Chapter 15: Seeing Jay

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"Goodwin cleared your schedule for the rest of the day," Connor says as they walk down the hall to Jay's room. They stop at the doorway, with Connor eying his colleague. "She wanted you to be here for him. He needs you, Will. She said she would have the others cover until Dr. Acher arrives to take your shift." 

"Thank you," Will comments, genuinely meaning it. Just based on Connor's words earlier, he knew he wouldn't want to be leaving his brother's side in the next couple of hours.

"The nurses are monitoring everything. I've told them to page me as soon as anything looks off. Same goes for you. Call me immediately." Will nods his head, accepting, truly appreciating the lengths that Connor was going for him right now.

Will then makes his way through the door way and over to the lone chair that sat alongside his brother's bed. He slowly sits down in the seat, eyes locked on the ones that were staring straight up at the ceiling above without a drop of movement right now. Will could tell the frustration of being there and his current condition were laced right under the surface without a word spoken.

Will's eyes did not last long on his brother, instead finding their way up to the monitor that wasn't far from the bed. He found himself analyzing each of the numbers on the screen, mental notes being made. Everything seemed right with his oxygen levels, heart rate, and rhythm right now. He could tell the IV had been set up to deliver morphine every four hours - and knew the dosage was enough to take the edge off. 

Personally, he wished it was higher in knowing the amount of pain that Jay was probably truthfully doing in - maybe oxycodone instead. However, he knew anything of that nature would just cause Jay to be more agitated -and they didn't need that right now with the other issues he had going on. That'd just aggravate his concussion. That could possibly make him breath harder out of panic and more, causing him complications with the pulmonary contusion. He almost wished he could see the scans to see just how big it was. He knew Connor would share them if he asked. That was just part of their relationship together. 

His eyes then focused down to the left hand that braced on the pillow, thanks to the wrist that had been broken in the process. Connor had mentioned in the walk from the lounge to the room that Jay had been chained to a bomb he deactivated, just for another to go off near by. Will hoped it was not significant, knowing that would not go over well as Jay would not accept being off the job due to a simple wrist break. He was glad, though, it was his left hand and not his right hand. He did not need his brother's ability to shoot compromised, wanting him to be at his best ability in knowing he would put his ass right back on the line again. 

He couldn't help but wonder just how many stitches and other cuts lied beneath the bandage that wrapped the entire length of Jay's arm, having been caused thanks to the chain and fall combined. 

There was also the mask that covered his nose and mouth - much better than a tube down the throat, but he knew it probably was not comforting for the man that wore it right now. He knew they'd both be glad when Connor felt confident enough to switch him to nasal if the signs of improvement continued.

"I'm okay," the words break Will's thoughts as he focuses his eyes on his brother, watching as Jay had reached up with his right hand to lift the mask off of his face to speak those words. It felt comforting to hear him speak. It gave Will the confidence in knowing if he was moving and saying things, he would be able to overcome everything thrown at him right now. It offered Will a little brimmer of hope to hold onto with the situation that was before him right now.

"I know," Will comments back in return as he carefully takes the nose, and readjusts back on Jay's face as he looks into his brother's eyes in the process. He knew Jay was putting on the face of strength in trying to make it appear as though nothing was wrong, but Will could see the pain laced behind the eyes that locked with his own. It was just like every time they went through something. Sometimes the pain would break through, but rarely that was the case when it came to Jay. "You need to keep this on right now, though. You have a bruised lung and you need the oxygen to help make it easier to breath. If you take it off, it could bring the bleeding back. Connor also said if it gets worse, he may have put a tube down. I know you don't want that more than anything else you are going through right now. So please just co-operate and wear the mask, okay?" 

The simple nod he got in response as Jay laid his head back against the pillow accepting the instructions was all Will needed in that moment. At least his brother was understanding the severity of his condition and the necessary steps that needed to be taken right now. Sure, he may have used a bit of a fear tactic in getting through, but Will was willing to do whatever it took right now.

In the same token, he was almost disappointed that Jay did not react much in response to his words. He hadn't panicked as he would expect in the mere mention of the possibilities moving forward. Normally he would get an immediate argument about the possibility of a tube. He hadn't argued back that he was fine, displaying the strength and stubbornness he was known for with each thing that happened. 

"You are going to be okay," Will comments as he keeps his eyes locked on him, reaching his hand to place it on top of Jay's. "You are going to be okay, and I am not going anywhere until we make sure that is the case. I love you bro." 

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