child. That's why I am here. That's why the mayor wanted this unit on the case. We don't miss, and we take cases like this personally. We make sure they get solved. We will do whatever it takes. You should be thankful for that because that means you will get the answers, and the closures that I think any parent would want in a situation like this." 

"Is it possible for only your partner, I believe Erin Lindsay is her name, to question my daughter alone? I don't trust you around my daughter, if I am being honest. I don't want you filling her mind with stories and theories that aren't the damn truth. That little girl has enough going on with her brother being beaten and killed. I don't need some high mighty detective coming in my house on a high horse and causing more pain." 

"Some high mighty detective?" Jay could not help but laugh as his eyes leave the man to look at Erin, in hopes she was having the same thought he was having right now. This just continued to add to the evidence as the man was turning the tables on Jay in hopes of debunking the theory. He was also hoping to remove the one person who was onto his games and not playing sympathy. "I am glad that is what you think of me for simply coming to your home today and trying to do my job." 

"Jay...." Erin warns as she places her hand on his waist, wishing she could just place it on his chest and chase him out of the house. She knew cases like this get under his skin. They did the same thing to her. That didn't mean they were allowed to do this. It would just cause issues. On top of possibly not solving the case as they wanted, a phone call to Hank or higher may be forth coming. "Mr. Reynolds, if you do not wish for my partner to be there, that is allowed...." 

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